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Taylor J.R. — An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements
Taylor J.R. — An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements

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Название: An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements

Автор: Taylor J.R.


This best-selling text by John Taylor, now released in its second edition, introduces the study of uncertainties to lower division science students. Assuming no prior knowledge, the author introduces error analysis through the use of familiar examples ranging from carpentry to well-known historic experiments. Pertinent worked examples, simple exercises throughout the text, and numerous chapter-ending problems combine to make the book ideal for use in physics, chemistry, and engineering lab courses. The first edition of this book has been translated into six languages.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 349

Добавлена в каталог: 24.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Standard deviation of mean      102—103
Standard deviation of mean, justification of      147—148
Standard deviation, as 68t% confidence limit      135—137
Standard deviation, as uncertainty in one measurement      101—102
Standard deviation, definition      99—100
Standard deviation, of binomial distribution      232
Standard deviation, of Gauss function      134
Standard deviation, of limiting distribution      129
Standard deviation, of measurements as estimate of width of distribution      139—140
Standard deviation, of Poisson distribution      249
Standard deviation, of the standard deviation      140 297—298
Standard deviation, population      100
Standard deviation, sample      100 294—298
Standard deviation, “improved” definition      100
Standard error      102 (see also Standard deviation of mean)
Statistical hypothesis      237 238
Step-by-step propagation of errors      66—68
Straight-line graphs      24—27 181—182
Straight-line graphs, slope of      25 40
Student’s $t$ distribution      150
Subtracting background events      254—255
Sum in quadrature      58 (see also Addition in quadrature)
Sum of measured numbers      38 49—50 60
Systematic component of error      106
Systematic error      11 94—97 106—109
Target practice and error      95—96
Testing, of hypotheses      236—240
Testing, of ski wax      236—238
True error      18
TRUE value      130
Two-tailed probability      239
Uncertainty      14
Uncertainty, absolute      29
Uncertainty, fractional      28—31
Uncertainty, in counting experiments      48—49 249
Uncertainty, in differences      22—24 41—42 49—50 60
Uncertainty, in direct measurements      46—49
Uncertainty, in function of several variables      75
Uncertainty, in functional of one variable      65
Uncertainty, in least-squares parameters $A$ and $B$      188
Uncertainty, in mean      see Standard deviation of mean
Uncertainty, in measured quantity times exact number      54—55
Uncertainty, in powers      55—56 66
Uncertainty, in products      31—34 53 61
Uncertainty, in quotients      53 61
Uncertainty, in reading scales      8—9
Uncertainty, in repeatable measurements      10—11
Uncertainty, in square root      66
Uncertainty, in sums      38 49—50 60
Uncertainty, in the standard deviation      140 297—298
Uncertainty, in the uncertainty      140 297—298
Uncertainty, in weighted average      176
Uncertainty, independent      57—62
Uncertainty, meaning of      14 149
Uncertainty, partial      76
Uncertainty, percent      29
Uncertainty, propagation of      see Error propagation
Uncertainty, relative      28
Uncertainty, units of      16 29
Uncertainty, when not stated      9 (see also Error)
Uncorrelated variables      218
Universe distribution      126 (see also Limiting distribution)
Upper bound for propagated error      214—215
Variance      100 (see also Standard deviation)
Weighted average      174—177
Weighted average, definition      175
Weighted average, uncertainty in      176
Weighted least-squares fit to a line      201
Weighted least-squares fit to a line, uncertainties for      204
Weighted sum      123
Width parameter $\sigma$ of normal distribution      131
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