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Lecky-Thompson G.W. — Corporate Software Project Management
Lecky-Thompson G.W. — Corporate Software Project Management

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Íàçâàíèå: Corporate Software Project Management

Àâòîð: Lecky-Thompson G.W.


It has long been accepted in the software industry that projects will be late, over budget, and lacking in agreed upon features due to technical or time limitations. As more companies become involved with the development and deployment of large-scale software projects, it is necessary to define ways to ensure that quality products are produced. Corporate Software Project Management teaches the three main areas for efficient software development: management, quality, and client relations. It provides a series of globally applicable methods that can enhance productivity and reduce costs within software teams, without sacrificing quality. The book deals with both the management aspects and the technical side of software engineering. Examples of how software can be designed to maximize code for future projects are also included. Corporate Software Project Management provides managers, developers, and programmers with methodologies and techniques that will help them produce quality products from start to finish.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 350

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.05.2006

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'Redistributables'      256
Acceptance testing of new features      292—293
Acceptance testing, user      73
Access databases      46
Account manager      330
Accounting system, viewpoint structure for (fig.)      51
Accuracy vs. client satisfaction      147
Acronyms and documentation standards      24
Action Diagrams      53
Active prototypes      234
Ada programming languages      121
Administration Guide      98
Agenda style      26
Aggregation in object-oriented design      152—153
Analyses, included in Functional Specification      142—143
Analyses, product quality      330
Analyses, viewpoint      50
API Reference guide      98
APIs (application programming interfaces)      113
Applications, coding language and performance      222
Applications, copy protection of      257
Applications, multiuser networked, security      117—118
Applications, preparing for delivery      254—258
Applications, rapid development systems      235
Applications, Windows written in C      219
Arguments, test data for validation      82—83
Arrays      86—87
Artifacts, structuring source code by type of      194
Assemblers described      211
Assembly language      211—215
Attributes, data- vs. process-oriented design      149—150
Auditing quality assurance process      283
Augmented waterfall process model      63—68
Automating testing procedures      78—81
Badges (product labels)      283—284
BASIC programming language      160
Benchmarking      275 282—283
Beta versions      21
BIOS disk space and drive information      87—88
black box testing      88
Block separators in code      33
Book, this, CD-ROM, about      363—364
Book, this, management, quality, and client relation focus      xxii
Book, this, Part I, the product mix      1—2
Book, this, Part II, principles of corporate software engineering      89—90
Book, this, Part III, principles of software quality control      269
Borland Delphi development environment      160
Boundary, system      98—99
byte code      211—214
C programming language and writing PDL      121
C programming language, test harness written in      79—81
C programming language, Windows applications in      219
C++ programming language as object-oriented language      159—160
C++ programming language, classes      218
C++ programming language, prototyping with      229
Capacity, multi-user levels      116—117
Capacity, system, and performance      138
Capturing requirements      95—98 331—335
Cardinality notation      147—149
CD-ROM, about book's      363—364
CDs and database performance      116
CDs as delivery media      254
CDs as permanent storage      119
Central storage      113
Certification vs. testing      304—306
Certification, testing      88
Certification, training      284
Change History subsection, structured documents      16
Change request procedures      177 264—265 322
Change tracking, management      189—190 315—316
Chapter summaries, coding and language choice      222—223
Chapter summaries, corporate quality      284
Chapter summaries, delivery      266—267
Chapter summaries, feedback techniques      324
Chapter summaries, first prototype      236—237
Chapter summaries, Functional Specification      143—144
Chapter summaries, functionality, adding to prototype      252
Chapter summaries, implementation strategies, guidelines      360—361
Chapter summaries, Liaison Center      18
Chapter summaries, object and component archive      207—208
Chapter summaries, object-oriented programming      165
Chapter summaries, product development      69
Chapter summaries, Requirements Definition document      104
Chapter summaries, requirements specification      126
Chapter summaries, reusable code      185—186
Chapter summaries, specifications      57
Chapter summaries, standards and guidelines      36—37
Chapter summaries, testing      88 306—307
Chapter summaries, testing procedures      306—307
Character data, scalar variable limits      84—86
Checklists, quality      277
Chicago Manual of Style      23
Choosing appropriate prototyping paradigm      61
Class network diagram (fig.)      156
Classes and compiled 'glue' languages      218
Classes in C++      159—160
Classes, class tree (fig.)      157
Classes, data- vs. process-oriented design      149—150
Classes, diagramming, inheritance in      153—158
Classes, modules and      161
Classes, names, making searchable      198—199
Client satisfaction      326—336
Client/server systems and network protocols      117—118
Clients and project teams      5—6
Clients, communication, and Liaison Center      6—7
Clients, educating the      340
Clients, feedback from prototype      234—236
Clients, role in developing specifications      40—41
Code      see also "Coding"
Code Complete (Microsoft Press)      31
Code, comments in      32
Code, glue      251
Code, portability of      221—222
Code, searchable executable      207
Code, specifications      see "Specifications"
Coding and cross coding      242—243
Coding, 'implement and fix' approach      60
Coding, standards      31—34
Coding, testing for errors      249
Collecting data, standards      34—35
Command-line, interface, designing prototype      231—232
Command-line, options, documenting in Programmer's Guide      205
Communication of corporate quality      272—275
Communication with clients, employees      6—7 10—11
Communication, documents and templates      35—36
Communication, external systems      139
Communication, languages      215
Communication, Liaison Center functions      4—5 314—321
Companies, implementation strategies and guidelines      343—360
Competence and quality excellence      331
