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Morris S.W., de Bruyn J.R., May A.D. — Patterns at the Onset of Electroconvection in Freely Suspended Smeetic Films
Morris S.W., de Bruyn J.R., May A.D. — Patterns at the Onset of Electroconvection in Freely Suspended Smeetic Films

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Название: Patterns at the Onset of Electroconvection in Freely Suspended Smeetic Films

Авторы: Morris S.W., de Bruyn J.R., May A.D.


Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 64, Nos. 5/6, 1991. p. 1025-1043.
We report the results of experiments on electrically driven convection that occurs in a thin, freely suspended film of smectic A liquid crystal when an electric field is applied in the plane of the film. Convection in a vortex pattern is found above a well-defined critical voltage. The film behaves as a two-dimensional isotropic liquid: neither its thickness nor the director field are modified by the flow. We present measurements of the critical voltage at the onset of convection in two experimental configurations-one which allows the injection of charges into the film from the electrodes, and one which does not. When injection is present, the critical voltage for the onset of flow increases monotonically with increasing frequency of applied field. With no injection, there is no instability at DC and the critical voltage diverges there. The nature of the flow pattern observed at onset changes with frequency. Below a certain frequency the film flows in vortices that extend over the width of the film; above this frequency the flow is confined to two lines of smaller vortices localized
along the electrodes. We present a simple discussion of the mechanisms which drive the convection.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 19

Добавлена в каталог: 03.11.2013

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