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Reif F. — Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics
Reif F. — Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics

Àâòîð: Reif F.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1965

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 650

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.08.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ideal gas in classical limit, classical partition function      239—241 245
Ideal gas in classical limit, density of states      64—66
Ideal gas in classical limit, entropy      160
Ideal gas in classical limit, entropy, quantum expression for      362
Ideal gas in classical limit, equation of state      125 241
Ideal gas in classical limit, internal energy      126 153—156
Ideal gas in classical limit, mixture of several species, chemical potential      322
Ideal gas in classical limit, mixture of several species, equation of state      321
Ideal gas in classical limit, mixture of several species, partition function      321
Ideal gas in classical limit, quantum calculation of partition function      360—361
Ideal gas in classical limit, specific heat relations      156—157
Ideal gas in classical limit, validity of classical approximation      246—348
Ideal gas in quantum limit      331—362 see
Impact parameter      463
Information theory      231
Intensive parameter      149
Internal energy      122
Internal energy of ideal gas      126 153—155
Internal energy of van der Waals gas      174
Internal energy, general volume dependence of      173
Internal energy, measurement of      129—131
Internal energy, relation to partition function      213
Inverse collision      522
Inverse transition      546
Inversion curve      181
Irreversibility, and microscopic reversibility      599—600
Irreversible process      91—93
Ising model      429
Isotherm      307
Isothermal process      158
Isotope separation by effusion      276
Joule      3 155—156
Joule — Thomson coefficient      181—182
Joule — Thomson process      178—184
Joule, free expansion experiment      155
Kammerlingh Onnes      455
Kelvin      8 181
Kelvin temperature scale      136
Kinetic theory      3 262—281 461—545
Kirchhoff's law      385
Knudsen gas      477
Kronecker delta symbol      616
Kronecker delta symbol, integral representation of      616 618
Lagrange multipliers      621—622
Lambert's law      387
Langevin equation      564
Latent heat      304
Lattice as totality of all nonspin degrees of freedom      554
Lattice, vibrations in solid      407—414
Le Chatelier's principle      298
Le Chatelier's principle and chemical equilibrium      325
Le Chatelier's principle and compressibility      300
Le Chatelier's principle and heat capacity      298—299
Lennard-Jones potential      419
Liouville's theorem      628
Macroscopic system      2
Macrostate      66
Magnetic cooling      445—451
Magnetic resonance      553—556
magnetic susceptibility      440
Magnetic work      440—444
Markoff process      677
Mass action, law of      322—324
Master equation      549
Master equation for system in contact with heat reservoir      553
Maxwell      3
Maxwell relations      164—166
Maxwell velocity distribution      210 264 267
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics      343—345
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics and absence of symmetry requirements      332
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics and counting of states      337
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics as limiting case of BE and FD statistics      351—353
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics, distribution function for      345
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics, fluctuations in particle number      345
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics, partition function for      344
MB      see "Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics"
Mean free path      465
Mean free path, related to scattering cross section      471
Mean values      11—13
Mean values for continuous variables      28—29
Mean values for random walk      14—16 33—34
Mean values of a product      26
Mean values of a sum      12 26
Mean values of Gaussian distribution      24
Mean velocities of molecule in a gas      265—269
Mechanical interaction      68—72
Melting      305n
microcanonical ensemble      202
Microscopic reversibility      384 598
Microscopic reversibility, relation to macroscopic irreversibility      599—600
Microscopic system      2
Microstate      51
Molecular beam      274
Molecular beam for measuring velocity contribution      274—276
Molecular chaos      523
