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Cazes J., Scott R.P.W. — Chromatography Theory |
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Hydrophobic interactions 71
Inflexion point, expression for 183
Inflexion point, position of 182
Injection point, definition of 14
Instrument constraints 364
Interstitial volume 35
Interstitial volume, measurement of 40
Interstitial volume, moving 37
Interstitial volume, static 37
Ionic, forces 69
Ionic, iteractions 69
Isotherm adsorption, bi-layer 95
Isotherm adsorption, bi-layer for ethyl acetate 97
Isotherm adsorption, bi-layer, function for 96
Isotherm adsorption, chloroform, butyl chloride 94
Isotherm adsorption, effect on peak shape 176
Isotherm adsorption, for alcohols 90
Isotherm adsorption, Freundlich 177
Isotherm adsorption, Langmuir 88
Isotherm adsorption, mono-layer and bi-layer 98
Isotherm adsorption, single layer 88
Jaulmes, A. 18 442
Kahn, M.A. 18
Kaliszan, R.J. 45
Karger, B.L. 45 455
Katti, A. 18
Katz, E. 18 142 286 314 334 359
Kennedy, G.J. 18 286
Keulemans, A.I.M. 17
Kikta, Jr., E.J. 359
Kinetic dead volume 38
Kirkpatrick, S.D. 234
Klinkenberg, A. 45 233 234 313 334 455
Knox equation 265
Knox, J.H. 18 45 260 286 313
Kraak, J.C. 286
Kucera, P. 45 142 233 234 313 314 442
Kwantes, A. 18
Langer, S.H. 85
Lapidus, L. 17
Laub, R.J. 85 142
Lawrence, J.G. 85
Liao, H.L. 18 85
Lin, H.J. 18 286
Lochmuller, C.H. 142
London, F. 85
Longitudinal diffusion 248
Longitudinal diffusion, dispersion, expression for mobile phase 249
Longitudinal diffusion, dispersion, expression for stationary phase 250
Low dispersion, connecting tubes 301
Low dispersion, serpentine tubes 303
Lyophilic interactions 72
Lyophobic interactions 72
Madden, S. 142
Maggs, R.J. 442
Martin, A.J.P. 17 45 85
Martin, M. 313
Martire, D.E. 18 45 85
Mass overload, effect on peak shape 176
Mass overload, on preparative columns 428
Maximum sample volume 194
Mayer, S.W. 17
McCann, M. 142
McCormick, R.M. 45
McElroy, S.C. 142
Mclaren, E. 260
McTaggart, N.G. 18
Methanol association with water 125
Methanol-water, change in refractivity on mixing 130
Methanol-water, diagram of ternary system 132
Methanol-water, equilibrium constant 131
Methanol-water, standard enthalpy of mixtures 133
Methanol-water, thermodynamic properties of mixtures 133
Methyl group, thermodynamic properties of 58
Methylene group, thermodynamic properties of 58
Minimum HETP 279
Mixed phases, theory of 87
Mobile phase, aqueous solvents 124
Mobile phase, binary mixtures 106
Mobile phase, compressible 28
Mobile phase, compressible, corrected HETP equation 271
Mobile phase, compressible, effect on HETP of a packed column 268
Mobile phase, effect of pressure on LC columns 276
Mobile phase, effect of volume fraction on interaction probability 107
Mobile phase, mixed solvents 109
Mobile phase, ternary solvent mixtures 115
Mobile phase, velocity, avarage 272
Mobile phase, velocity, exit 273
Moderator, effect at high concentrations 106
Moderator, effect at low concentrations 88
Moderator, solvent 87
Molar polarizability, effect on dispersion forces 65
Molecular interactions 62
Molecular interactions, by displacement from a suface 99
Molecular interactions, by displacement, experimental support 102
Molecular interactions, by sorption on a surface 99
Molecular interactions, by sorption, experimental support 102
Molecular interactions, complex formation 77
Molecular interactions, dipole-dipole 66
Molecular interactions, dipole-induced dipole 67
Molecular interactions, effect of dipole moment 66
Molecular interactions, hydrophilic 71
Molecular interactions, hydrophobic 71
Molecular interactions, ionic 69
Molecular interactions, lyophilic 72
Molecular interactions, lyophobic 72
Molecular interactions, polar interactions 65
Molecular interactions, polar, differing strengths 75
Molecular interactions, solute with stationary phase surface 98
Molecular interactions, with associated solvents 135
Molecular weight, from dispersion in a packed column 344
Molecular weight, from dispersion measurements 336
Molecular weight, function of diffusivity 339
Molecular, forces, dispersion 63
Monolayer isotherms, of butyl chloride, chloroform 94
Moving phase 35
Muller, H. 45
Multipath, dispersion 246
Multipath, dispersion, expression for 247
Multipath, process 247
Nieass, C.S. 45
Nir, S. 359
Ogan, K.L. 18 142 286 334
Optimum velocity 278
Overload, mass, effect on peak shape 176
Pantazopolos, G. 85
Particle diameter, optimum 371
Peak, assymetry, causes 175
Peak, capacity 202
Peak, capacityas function of capacity ratio 207
Peak, capacityequation for 206
Peak, composite, measurement errors 168
Peak, distortion from mass overload 430
Peak, distortion from volume overload 425
Peak, height, definition of 16
Peak, height, measurement, effect of assymetry 170
Peak, maximum definition of 15
Peak, measurement of close eluting 167
Peak, profiles, from different cell volumes 309
Peak, width at base, definition of 16
Peak, width, at half height, definition of 16
Peak, width, definition of 16
Pecsok, R.L. 85
Perry, R.H. 234
Phase, mixed, theory of 87
Phase, mobile, binary mixtures 106
Phase, mobile, mixed solvents 109
