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Koonin S.E., Meredith D.C. — Computational Physics-Fortran Version
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Название: Computational Physics-Fortran Version
Авторы: Koonin S.E., Meredith D.C.
Аннотация: Computational Physics is designed to provide direct experience in the computer modeling of physical systems. Its scope includes the essential numerical techniques needed to "do physics" on a computer. Each of these is developed heuristically in the text, with the aid of simple mathematical illustrations. However, the real value of the book is in the eight Examples and Projects, where the reader is guided in applying these techniques to substantial problems in classical, quantum, or statistical mechanics. These problems have been chosen to enrich the standard physics curriculum at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. The book will also be useful to physicists, engineers, and chemists interested in computer modeling and numerical techniques. Although the user-friendly and fully documented programs are written in FORTRAN, a casual familiarity with any other high-level language, such as BASIC, PASCAL, or C, is sufficient.
Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1998
Количество страниц: 639
Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2013
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Mixed boundary conditions 146
Molecular, orbitals 223
Molecular, vibrations 14ff
Molecule, 17 19 221ff
Molecule, 17
Molecule, diatomic 14
Molecule, HD 17
Momentum transfer 98 121
Monte Carlo methods 197ff see
Monte Carlo methods, errors 204
Monte Carlo methods, Green's Function 225
Monte Carlo methods, heat bath algorithm 220
Monte Carlo methods, Path Integral 225
Monte Carlo methods, Path Integral, drift function 226
Monte Carlo methods, Path Integral, harmonic-oscillator potential 230
Monte Carlo methods, uncertainty 198
Monte Carlo methods, weight function 100
Morse potential 19 222
Mott cross section 122
Multi-dimensional integrals 197
Multi-electron atoms 72
Multipole decomposition 79
Multistep methods 29
Navier — Stokes equation 159
Neumann boundary condition 146 150 178
Newton — Cotes quadrature formulas 7
Newton — Raphson root finding 12
No-flux boundary conditions 190
No-slip boundary condition 165
Non-linear, eigenvalue equations 72
Non-linear, equations 189
Non-linear, stability analysis 191
Normal mode solutions 64 191
Nozzle geometry, fluid flow 167
Nuclear, charge distribution 120ff
Nuclear, form factor 121
Nuclear, structure 120
Numerov method 56
One-dimensional Schroedinger equation 15 67ff
Open-shell systems, atomic 78
Optical theorem 100
Orbiting, scattering 23
Ordinary differential equation, first order 25ff
Ordinary differential equation, first order, accuracy monitoring 32
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Adams — Bashforth, four-step method 30
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Adams — Bashforth, two-step method 29
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Adams — Moulton methods 31
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Euler's method 26
Ordinary differential equation, first order, implicit methods 30
Ordinary differential equation, first order, multistep methods 29
Ordinary differential equation, first order, predictor-corrector algorithms 31
Ordinary differential equation, first order, round-off error 36
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Runge — Kutta algorithms 72ff
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Runge — Kutta algorithms, fourth-order 33 42
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Runge — Kutta algorithms, second-order 32
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Runge — Kutta algorithms, third-order 33
Ordinary differential equation, first order, stability 34ff
Ordinary differential equation, first order, Taylor series 28
Ordinary differential equations, second order 56
Ordinary differential equations, second order, accuracy 68
Ordinary differential equations, second order, coupled first order 25
