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Sipser M. — Introduction to the theory of computation |
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Polynomial time, hierarchy 386
Polynomial time, verifier 265
Polynomial verifiability 265
Polynomial, versus exponential 257
Polynomially equivalent models 257
Pomerance, Carl 415 418
Popping a symbol 110
Post correspondence problem (PCP) 199—205
Post correspondence problem (PCP), modified 200
Power set 6 53
PRAM 400
Pratt, Vaughan R. 418
Prefix notation 8
Prefix of a string 89
Prefix-free language 184
Prenex normal form 225 310
Prime number 265 295 371
Private-key cryptosystem 407
Probabilistic algorithm 368—380
Probabilistic function 408
Probabilistic Turing machine 368
Processor complexity 400
Production 100
proof 17
Proof, by construction 21
Proof, by contradiction 21—22
Proof, by induction 22—25
Proof, finding 17—20
Proof, necessity for 77
Proper subset 4 328
Prover 389
Pseudoprime 372
PSPACE-complete problem, FORMULA-GAME 314
PSPACE-complete problem, GG 317
PSPACE-complete problem, TQBF 311
PSPACE-completeness 309—320
PSPACE-completeness, defined 309
Public-key cryptosystem 407
Pumping lemma, for context-free languages 123—128
Pumping lemma, for regular languages 77—82
Pumping length 77 91 123
Pushdown automaton 109—122
Pushdown automaton, context-free grammars 115—122
Pushdown automaton, defined 111
Pushdown automaton, examples 112—114
Pushdown automaton, schematic of 110
Pushing a symbol 110
Putnam, Hilary 155
Puzzle 297 330
Quantified boolean formula 311
Quantifier 310
Quantifier, in a logical sentence 225
Query node in a branching program 376
Rabin, Michael O. 418
Rackoff, Charles 417
Ramsey’s theorem 2 7
Range of a function 7
Read-once branching program 377
Real number 176
Recognizes a language, meaning of 36 40
Recursion theorem 217—224
Recursion theorem, fixed-point version 223
Recursion theorem, terminology for 221
Recursive language see “Decidable language”
Recursively enumerable see “Turing-recognizable”
Recursively enumerable language 142
Reducibility 187—211
Reducibility, mapping 206—211
Reducibility, polynomial time 272
Reducibility, via computation histories 192—205
Reduction 187 207
Reduction, mapping 207
Reflexive relation 9
Regular expression 63—76
Regular expression, defined 64
Regular expression, equivalence to finite automaton 66—76
Regular expression, examples of 65
Regular language 31—82
Regular language, closure under concatenation 47 60
Regular language, closure under intersection 46
Regular language, closure under star 62
Regular language, closure under union 45 59
Regular language, decidability 166—170
Regular language, defined 40
Regular operation 44
Reingold, Omer 418
Rejecting computation history 193
Rejecting configuration 141
Relation 8 225
Relation, binary 8
Relatively prime 260
Relativization 348—351
Reverse of a string 14
Rice’s theorem 191 213 215 242 244
RinooyKan, A.H.G. 417
Rivest, Ronald L. 416 418
Robinson, Julia 155
Roche, Emmanuel 418
Root, in a tree 11
Root, of a polynomial 155
Rule in a context-free grammar 100 102
Rumely, Robert S. 415
Ruzzo, Walter L. 417
SAT 276 308
Satisfiability problem 271
Satisfiable formula 271
Savitch’s theorem 305—307
Saxena, Nitin 415
Schabes, Yves 418
Schaefer, Thomas J. 418
Scope 310
Scope, of a quantifier 225
Secret key 405
Sedgewick, Robert 418
Self-reference 218
Sentence 311
Sequential computer 399
Set 3
Set, countable 175
Set, uncountable 176
Sethi, Ravi 415
Shallit, Jeffrey 415
