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Homma M., Itoi Ch. — Ferromagnetic Domain Wall and Spiral Ground States in One-Dimensional Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model
Homma M., Itoi Ch. — Ferromagnetic Domain Wall and Spiral Ground States in One-Dimensional Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model

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Название: Ferromagnetic Domain Wall and Spiral Ground States in One-Dimensional Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model

Авторы: Homma M., Itoi Ch.


Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 117, Nos. 3/4, November 2004. p. 477-519.
We construct a set of exact ground states with a localized ferromagnetic domain wall and an extended spiral structure in a quasi-one-dimensional deformed flat-band Hubbard model. In the case of quarter filling, we show the uniqueness of the ground state with a fixed magnetization. The ground states with these structures are degenerate with the all-spin-up and all-spin-down states. This property of the degeneracy is the same as the domain wall solutions in the XXZ Heisenberg-Ising model. We derive a useful recursion relation for the normalization of the domain wall ground state. Using this recursion relation, we discuss the convergence of the ground state expectation values of arbitrary local operators in the infinite-volume limit. In the ground state of the infinite-volume system, the translational symmetry is spontaneously broken by this structure. We prove that the cluster property holds for the domain wall ground state and excited states. We also estimate bounds of the ground state expectation values of several observables, such as one- and two-point functions of spin and electron number density.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 43

Добавлена в каталог: 06.10.2013

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