Ordinary differential equations, second order, Cowling's method 56
Ordinary differential equations, second order, initial value problem 58
Ordinary differential equations, second order, Numerov method 56
Over-relaxation 152
Parabolic partial differential equations 169ff
Parabolic partial differential equations, accuracy 174
Parabolic partial differential equations, alternating-direction methods 180
Parabolic partial differential equations, explicit scheme 170
Parabolic partial differential equations, implicit scheme 174
Parabolic partial differential equations, instability 172
Parabolic partial differential equations, stability 174 175
Parabolic partial differential equations, two-dimensional 179ff
Parabolic well potential 69 70 188
Partial differential equations 145ff
Partial differential equations, elliptic 145ff
Partial differential equations, hyperbolic 145
Partial differential equations, initial value problem 169
Partial differential equations, parabolic 145 169ff
Partial wave decomposition 103ff
Partition function 197 216
Path Integral Monte Carlo 225
Pattern selection 189
Pauli principle 14 73 221
Periodic, boundary conditions 158
Periodic, potentials 72
Perturbation theory, Rayleigh — Schroedinger 138
Phase shifts, scattering 104
Phase space 16 37
Phase transition, Ising model 218 220
Phase transition, schematic shell model 141
Plane wave, incident 97
Poisson distribution, random number generation 206
Poisson's equation 55 57 121 146 158
Polynomial approximations, Bessel function 87
Polynomials, Hermite 87
Polynomials, Laguerre 87
Polytropic equation of state 52
Potential 6—12 14 222
Potential, molecular 230
Potential, -function 72
Potential, central 20 38 45 103
Potential, centrifugal 21 104
Potential, Coulomb 57 72 121 222
Potential, double-well 72
Potential, finite square-well 72
Potential, Fock 80
Potential, Gaussian well 101 188
Potential, harmonic-oscillator 230
Potential, Henon and Heiles 42
Potential, Lennard — Jones 14ff 20 69
Potential, Lenz — Jensen 101
Potential, Morse 19 222
Potential, parabolic well 69 70 188
Potential, periodic 72
Potential, square well 69 70 101 188
Predictor-corrector algorithms 31
Pressure forces 159
Profile function 100 129
Programs, how to use 231ff
Pseudo-random numbers 205
Quadrature 1 6ff
Quadrature, accuracy 8 9
Quadrature, Bode's rule 9
Quadrature, Gauss — Chebyshev 96
Quadrature, Gauss — Hermite 95
Quadrature, Gauss — Laguerre 94
Quadrature, Gauss — Legendre 94 102
Quadrature, Gaussian 85 92ff
Quadrature, Gaussian, abscissae 95
Quadrature, Gaussian, weights 95
Quadrature, Monte Carlo methods 197ff
Quadrature, Newton — Cotes 7
Quadrature, round-off error 8 9
Quadrature, Simpson's rule 9
Quadrature, Simpson's rule 7
Quadrature, Trapezoidal rule 7
Quantization, semiclassical 14ff
Quantum scattering 96ff
Quantum states, stationary 67 see
Quasi-spin operators 136
Rainbow scattering 23
random number generation 205ff
Random number generation, Gaussian (or normal) distribution 208
Random number generation, linear congruential method 205
Random number generation, Metropolis algorithm 210
Random number generation, Metropolis algorithm, correlations 214 219
Random number generation, Metropolis algorithm, thermalization 214
Random number generation, Metropolis algorithm, trial step size 213
Random number generation, Poisson distribution 206
Random number generation, pseudo-random 205
Random number generation, von Neumann rejection 207
Random walk 210
Rayleigh — Ritz variational principle 73
Rayleigh — Schroedinger perturbation theory 138
Recoil correction 131
Recursion relation, cylindrical Bessel function 87ff
Recursion relation, Legendre polynomials 86
Recursion relation, spherical Bessel functions 92
Relativistic kinematics 47 122
Relaxation method, elliptic partial differential equations 154
Residual interactions 134
Reynolds number, lattice 163
Reynolds number, physical 163
Root-finding 11ff 113
Root-finding, convergence 13
Root-finding, Newton — Raphson 12
Root-finding, secant method 12
Root-finding, simple search 11
