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Crowell B. — Electricity and Magnetism |
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Alchemy 16
Alpha radiation 43
Ammeter 75
Ampere (unit) 73
Aristotelianism 23
Aristotle 23
atom 22
Atom, planetary model of 45
Atom, raisin-cookie model of 35
Atomic number 48
Atomism 22
Becquerel 41
Beta radiation 43
Binding energy, nuclear 62
Brownian motion 27
Capacitor 139
Cathode rays 31
Cavendish 44
Chadwick, James 49
Charge 18
Chernobyl 65
Church, Catholic 23
Circuit 75
Circuit, complete 75
Circuit, open 75
Circuit, parallel 86
Circuit, series 86
Circuit, short 83
Complete circuit 75
Conductor, defined 81
Conservation of charge 20
Conservation of mass 22
Coulomb (unit) 18
Coulomb’s law 19
Crookes, William 26
Cross-section 51
Curie, Marie 43
Curie, Pierre 43
Current, defined 73
defined 48
Dipole moment 116
Dipole, electric 116
DNA 65
Einstein, Albert and Brownian motion 27
Electric current, defined 73
Electric Dipole 116
electric field 114
Electric field, related to voltage 118
Electric forces 17
Electrolytes 88
Electromagnetic spectrum 137
Electromagnetic waves 136
Electron 34
Elements, chemical 25
Energy, stored in fields 138
Equivalent resistance of resistors in parallel 97
Faraday, Michael 134
Feynman, Richard 142
Field, electric 114
Field, gravitational 112
Field, magnetic 128
Fields of force 109
Fields, superposition of 113
Force, fields of 109
Franklin, Benjamin definition of signs of charge 19
Fusion 61
Galileo 23 132
Gamma radiation 43
Generator 134
Gravitational field 112
Gravitational waves 114
handedness 142
Hertz, Heinrich 137
Hiroshima 66
| Hooke 16
Hugo, Victor 15
Induction 132
Insulator, defined 81
Isotopes 54
Junction rule 97
Keynes, John Maynard 16
Light, defined 24
Loop rule 102
Magnetic field 128
Magnetic field, defined 129
Magnetostatics 130
Marsden 45
Mass, conservation of 22
Matter, defined 24
Maxwell, James Clerk 134
Mendeleev 48
Mendeleev, Dmitri 26
Millikan, Robert 28
Millirem (unit) 65
Moment, dipole 116
Monopoles, magnetic 128
Mosely, Henry 49
Neutral (electrically) 19
Neutron 53
Newton 132
Newton, Isaac 15
Nuclear forces 56 142
Nucleus, discovery 46
Ohmic, defined 81
Open circuit 75
Parallel circuit, defined 86
Planetary model 45
Polarization 136
Proton 52
Quantization 28
Quantization of charge 28
Quark 51
Radar 127
Radiation, types of 43
Raisin cookie model 35
Rem (unit) 65
Resistance in parallel 97
Resistance in series 101
Resistance, defined 80
Resistivity, defined 102
resistor 84
Resistors in parallel 97
Rutherford 45
Rutherford, Ernest 44
Schematic 96
Schematics 96
Scholasticism 23
Sea-of-arrows representation 113
Series circuit, defined 86
Short circuit, defined 83
Sinks in fields 113
Solenoid 131
Sources of fields 113
Special relativity 63
Spectrum, electromagnetic 137
Strong nuclear force 56
Sun, energy production 62
Superposition of fields 113
Symmetry 142
Tesla (unit) 129
Thomson, J.J. cathode ray experiments 32
Transformer 135
Types of electricity 72
Urban, Pope 23
Volt (unit), defined 76
Voltage, related to electric field 118
Waves,electromagnetic 136
Waves,gravitational 114
Weak nuclear force 58 142
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