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Coutsias E.A., Wester M.J., Perelson A.S. — A Nucleation Theory of Cell Surface Capping
Coutsias E.A., Wester M.J., Perelson A.S. — A Nucleation Theory of Cell Surface Capping

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Название: A Nucleation Theory of Cell Surface Capping

Авторы: Coutsias E.A., Wester M.J., Perelson A.S.


Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 87, Nos. 5/6, 1997. p. 1179-1203.
We propose a new theory of cell surface capping based on the principles of nucleation. When antibody interacts with cell surface molecules, the molecules initially form small aggregates called patches that later coalesce into a large aggregate called a cap. While a cap can form by patches being pulled together by action of the cell's cytoskeleton, in the case of some molecules, disruption of the cytoskeleton does not prevent cap formation. Diffusion of large aggregates on a cell surface is slow, and thus we propose that a cap can form solely through the diffusion of small aggregates containing just one or a few cell surface molecules. Here we consider the extreme case in which single molecules are mobile, but aggregates of all larger sizes are immobile. We show that a set of patches in equilibrium with a "sea" of free cell surface molecules can undergo a nucleation-type phase transition in which the largest patch will bind free cell surface molecules, deplete the concentration of such molecules in the "sea," and thus cause the other patches to shrink in size. We therefore show that a cap can form without patches having to move, collide with each other, and aggregate.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 25

Добавлена в каталог: 10.11.2013

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