Activated relaxation of interacting defects 100
Activated relaxation of tunneling systems in glasses 136 149 150
Asymmetry energy for a defect pair 32 47
Asymmetry energy of two-level systems in glasses 121
Asymmetry energy, effect on rotary echoes 42
Average relaxation amplitude 72 97
Break-down of two-level description 135 149
Correlation spectrum 186
Correlation spectrum for interacting defects 80
Correlation spectrum for the spin-boson model 128 134
Coupling to elastic waves of substitutional defects 18
Coupling to elastic waves of tunneling systems in glasses 124
Cross-over to relaxation of tunneling in glasses 150
Cross-over to relaxation, driven by interaction 109
Cross-over to relaxation, driven by temperature, modecoupling theory 129
Cross-over to relaxation, driven by temperature, small-polaron approach 179
Damping of lithium tunneling 18
Damping through sound waves of substitutional defects 18
Damping through sound waves of TLS in glasses 128
Damping, due to dipolar interaction 81
Debye — Waller factor 161 180
Decoupling of memory functions 185
Decoupling of memory functions for interacting defects 78
Decoupling of memory functions for the spin-boson model 132
Degenerate states in glasses 119
Degenerate states of substitutional defects 10
Density of states of interacting defects 110
Density of states of interacting impurities 84
Density of states of the pair model 57
Dielectric susceptibility for the pair model 64
Dielectric susceptibility of a two-state system 52
Dielectric susceptibility of interacting impurities 72 92 96
Dielectric susceptibility of non-interacting impurities 15
Dielectric susceptibility of two coupled impurities 35 37 38
Dielectric susceptibility, classical limit 112
Dipolar interaction of two impurities 28
Dipolar interaction of two-state systems 53
Dipole moment of a single impurity 14
Dipole moment of a two-state system 52
Elastic quadrupole moment 16
Elastic response function in glasses 137
Elastic response function of a lithium impurity 22
Energy eigenstates of a single impurity 12
Energy eigenstates of two coupled impurities 34
Energy spectrum of the pair model 55
Energy spectrum of two-level systems in glasses 121
Equation of motion for a two-level system 125 156
Equation of motion for interacting two-level systems 69
Fermi’s Golden Rule 18
Fluctuation operators 126
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 186
Fourier transformation 185
Ground-state splitting of a single impurity 12
Ground-state splitting of two coupled impurities 34 38 39
Internal energy of two coupled impurities 35
Internal friction in glasses 137
Internal friction in oxide glasses 143
Internal friction of polystyrene 148
Internal friction relaxational contribution 139
| Internal friction, resonant contribution 138
Internal friction, thermally activated relaxation 140
Isotope effect for relaxation amplitude 100
Isotope effect for relaxation rate 99 105
Isotope effect on resonant absorption 94
Isotope effect on rotary echoes 44 48
Kanzani forces 16
Kramers — Kronig relation 185
Laplace transformation 185
Lattice distortion 16
Memory function for interacting defects 78
Memory function for the spin-boson model 127 130
Mode-coupling equations for interacting impurities 106
Mode-coupling equations for the spin-boson model 132
Ohmic damping 123
Oxide glasses, sound propagation 143
Perturbation series for the damping rate 163
Perturbation theory, Rayleigh — Schroedinger 29 46
Polaron transformation 154
Polycrystalline metals, sound propagation 146
Polymers, sound propagation 148
Rabi frequency 41
Relaxation amplitude for interacting defects 96
Relaxation of TLS in glasses 134 149
Relaxation peak for interacting defects 101
Relaxation peak for tunneling in glasses 141
Relaxation, comparison with spin glasses 106
Relevant operators 107
Resolvent identity 70
Saddle-point integration 166
Schottky anomaly 13 88
Selection rules, dielectric 14
Selection rules, elastic 17
Self-consistent equation for relaxation amplitude 201
Self-consistent equation for the damping rate 133
Soft-potential model 136
Sound velocity in amorphous solids 137
Sound velocity in oxide glasses 145
Sound velocity in polycrystalline metals 147
Sound velocity of doped alkali halides 22
Sound velocity, relaxational contribution 139
Sound velocity, resonant contribution 138
Sound velocity, thermally activated relaxation 141
Specific heat for the pair model 58
Specific heat of a single impurity 13
Specific heat of glasses 119
Specific heat of interacting impurities 87
Spin operators for a lithium impurity 51
Spin operators for TLS, energy eigenstates 126
Spin operators for TLS, localized states 120
Spin-boson model 123 153
Statistical operator for the pair model 56
Statistical operator of a two-level system in glasses 121
Substitutional defect, cyanide 14
Substitutional defect, lithium 9
Thermal conductivity of doped alkali halides 25
Thermal conductivity of glasses 116
Tunneling amplitude of a single impurity 10
Two-state approximation for a defect pair 40 46 54
Two-state approximation for a lithium impurity 51