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Mahler P. — VoIP Telephony with Asterisk |
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Extensions.conf, reserved sections 60
Extensions.conf, string concatenation 81
Extensions.conf, string processing 80
Extensions.conf, substrings 80
Extensions.conf, the Queue command 134
Extensions.conf, using a call queue 136
Extensions.conf, variables 72
Extensions.conf, wildcards 63
External applications (not in the CVS) 92
Fax 130
Fax detection 114
File system organization 48
Firefly soft phone configuration 30
Firewall setup 157
Firewall, Linux 41
FXO, FXO devices with zaptel 248
FXO, PSTN POTS interface 213
FXS, FXS devices with zaptel 248
FXS, PSTN POTS interface 213
G.711 53
G.729 53
General 60
Getting Help 11
globals 61
goto 64
Goto and gotoIfTime 111
Goto, specifying destination 65
Gotoif 65
GPL and code additions 10
HANGUP command 105
Hardware 15
Hardware conflicts, zaptel 237
Hardware, PC 40
Hardware, telephone 40
How Asterisk can benefit specific business configurations 3
IAX 195
IAX Connections 195
IAX, and a mobile Client 199
IAX, authentication methods 204
IAX, CallerlD 203
IAX, context lines 203
IAX, examples 205
IAX, IAX channels 200
IAX, IAX channels, incoming 200
IAX, IAX channels, outgoing 200
IAX, IAX connection syntax in extensions.conf 204
IAX, inkeys 204
IAX, outgoing calls to a remote server 198
IAX, permit and deny 203
IAX, secret 204
IAX, sharing a dialplan 206
IAX, the general section of iax.conf 201
IAX, trunking 205
IAX, user sections of iax.conf 203
IAX, user types 203
IAXtel 114
Ignore pattern 103
Ignoring # 108
Including contexts 67
Installing Asterisk by hand 44
Installing Asterisk from CVS 44
Installing Linux and Asterisk 16 39
Installing Red Hat by hand 40
Installing, a telephone interface board 15
Installing, Asterisk by hand 44
Installing, Asterisk from CVS 44
Installing, Asterisk packages 46
Installing, Linux and Asterisk 16 39
Installing, MPG 42
Installing, Red Hat 40
Installing, sound card 42
Inter-Asterisk Exchange (IAX) 195
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 126
Interface types 13
Interfaces 13
Interfaces and channels 51
international calls 111
Interrupts and port numbers, zaptel 238
IRC 12
ISDN 229
IVR, playing back a prompt file 126
Kewlstart 215
Kewlstart signaling, PSTN 215
Latency, and echo command 104
Least cost routing 110
Legal issues, system design 262
licensing 10
Linux and Asterisk, installing 16
Linux firewall 41
Linux, starting and stopping 145
Local calls 111
Log files, Asterisk 156
logging 159
Long distance 111
Loop start signaling, PSTN 214
Macro command 105
Macro-specific variables 83
macros 82
mailing lists 12
Mailing lists, subscribing & unsubscribing 12
Main menu 110
Maintaining Asterisk 268
Managing Asterisk 155
Master configuration file, the 54
Meeting styles 129
meetme command 105
MeetMe, configuring meetme.conf 127
MeetMe, options 128
MeetMe, passwords 129
MeetMe, user key press during conference 129
Messages, recording 126
Monitoring your running server 145
Music on hold, configuring musiconhold.conf 124
Music on hold, return code 125
network configuration 16 41
Network hardware 266
network time servers 42
Network-to-network signaling 219
Notes about agents 135
Operator extension 109
Optional URLs in call queueing 135
Ordering in contexts 70
Other connections 231
Outbound dialing 111
Outgoing calls to a remote server with I AX 198
Parking context, including 132
Patterns in extensions 63
PBX functions with Asterisk 84
PBX functions, for MGCP phones 85
PBX functions, general support (for all channels) 84
PBX functions, on the CAPI channel 86
PBX functions, support for analog phones on a zaptel channel 85
PBX functions, support for SIP phones 84
PBX functions, supporting applications 84
PC hardware selection 40
Playback command 105
Predefined channel variables 75
PRI 230
Priorities and changing the execution order 64
Proprietary telephone systems, compared to Asterisk 6
Protocols, VoIP 174
PSTN, basics 211
PSTN, connecting to 2
PSTN, connecting to the PSTN 209 210
PSTN, dialplan 221
PSTN, groundstart signaling 215
PSTN, hosted gateways 233
PSTN, interface hardware 265
PSTN, kewlstart signaling 215
| PSTN, loop start signaling 214
