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Anand V., Chakrabarty K. — Cisco IP Routing Protocols: Trouble Shooting Techniques
Anand V., Chakrabarty K. — Cisco IP Routing Protocols: Trouble Shooting Techniques

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Название: Cisco IP Routing Protocols: Trouble Shooting Techniques

Авторы: Anand V., Chakrabarty K.


Keep Your Network Up and Running! Cisco IP Routing Protocols: Troubleshooting Techniques is a comprehensive reference guide for network professionals facing problems with implementing and configuring IP routing protocols. It begins with an explanation of troubleshooting methodologies and tools, including Cisco and TCP/IP diagnostic commands and basic protocol behavior. From there it covers possible and potential real-world problems in configuring and deploying routing protocols in small, medium, and large networks. Using a unique building block approach, the entire process of solving problems associated with routing protocols is covered — isolation of the problem, classification of the problem, identification of the root cause of the problem, event correlation, and resolution. Through a visually intensive format, the book helps network professionals learn to troubleshoot real-life IP routing problems promptly, quickly, and efficiently. Features:
* Teaches network professionals to identify, isolate, and solve many problems associated with IP routing in various environments, including LAN, VLAN, and WAN
* Provides a systematic methodology for troubleshooting complex network problems
* Addresses a number of technologies, including: dynamic and static routing protocols, interior and exterior gateway protocols, RIP versions I and II, IGRP, EIGRP, and OSPF
* Covers the essential material tested on the Cisco exam "Internet Troubleshooting Support" (CIT 642-831) for CCNP certification

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 409

Добавлена в каталог: 05.05.2006

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