Molecular distribution in gravitational field      210—211
Molecular distribution of velocities      209—210 264
Molecular field      430
Molecular partition function for electronic motion      368—369
Molecular partition function for rotation      369—371
Molecular partition function for translation      368
Molecular partition function for vibration      371—372
Molecule in a gas, distribution of speed      267—268
Molecule in a gas, distribution of velocity      209—210 262—264
Molecule in a gas, distribution of velocity component      265
Molecule in a gas, mean kinetic energy of      250
Molecule in a gas, mean velocities of      265—269
Moments of a probability      13
Noise in electric circuit      587—588
Noise, relation to Brownian motion      560
Noise, thermal, associated with electrical resistor      588—589 see
Noise, white noise      589
Normal coordinates      408
Normalization condition for probabilities      12
Normalization condition for probabilities for continuous cass      28 29
Nyquist's Theorem      588—594
Nyquist's theorem as analogue of black-body radiation      592—593
Nyquist's theorem as special case of fluctuation-dissipation theorem      588—589
Nyquist's theorem for arbitrary impedance      591—592
Nyquist's theorem, derived from equilibrium considerations      589—591
Onsager symmetry relations      598—599
Overbauser effect      556—560
Paramagnetism in classical limit      284
Paramagnetism of atoms with spin $\frac{1}{2}$      206—208
Paramagnetism of conduction electrons in a metal      401
Paramagnetism of interacting atoms      432—434
Paramagnetism, general case      257—262
Partial derivatives relations between      619—620
Partial pressure      321
Particle, moving freely in a box, density of states      358
Particle, moving freely in a box, quantum states      49 354—360
Partition function      213
Partition function for noninteraction systems      238—239
Partition function of classical ideal gas      240—245
Partition function, properties of      237—239
Partition function, relation to Helmholtz free energy      216
Path integral method      503—504
Pauli exclusion principle      333
Perrin      567
Persistence of velocity      489n 516
Persistence of velocity, effect on electrical conductivity      583—534
Phase-equilibrium line      303
Phase-equilibrium line, slope of      304
Phass space      50—51 59
Phass space for harmonic oscillator      55—56
Phass transformation and equation of state      306—312
Phass transformation of superconducting metal      458
Phass transformation, equilibrium conditions for      301—304 315—317
Phonons      405 409
Phonons, contribution to thermal conductivity of solids      483
Phonons, temperature dependence of number of      416
Photon statistics      345—346
Photon statistics as special case of BE statistics      338
Photon statistics, distribution function for      339—340 346
Photon statistics, distribution function for, as special case of BE distribution      342 349
Photon statistics, fluctuation in particle number      346
Photon statistics, partition function for      345
photons      373—374 see
Planck distribution      340 346
Planck radiation law      388
Poise      473
Poiseuille flow through tubes      491
Poisson distribution      41—42
Polarization of spins by dynamic methods      556—560
Polarization of spins by large constant field      238 261 657
Postulate of equal a priori probabilities      54—56
Pressure of gas mixture      282
Pressure tensor      472n
Pressure, calculated by statistical mechanics      125 241
Pressure, exerted by a gas      398—399
Pressure, exerted by degenerate Fermi — Dirac gas      401
Pressure, kinetic evaluation of      278—281
Pressure, related to momentum transfer      278—281
probability      5
Probability of several variables      25—26
Probability of statistically independent variables      26
Probability, density      22 27—32
Product molecule      318
Quantum states of free particle      49 364—360
Quantum states of harmonic oscillator      49
Quasi-particles      404—405 409
Quasi-static process      74—76
Radiation emitted by a body      381—388
Radiation emitted by a body and black bodies      386
Radiation emitted by a body, Planck radiation law for      388
Radiation in equilibrium      378—381
Radiation in equilibrium, energy density of      375—376
Radiation in equilibrium, general properties of      378—381
Radiation in equilibrium, photon distribution for      374
Radiation in equilibrium, pressure of      377—378
Radioactive decay      42
Random walk      5—40
Random walk and diffusion      486—488
Random walk with arbitrary step lengths      32—40