PSTN, POTS interfaces, FXS and FXO 213
PSTN, signaling 213
PSTN, the future of the PSTN 233
PuTTY 146
Quality of service (QoS) 164
Queue and ACD management 91
Queue applications 133
Queue CLI commands 134
Queue command in extensions.conf 134
Queue configuration files 134
Queue strategies 133
Queue user menu 133
Queueing options in extensions.conf 134
Reaching voice mail 120
Reattaching to Asterisk 149
Recording messages 126
Recording sound files 126
Red Hat services 41
Referencing interfaces in extensions.conf 66
Referencing interfaces in the Dial command 99
Reliability 263
Remotely accessing your Asterisk server 146
Reserved extension names 62
reserved identifiers 73
Reserved sections of extensions.conf 60
Resetting the password 122
Resolving zaptel compilation issues 47
ResponseTimeout command 106
return codes 135
Ring 213
Ringing command 106
Rollout 268
Root, running as 146
Routing by caller ID 113
run level 41
Run Levels 145
Running and managing Asterisk 145
running as root 146
Running Asterisk 149 17
Running the sample configuration 36
satellite connections 232
Saving and storing voice mail 120
security, Asterisk 157
Security, Asterisk configuration 158
Security, firewall setup 157
security, SIP 158
Sending voice mail as email 123
sendmail 116
server hardware 264
Server hardware selection 264
Server reliability 265
Services, enabling with RedHat 41
SetLanguage command 106
Setting caller ID 114
Sharing a screen session 155
Sharing a T1 connection 230
Signate Asterisk Installation CD set instructions 1
Silence suppression 160
Simultaneous calling on multiple interfaces 104
SIP 175
SIP, addressing 178
SIP, architecture 176
SIP, bridging to the PTSN 184
SIP, call pickup 192
SIP, channels 182
SIP, channels, configuration 182
SIP, channels, defining SIP channels 189
SIP, channels, incoming SIP channels 189
SIP, channels, outgoing SIP channels 188
SIP, client communication 177
SIP, commands 90
SIP, configurations for peers and clients 190
SIP, configuring Asterisk with SIP phones 185
SIP, configuring SJPhone for 32
SIP, connections 173
SIP, converting a 7960 to SIP from Skinny 274
SIP, debugging 179
SIP, dial string syntax 185
SIP, examples 187
SIP, invitation process 181
SIP, message format 179
SIP, other SIP Issues 193
SIP, phones, configuring 29
SIP, proxy server 177
SIP, redirect server 177
SIP, registrar 176
SIP, registration process 180
SIP, requests 179
SIP, responses 179
SIP, security 158
SIP, signaling 177
SIP, SIP & qualify 188
SIP, SIP and DTMF 193
SIP, SIP and NAT 193
SIP, Sip.conf 190
SIP, sip.conf, configuring 19
SIP, three way calling 178
SIP, user agent 176
SIP, voice mail waiting indicator 192
SIP, What SIP doesn't do 178
Sip.conf, configuring 19
Sizing your network connections 266
Sizing your server 264
Software and configuration 267
Sound card and MPG installation 42
sound cards 145
Sound files, recording 126
Sounds, playing and recording 89
Standard user macro, jump to different priority 83
Starting and stopping Asterisk automatically 149
Starting and stopping Linux 145
Starting Asterisk using safe asterisk 149
String & variable manipulation 89
String catenation 81
string processing 80
substrings 80
system design 259
System design, design overview 259
System design, legal Issues 262
System design, network 261
System design, Quality of Service 262
System design, requirements 260
System design, rollout 268
System design, service issues 262
System design, services 260
System design, Share your experience 269
System design, sizing your network connections 266
System design, upgrades or changes 268
T carrier channels, using for telephone calls 226
T-carrier and ISDN 232
T-carrier, how T-carrier channels are combined 225
T-carrier, T-carrier and DS0 222
T-carrier, the confusion surrounding T-carrier and DS0 227
T-carrier, the T-Carrier-Ds hierarchy 224
T1 alternatives 230 231
T1 cables 228
T1 framing formats and signaling 225
T1 optional services 227
Technologies and speeds 291
Telephone address supervision 215
Telephone interface board, installing 15
Telephone wiring 261
telephones 266
Telephony building blocks 51
Telephony hardware selection 40 265
Testing and documentation 268
TFTP server 43
Tftp, DHCP option 43
Timing source 15
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