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Название: The One-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model: A Series Expansion Study
Автор: Poland D.
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 59, Nos. 3/4, 1990, p. 935-967.
Exact power series expansions (through eight terms) in the time are derived for relaxation in the one-dimensional Ising model with nearest-neighbor interactions for a general rate parameter where the activation energy is a variable fraction of the energy required to break nearest-neighbor bonds. It is found that the qualitative nature of the relaxation is very dependent on this parameter, varying from nearly simple exponential decay (as with Glauber dynamics) for an intermediate value of this parameter, to an initial rate of change that is either much slower or faster than a simple exponential at the extremes of the range of variation of the parameter. The rate equations for the limit of rapid internal diffusion (internal equilibration) are integrated for several special values of the rate parameter. In general the internal equilibration approximation is not a good representation of the relaxation except when the relaxation is similar to Glauber dynamics.