Phase, mobile, ternary mixtures 115
Plate Theory 4 20
Plate Theory, differential equation for the plate 22
| Plate Theory, extensions of 165
Plate Theory, plate concept 5
Plate Theory, the Poisson function 24
Plate, capacity 23
Plate, equilibrium in 21
Plate, temperature, change due to solute 209
Point, dead, definition of 14
Point, inflexion, expression for 183
Point, inflexion, position of 182
Point, injection, definition of 14
Polarizability, effect on dispersion force strength 64
Poppe, H. 286
Pore volume 35
Pore volume, measurement of 42
Pressure, control by volume fraction, experimental evidence 109
Pressure, correction factor for a gas 32
Pressure, effect of volume fraction of solvent 107
Pressure, effect on diffusivity 274
Pretorius, V.J. 234
Primevesi, R.G. 18
Programming, flow 144
Programming, flow, compressible fluid, GC 146
Programming, flow, effect on elution time GC 149
Programming, flow, effect on elution time LC 145
Programming, flow, non compressible fluid, LC 144
Programming, solvent 157
Programming, techniques 143
Programming, temperature 149
Programming, temperature, effect on elution time GC 154
Programming, temperature, effect on separaration ratio GC 156
Pseudo gradient, along a TLC plate 445
Purnell, J.H. 142 233 334
Quantitative analysis from retention measurements 171
Radial dispersion 240
Radial dispersion, expression for 242
Random walk model 240
Rate theory 4
Rate Theory, equations of 262
Ratio, capacity, limited by detector sensitivity 208
Ray, N.H. 236
Reduced chromatogram 362
Reese, C.E. 233 313
References, chapter 1 17
References, chapter 10 334
References, chapter 11 359
References, chapter 14 419
References, chapter 15 442
References, chapter 16 455
References, chapter 2 45
References, chapter 3 85
References, chapter 4 142
References, chapter 5 164
References, chapter 6 233
References, chapter 7 260
References, chapter 8 285
References, chapter 9 313
Refractivity, change on mixing, water-methanol 130
Reidl, P. 85
Reidt, P. 18
Reilley, C.N. 233
Resistance to mass transfer dispersion in stationary phase 256
Resistance to mass transfer, dispersion in mobile phase 251
Resolution, column 183
Resolution, conditions for 25
Retention, corrected volume, function of group type and number 55
Retention, measurements, close eluting peaks 167
Retention, relative contribution of methyl and methylene groups 59
Retention, time, corrected, definition of 16
Retention, time, definition of 16
Retention, volume, corrected, definition of 16
Retention, volume, definition of 16
Retention, volume, equation for 24
Richter, P.W. 234
Rijnders, G.W.A. 18
Robbins, W.K. 142
Said, A.S. 17 45
Sample, finite, equation for elution curve 192
Sample, maximmum volume 384
Sample, valves, dispersion in 294
Sample, volume, dispersion from 291
Sample, volume, expression for maximum 195
Sample, volume, maximum for a capillary column 393
Sample, volume, maximum permissible 194
Scott, C.G. 18 234
Scott, R.P.W. 18 45 85 142 143 164 233 234 286 313 314 334 359 442
Separation, conditions for 25
Separation, ratio 27
Separation, ratio, effect of solvent program rate 161
Separation, ratio, equation for 27
Separation, ratio, function of effective plate number 190
Serpentine tubes 303
Sheriden, J.P. 18
Silver, H.F. 142
Simpson, C.R. 45 142
Simulated moving bed chromatography 439
Smith, J. 234
Smith, R.J. 45
Smuts, T.W. 234
Snyder, L.R. 455
Solute, interaction with stationary phase surface 98
Solute, transfer, at back and front of peak 10
Solvent, aqueous 124
Solvent, conditions for minimum consumption 383
Solvent, elution development in TLC 13
Solvent, mixture, composition and temperature effects on separation 118
Solvent, moderator 87
Solvent, programming 157
Standard, free energy 48
Standard, free enthalpy 48
Standard, free entropy 48
Static phase 35
Stationary phase, available 36
Stationary phase, surface solute interaction with 98
Stationary phase, unavailable 36
Stein, W.D. 359
Summation of variances 193
Synge, R.L.M. 17 45
Synopsis, chapter 1 16
Synopsis, chapter 10 334
Synopsis, chapter 11 357
Synopsis, chapter 12 384
Synopsis, chapter 13 394
Synopsis, chapter 14 418
Synopsis, chapter 15 440
Synopsis, chapter 16 454
Synopsis, chapter 2 45
Synopsis, chapter 3 83
Synopsis, chapter 4 140
Synopsis, chapter 5 163
Synopsis, chapter 6 231
Synopsis, chapter 7 259
Synopsis, chapter 8 284
Synopsis, chapter 9 312
Szepesy, L. 442
Temperature, and solvent composition, effect on separation 118
Temperature, change in plate due to solute 209
Temperature, coelution, determination of 82
Temperature, effect on capacity ratio 49
Temperature, effect on inlet/outlet pressure ratio 150
Temperature, effect on visocosity in temperature programming GC 153
Temperature, elution, effect of program rate GC 155
Temperature, of co-elution 80
Temperature, of co-elution, expression for 82
Temperature, programming 149
Temperature, programming, effect on elution time GC 154
Temperature, programming, effect on separation ratio GC 156
Terminology, chromatography 14
Ternary mobile phases 115
Ternary mobile phases, experimental support of elution equation 116
Tewari, Y.B. 18 85
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