Random walk with arbitrary step lengths, mean values      33—34
Random walk with arbitrary step lengths, probability distribution      35—36
Random walk with arbitrary step lengths, probability distribution for large N      37—40
Random walk with equal step lengths      7—11
Random walk with equal step lengths for large N      17—21
Reactant molecule      318
Reduced mass      517
Refrigerators      190—161
Refrigerators, perfect      190
Relaxation rates      93—94
Relaxation time      59
Relaxation time as time between molecular collisions      465
Relaxation time for spin system      556
Relaxation time in Boltsmann equation      509
Reverse collision      521—522
Reverse transition      384
Reversible process      91—93
Rigid rotator      369—371
Rotation of molecule      369—371
Saturation in magnetic resonance      556
Saturation of magnetization for large H/T      208
Scattering cross section      467—468
Scattering cross section, differential      468 520
Scattering cross section, differential, effect of time reversal and space inversion      521—522
Scattering cross section, total      468
Scattering cross section, total, for hard spheres      469
Second law of thermodynamics      122—123
Second law of thermodynamics and canonical distribution      215
Second law of thermodynamics, Clausius statement of      191
Second law of thermodynamics, Kelvin statement of      186
Self-diffusion      see "Diffusion"
Semipermeable membrane      148
Smoluchowski equation      580
Sound, velocity of      195
Space inversion effect on scattering cross section      522
Specific heat      139
Specific heat of conduction electrons in metals      391—393
Specific heat of conduction electrons in metals, exact calculation of      396—397
Specific heat of diatomic molecules      399
Specific heat of monatomic ideal gas      157—158 241—242 251
Specific heat of solids      253—256
Specific heat of solids in classical limit      253—254 411
Specific heat of solids, Debye theory      416
Specific heat of solids, Einstein approximation      254—255
Specific heat of solids, general expression      411
Specific heat, behavior as $T\rightarrow 0$      170
Specific heat, general relation between $c_{p}$ and $c_{V}$      166—163
Specific heat, positive sign of      298
Specific heat, volume dependence of      171
Spectral density      585
Stationary ensemble      584
Statistical independence      25—26
Statistical mechanics      3
Steady state      462
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      388
Stefan — Boltzmann law for radiation energy density      376 388
Stefan — Boltzmann law for radiation energy density, thermodynamic derivation of      399
Stirling's formula      613
Stirling's formula to lowest approximation      611
Stirling's formula, including correction terms      614
Stokes's law      565 601
Stress in fluid      472
Sublimation      305n
Substantial derivative      531
Summation convention      526
Superconductivity      438 455—458
Superconductivity, critical field      455
Superconductivity, critical temperature      455
Superconductivity, entropy and latent heat      458—469
Superconductivity, magnetic moment      456—457
Superconductivity, slope of critical temperature curve      458
Superfluid liquid helium      438
Surface tension      196—197
Survival probability      463
Susceptihility, magnetic      208
Susceptihility, magnetic, in general case      261
Temperature      102—106
Temperature as arbitrary thermometric parameter      104
Temperature, absolute      105
Temperature, absolute, measurement at very low temperatures      452—455
Temperature, absolute, measurement of      133—137
Temperature, absolute, negative      105
Temperature, absolute, properties of      105—106
Temperature, absolute, spin      105 556
Temperature, absolute, statistical definition of      99
thermal conductivity      478—479
Thermal conductivity of conduction electrons in metals      51
Thermal conductivity of dilute gas      479—481
Thermal conductivity of dilute gas, calculation in terms of r      514—515
Thermal conductivity of dilute gas, related to viscosity      481
Thermal conductivity of dilute gas, rigorous calculation      546
Thermal conductivity of solids      482—483
Thermal conductivity, coefficient of      479
Thermal insulation      68
Thermal interaction      66—68
Thermionic emission of electrons      402
Thermodynamic functions      166
Thermodynamic laws      122—123
Thermodynamics      3
Thermometers      102—105
Throttling process      178—184
Time average      583
Time reversal      383—384
Triple point      305
Triple point of water      135—136
Trouton's rule      330
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