Round-off error, boundary value problem 60 61
Round-off error, differentiation 4
Round-off error, eigenvalue problem 186
Round-off error, forward recursion of Bessel functions 90
Round-off error, matrix inversion 112
Round-off error, ordinary differential equations 36
Round-off error, quadrature 8 9
Runge — Kutta algorithms 32ff
Runge — Kutta algorithms, fourth-order 33 42
Runge — Kutta algorithms, second-order 32
Runge — Kutta algorithms, third-order 33
Rutherford cross section 121
Scattering, amplitude 97
Scattering, amplitude, Born 98
Scattering, amplitude, eikonal 99
Scattering, angle 20
Scattering, classical 20ff
Scattering, Dirac 129
Scattering, electron 96ff 103ff 102ff
Scattering, high energy electrons 96ff
Scattering, low-energy electrons 103ff
Scattering, orbiting 23
Scattering, phase shifts 104
Scattering, quantum-mechanical 96ff
Scattering, rainbow 23
Schematic shell model 134ff
Schematic shell model, phase transition 141
Schematic shell model, semiclassical method 139
Schematic shell model, tunneling 142
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent 146 169 186ff 221
Schroedinger equation, time-dependent, tunneling 188
Schroedinger equation, time-independent 15 67ff 97 103 146 181 221
searches see "Root finding"
Secant method, eigenvalue problem 65
Secant, root-finding 12
Second quantization 135
Second-order ordinary differential equations, Numerov method 56
Self-consistent field approximation 72
Semiclassical, method, schematic shell model 139
Semiclassical, quantization 14ff
Semiclassical, scattering 98
Separable Hamiltonians 38
Separatrix 42
Shell model, schematic 133
Shooting method, boundary value problem 64 67
Simple search, eigenvalue problem 65
Simple search, root finding 11
Simpson's rule 9
Simpson's rule 7
Single-particle wave function 72
Singular matrix 111
Singularities, integrable 10
Sirius B 53
Slater determinant 73
Solar mass and radius 51
Sparse matrix 145 151
Special functions 85ff
Special functions, recursion relations 86ff
Specific heat 217
Spherical Bessel functions 92 104
Spherical geometry, elliptic partial differential equation 156
Spin degrees of freedom 215
Spin state, electron 73
square well potential 69 70 101 188
Stability analysis, non-linear equations 191
Stability, ordinary differential equations 34ff
Stability, parabolic partial differential equation 175
Stability, partial differential equation 174
Stars, 40 Eri B 53
Stars, Sirius B 53
Stars, Stein 2051 53
Stars, white dwarf 46ff
Stationary quantum states 67
Steady state hydrodynamics 158ff
Stein 2051 53
Stream, function 161
Stream, lines 161
Stretched string 64
SU(2) group 136
Surface of section 39
Susceptibility, magnetic 217
Taylor series 2 28
Temperature distribution 157
Thermalization, Metropolis algorithm 214
Thermodynamic properties, Ising model 215
Thomas — Fermi model of the atom 101
Time-dependent Schroedinger equation 146 169 186ff 221
Time-independent Schroedinger equation 15 67ff 97 103 146 181 221
Torus 41
Torus, invariant 42
Total cross section 97
Trajectory 38
Trapezoidal rule 7
Tri-diagonal matrix 113 151 175
Tri-diagonal matrix, Householder method 115
Tri-diagonal matrix, matrix reduction to 115
Trial step size, Metropolis algorithm 213
Tunneling, schematic shell model 142
Tunneling, time-dependent Schroedinger equation 188
Uncertainty, Monte Carlo methods 198
Uncertainty, nuclear charge density parameters 125
Under-relaxation 152
Unitary evolution operator 187
valence electrons 78
Van der Waals interaction 14
Variational, calculation, treatment of two-electron system 76
Variational, calculus 77
Variational, energy, molecule 223
Variational, principle 148
Variational, wave function, molecule 224
Vibrations 146
Vibrations, molecular 14ff
Virial theorem 77 81
viscosity 159
von Neumann rejection, random number generation 207
Vortex 167
Vorticity 161
Wake 162
Wave function, quantum state, stationary 67
Wave function, single-particle 72
Wave function, WKB 70
Weight function, Monte Carlo 200
Weights, gaussian quadrature 95
White dwarf stars 46ff
WKB, approximation 16
WKB, wave function 70
wronskian 62