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Krane K.S. — Introductory nuclear physics |
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Neutron-proton mass difference 444
Neutron-proton ratio, early universe 763 766
Neutrons, Bragg diffraction of 455
Neutrons, Bragg reflection of 471 472
Neutrons, capture (radiative) of 462
Neutrons, cross section, resonance 457
Neutrons, cross section, resonance, total 456 460
Neutrons, cross section, resonance, velocity dependence of 451—452 459
Neutrons, crystal structure determinations using 473—475
Neutrons, detection of 451—452
Neutrons, diffraction of 465—475
Neutrons, elastic scattering o£ 448
Neutrons, gravitational effects on 468
Neutrons, interferometer for 467
Neutrons, moderation of 448—451
Neutrons, monochromator for 473
Neutrons, proton recoil detectors of 455
Neutrons, radiotherapy with 811
Neutrons, resonance scattering 427
Neutrons, spin precession in magnetic field 468
Neutrons, thermalization of 450
Neutrons, time-of-flight method 453—454
Neutrons, velocity selection 453
Normal distribution see "Gaussian distribution"
Normalization 12
Nuclear deformation 142
Nuclear deformation, effect on shell structure 151
Nuclear deformation, electric quadrupole moment and 143
Nuclear magnetic resonance 629 639
Nuclear magnetic resonance, imaging by 807 808
Nuclear magneton 73 606
Nuclear medicine 800—812
Nuclear molecule 433
Nuclear orientation 637
Nucleon 5
Nucleon emission 176
Nucleon, internal structure 721 727
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, central force 100
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, charge independence 102
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, charge symmetry 102
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, diagrams for 704
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, exchange forces 108
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, potentials 107
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, properties 80 100
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, repulsive core 103—104
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, spin dependence 92 100
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, spin-orbit term 104
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, square-well potential 82
Nucleon-nucleon interaction, tensor force 101
Nucleosynthesis, chronometer 783—784
Nucleosynthesis, duration of 781—782
Nucleosynthesis, primordial 764—768
Nucleosynthesis, Re-Os chronometer 783
Nucleosynthesis, stellar, charged-particle processes 769—776
Nucleosynthesis, stellar, charged-particle processes, neutron capture processes 776
Nuclide 5
Oklo reactor see "Fission reactors natural"
Omega meson 682 683 684
Optical model 413—416 461
Oriented nuclei, alpha decay 260
Oriented nuclei, beta decay 312
Oriented nuclei, gamma decay 337
Oxygen effect 810
Oxygen enhancement ratio 811
Pair production 201 221
Pairing force 68 74
Pairing force, effect on fission 489
Pairing, breakdown at high angular momentum 438
Parity 37 714
Parity violation 38
Parity, nonconservation of 309—315
Parity, nonconservation of, in alpha decay 315
Parity, nonconservation of, in nuclear states 313 315
Parity, nuclear 71
Partial wave expansion 409
Particle current density 14
Particle decays, angular momentum conservation 714
Particle decays, energy of products 711
Particle decays, parity conservation 715
Particle identifier 239—241
Particle reactions, angular momentum conservation 714
Particle reactions, energy of products 713
Particle reactions, threshold energy 594 714
Particle-induced X-ray emission 791
Particle-induced X-ray emission, cross sections 792—793
Paschen — Back effect 618—619
Pauli exclusion principle 40
Peak fitting 225
PET scan 806 807
Phase shift 88 89 41 425
Phase stability 574 590
Photoelectric absorption 221
Photoelectric cross section 199
photoelectric effect 198
Photomultiplier tube 208 212 213
Photopeak 222
Pi meson 111
Pi meson, decay 658 665 667
Pi meson, decay, electron vs. muon modes 668
Pi meson, discovery 655
Pi meson, exchange of 111
Pi meson, exchange potential 112
Pi meson, isospin 656
Pi meson, lifetime 665—666
Pi meson, mass 656—661
Pi meson, parity 663
Pi meson, production reactions 669—671
Pi meson, reactions with nucleons 671—679
Pi meson, resonances with nucleons 675—679
Pi meson, spin 661 663
Pi meson, strong coupling constant 112
Pi mesons, radiotherapy with 811
Pi-mesic X rays 656
Pion see "Pi meson"
Poisson distribution 219
Polarimeters 241—243
Polarization, linear, of gamma rays 341
Polarized beams 104
Positron decay 174
Positron emission tomography (PET) 806
Potential well, one-dimensional, finite 22
Potential well, one-dimensional, infinite 20
Potential well, three-dimensional Cartesian, infinite 25
Potential well, three-dimensional spherical, infinite 27
Potential, central 27
Preamplifier 220
probability density 12
Probability density, radial 29
Proportional counter 205
Proportional counter, avalanche 206
Proportional counter, drift time 206
Proportional counter, electric field 205
Proportional counter, Geiger — Muller region 206
Proportional counter, multiwire 240 242
Proton 4
Proton emission 255 256 257
Proton, decay of 750
Proton, magnetic dipole moment 623
Psi resonance 733—736
Psi resonance, excited states 740 744—745
Psi resonance, Zweig-suppressed decays 735—736
