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Melvin M. Weiner — Adaptive antennas and receivers
Melvin M. Weiner — Adaptive antennas and receivers

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Название: Adaptive antennas and receivers

Автор: Melvin M. Weiner


In our modern age of remote sensing, wireless communication, and the nearly endless list of other antenna-based applications, complex problems require increasingly sophisticated solutions. Conventional antenna systems are no longer suited to high-noise or low-signal applications such as intrusion detection. Detailing highly effective approaches to non-Gaussian weak signal detection, Adaptive Antennas and Receivers provides an authoritative introduction to state-of-the-art research on the modeling, testing, and application of these technologies. Edited by innovative researcher and eminent expert Melvin M. Weiner, this book is the first to integrate three advanced approaches to non-Gaussian weak signal detection into a single reference: homogeneous partitioning of the surveillance volume, adaptive antennas, and adaptive receivers. Comprising self-contained chapters contributed by renowned experts such as Donald D. Weiner and Ronald Fante, each chapter explores the techniques, theoretical basis, and applications of the approach under discussion. The book considers signal detection in the presence of external noise such as clutter residue, interference, atmospheric noise, jammers, external thermal noise, in vivo surrounding tissue, and camouflaging material, making it ideal for use across a broad spectrum of applications. This authoritative reference supplies more than 750 figures and tables, 1460 equations, and 640 references. Adaptive Antennas and Receivers is an ideal resource for improving performance in surveillance, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence, computer tomography, neuroscience, and intrusion detection systems, to name only a few.

Язык: en

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 1206

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2013

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