Competence, technical, and specifications development      45
Compiled languages      212—213
Compilers, internal      214
Completion, maintenance phase of projects      27
Compliance sheets for test result documentation      77—78
Component galleries vs. object reuse      179—180
Component Gallery (GC), designing, documenting      204—207
Component Gallery (GC), Librarian, role of      352
Component Gallery (GC), sourcing blocks      241—242
constants, naming conventions      200
Contracts, Contractual Obligations, in Functional Specification      141—142
Contracts, maintenance      31
Contracts, managing, Liaison Center task      9—10
Conventions      see also "Standards"
Conventions in Data Dictionary      131
Conventions, filenaming      197
Conventions, time, date      20—21
Copy protection of product      257
Corporate quality, documenting      280—284
Corporate quality, managing      275—284
Corporate quality, projecting, promoting      271—275
Corporate software engineering principles      89—90
Correctness, testing      298 319
Costs, fault elimination      56
Costs, Liaison Center benefits      13
Costs, Open Source software      180—181
Costs, surveying for client satisfaction      327
Counting code lines      34
Countries, ISO tags      137
Cross coding      242—243
Cross-platform solutions      213
Currency, and documentation standards      23—24
Customer objects, data design diagram (fig.)      53
Customization of product      263—265
CVS versioning system      188
Cycles, software development      see "Software Development Life Cycle"
Cycles, test (fig.)      76
Data dictionary      130—137 139
Data Management Systems      216
Data, assembling test      248
Data, collection standards      34—35
Data, design diagrams      51—52
Data, entities, in Data Dictionary      131—133 139
Data, modeling      51—52
Data, standards documentation      20
Data, storage, and system model      100—101
Data, structure diagrams      147—149
Data, types      82—86 133—134
Data-flow diagrams      54
Databases, definition in specifications      46
Databases, project      8—9
Databases, requirements, in specifications      94 109 113—115
Databases, search capacities for      114
Dates, data testing of      83—84
Debugging      87—88
Decomposition, functional      53—54
Defining, objects in object-oriented design      151
Defining, requirements      29—30
Defining, standards for documentation      20—26
Definitions and specifications      110—112
Delivery, customization      263—265
Delivery, media      254—255
Delivery, overview      256—257
Delivery, package preparation      253—254
Delivery, phase, development process      67—68
Delivery, supporting documentation      258—263
Delivery, training component      265—266
Demonstration stage, prototyping      233—234
Dependencies and prototyping      227 233
Dependencies, external, simulating      251—252
Dependencies, resource, documenting      201—202
Dependencies, system, testing      300—304
Design Correctness Metric (DCM)      319
Design, documents, in repository      202—203
design, object-oriented      150—158
Design, phase, validating      66—67
Design, process-oriented      149
Design, turning into product, step in      240
Designing, Component Gallery      204—207
Designing, data modeling      51—52
Designing, product development      66
Designing, prototype      226—228
Designing, user interface      47—48
Development and Testing process      67
Diagrams and specifications      48—54
Diagrams in object-oriented design      154—158
Diagrams, class description (fig.)      155
Diagrams, data design      51—52
Diagrams, data structure (fig.)      147
Diagrams, data-flow      54
Diagrams, flow      129
Diagrams, object interaction      157—158
Diagrams, process      128—130
Diagrams, tabular collection      99
Dialog boxes, prototyping      230—231
Document definition languages      216
Documentation and document information systems      16—18
Documentation and project phases      26—31
Documentation for Component Gallery      205—207
Documentation in Functional Specification      142
Documentation of test results      77—78
Documentation, design      202—203
Documentation, layout and structure      15—16
Documentation, Liaison Center task      11—12
Documentation, prototype      227—228 236—237
Documentation, Reporting Line      312—313
Documentation, Requirements Definition document      91—94 97—98
Documentation, reuse policy      168—173
Documentation, Software Requirements document      103—104
Documentation, specification terminology      46—47
Documentation, supporting delivery      254 258—263
Documentation, writing style      23
Documenting, objects for Object Repository      200—204
Documenting, quality      280—284
Documenting, reporting line      310—314
Dongles      257
Double contingency, building into projects      28
Drivers, system dependencies      302
DVDs and database performance      116
DVDs as permanent storage      119
DVDs, delivery      254—255
Dynamic memory, testing      87
E-mail addresses      22
Education, client      340
Eiffel programming language      121
Employees, communication with      10—11
Encapsulation in object-oriented design      150—151
End users and user interface design      47—48
End users, role in developing specifications      43—44
End users, services, defining for requirements capture      96
Errors in prototype code      249
Errors, costs of fault elimination      55—57
Errors, testing scenarios      291—294
Ethics of using Open Source code      185
Executable code, searchable      207
Execution phase of projects      27 29—30
Expertise and choice of coding language      220
Expertise of development staff, and documentation standards      146
Exploratory programming process model      62
Exported functions      232
External clients and project teams      5—6
external dependencies      233 251—252
External systems communication      139
Feedback and reusable code, objects      175—176
Feedback, techniques      309—324
Fields, variable-length      135—137
file compression      196
Filenames and searchable code      196—197
Finding Open Source code      181
Fine-grained repository artifacts      178
Fitness for use, determining      300
Floating-points, data storage type      84
Floating-points, numbers, testing      311
Flow diagrams      129
Formal translation process model      62
Formats, standard notation      135
Forms for problem reports      261—262
Frameworks for software development      221
function definitions      130
functional decomposition      53—54
Functional definitions, specifications      29—30 110—112
Functional requirements      101 123
Functional Requirements Specification      93 109 110—111
Functional Specification      127—130 142—143
Functionality, adding to prototype      239—245
Functions, exported, in prototype      232—233
Functions, iterative development of      246
Functions, limiting size of code      33—34
Glossary section of structured document      16
Glossary, contents of, managing      102
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