Q value, reaction 380
Q value, reaction, mass determined from 62 384
Quadrupole lens 561 562
Quadrupole moment see "Electric quadrupole moment"
Quality factor 186
Quark model 718—721
Quark model, asymptotic freedom 742
Quark model, charm included 733
Quark model, colorless 722
| Quark model, decay analysis using 729—732
Quark model, disconnected diagrams in 729
Quark model, evidence for color 724
Quark model, flavor-changing weak decays 727 732
Quark model, gluon exchange 724
Quark model, infrared slavery 742
Quark model, quantum chromodynamics 742
Quark model, reaction analysis using 727
Quark, bottom 739—740
Quark, charm 733 735—737
Quark, top 740 742
Quarks, color field 743
Quarks, colors of 722
Quarks, existence of free 746
Quarks, existence within nucleon 721
Quarks, flavors of 720
Quarks, fractional charges 720
Quarks, fractional charges, experimental indication 740
Quarks, free, in early universe 762
Quarks, free, in early universe, experimental searches 746
Quarks, magentic dipole moments 745—746
Quarks, masses 744—746
Quarks, Pauli principle 721
Quarks, symmetry with leptons 747
r process nucleosynthesis 776
Rad (unit) 186
Radial equation 27
Radiation damage 328
Radiation standards 187
Radiation, effects on living tissue 809
Radiation, units for measuring 184 187
Radioactive dating 181
Radioactive decay, chain o£ 170
Radioactive decay, exponential law 161
Radioactive decay, growth of daughter 171
Radioactive decay, statistical theory 161
Radioactivity, artificial 160
Radioactivity, induced 160 169
Radioactivity, natural 178
Radiocarbon dating 184
Radiocarbon dating, accelerator use in 795
Radium-beryllium neutron source 445
Radius, nuclear 44 48
Radius, nuclear, charge vs. matter 58
Radius, nuclear, from alpha decay 57 254
Radius, nuclear, from Coulomb energy difference 56
Radius, nuclear, from electron scattering 50
Radius, nuclear, from muonic isotope shifts 55
Radius, nuclear, from neutron cross sections 462
Radius, nuclear, from optical isotope shifts 53
Radius, nuclear, from pi-mesic X rays 57
Radius, nuclear, from Rutherford scattering 57 402
Radius, nuclear, from X-ray isotope shifts 52
Radius, nuclear, shell structure 120
Range, alpha particle 193 195 203
Range, deuteron 195
Range, different particles in same material 196
Range, electron 198 203
Range, energy dependence 194
Range, extrapolated 203
Range, mean 193 203
Range, photon 203
Range, proton 195
Range-energy relationship, electrons 198
Range-energy relationship, heavy particles 195
Reaction, 447
Reaction, 384
Reaction, 382
Reaction, 445
Reaction, 432
Reaction, 383
Reaction, 454
Reaction, 384
Reaction, 437
Reaction, 439
Reaction, 391
Reaction, 437
Reaction, 406
Reaction, 406
Reaction, 430
Reaction, 418
Reaction, 387
Reaction, 429
Reaction, 385
Reaction, 427
Reaction, 427 464
Reaction, 421—422
Reactions, angular distribution of products 382
Reactions, channels 410
Reactions, compound nucleus model 416—419
Reactions, compound nucleus model, angular dependence 418
Reactions, compound nucleus model, experimental verification 417
Reactions, conservation laws 380
Reactions, Coulomb elastic scattering see "Rutherford scattering"
Reactions, Coulomb inelastic scattering see "Coulomb excitation"
Reactions, cross section 392—394 408—413
Reactions, cross section, differential 393
Reactions, cross section, elastic scattering 411
Reactions, cross section, partial wave analysis 411
Reactions, cross section, total 412
Reactions, direct 419—424
Reactions, direct, angular dependence 421
Reactions, direct, angular momentum transfer 421
Reactions, direct, spectroscopic factor 424
Reactions, energy of products 382
Reactions, evaporation 419
Reactions, experimental techniques 395—396
Reactions, heavy-ion 431—440
Reactions, inelastic 408
Reactions, interference between resonance and potential scattering 428
Reactions, isospin conservation 391
Reactions, observables 379
Reactions, optical model analysis 413—416
Reactions, phase shifts 411
Reactions, pickup 420
Reactions, Q value 381
Reactions, Q value, excited states 387
Reactions, Q value, mass determination from 62 384
Reactions, resonance 414—431
Reactions, resonance, Breit — Wigner formula 428
Reactions, resonance, cross section 426
Reactions, resonance, energy width 425—426
Reactions, resonance, phase shifty 425
Reactions, scattering (nuclear) 405—408
Reactions, stripping 420
Reactions, threshold energy 382
Reactions, transfer 420
Reactions, types 379
Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) 186
Rem (unit) 187
Resolution see "Energy resolution" "Time
Resonance fluorescence, nuclear 361
Resonances, meson 679—686
Resonances, nucleon 671 678
Resonant photon absorption, cross section 361—362
Resonant photon absorption, Doppler broadening 363—365
Resonant photon absorption, recoil correction 362 364—365
Resonant photon absorption, width 362
Rho meson 680 681 684
Roentgen (unit) 185
Rotational band 144
Rotational model 142
Rotational model, deviation at large angular momentum 436
Rubidium-strontium dating method 183
Rutherford backscattering 797 798 799
Rutherford scattering 396—405
Rutherford scattering, closest approach of projectile 397
Rutherford scattering, differential cross section 399
Rutherford scattering, electron-quark 723
Rutherford scattering, experimental verification 400—401
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