Shamir, Adi 418
Shen, Alexander 418
Shmoys, David B. 417
Shor, Peter W. 418
Shuffle operation 89 131
Simple path 11
Sipser, Michael 418 419
Size complexity 400
| Small-o notation 250
Space complexity 303—333
Space complexity class 304
Space complexity of nondeterministic Turing machine 304
Space constructible function 336
Space hierarchy theorem 337
SPACE(f(n)) 304
Spencer, Joel H. 415
Star operation 44 62—63 295
Start configuration 141
Start state 34
Start variable, in a context-free grammar 100 102
State diagram, finite automaton 34
State diagram, pushdown automaton 112
State diagram, Turing machine 144
Stearns, Richard E. 417
Steiglitz, Kenneth 418
Stinson, Douglas R. 419
String 13
Strongly connected graph 12 332
Structure 226
Subgraph 11
Subset of a set 3
Subset-Sum 268 292
Substitution rule 100
Substring 14
Sudan, Madhu 415
Symmetric difference 169
Symmetric relation 9
Synchronizing sequence 92
Szegedy, Mario 415
Tableau 355
Tarjan, Robert E. 419
Tautology 382
Term, in a polynomial 154
Terminal 100
Terminal in a context-free grammar 102
Th(M) 226
Th(M) (theory of model) 226
Theorem 17
Theory, of a model 226
Tic-tac-toe, game of 329
Time complexity 247—294
Time complexity class 267
Time complexity, analysis of 248—253
Time complexity, of nondeterministic Turing machine 255
Time constructible function 340
Time hierarchy theorem 341
TIME(f(n)) 251
TM see “Turing machine”
TQBR 311
Transducer, finite state 87
Transducer, log space 324
Transition 34
Transition function 3 5
Transitive closure 401
Transitive relation 9
Trapdoor function 410
Tree, leaf 11
Tree, parse 100
Tree, root 11
Triangle in a graph 295
Tuple 6
Turing machine 137—154
Turing machine, alternating 381
Turing machine, comparison with finite automaton 138
Turing machine, defined 140
Turing machine, describing 156—159
Turing machine, examples of 142—147
Turing machine, marking tape symbols 146
Turing machine, multitape 148—150
Turing machine, nondeterministic 150—152
Turing machine, oracle 232 348
Turing machine, schematic of 138
Turing machine, universal 174
Turing reducibility 232—233
Turing, Alan M. 2 137 155 419
Turing-decidable language 142
Turing-recognizable language 142
Turing-unrecognizable language 181—182
Turing-unrecognizable language, 210
Two-dimensional finite automaton 213
Two-headed finite automaton 212
Ullman, Jeffrey D. 415 417 419
Unary, alphabet 52 82 212
Unary, function 8
Unary, notation 259 295
Unary, operation 44
Uncountable set 176
Undecidability, diagonalization method 174—181
Undecidability, of 174
Undecidability, of . 172
Undecidability, of 192
Undecidability, of 195
Undecidability, of 189
Undecidability, of 188
Undecidability, of 191
Undecidability, of Post correspondence problem 200
Undecidability, via computation histories 192—205
Undirected graph 10
UNION operation 4 44 45 59—60
Unit rule 107
Universal quantifier 310
Universal state 381
Universal Turing machine 174
Universe 225 310
Useless state in PDA 184
Useless state in TM 211
Valiant, Leslie G. 415
Variable, Boolean 271
Variable, bound 310
Variable, in a context-free grammar 100 102
Variable, start 100 102
Venn diagram 4
Verifier 265 388
Vertex of a graph 10
virus 222
Vitanyi, Paul 417
Wegman, Mark 416
Well-formed formula 225
Williamson, David P. 416
Window, in a tableau 279
Winning strategy 314
Wire in a Boolean circuit 352
Worst-case analysis 248
XOR operation 15 354
Yannakakis, Mihalis 418
Yields, for configurations 141
Yields, for context-free grammars 102
Zuckerman, Herbert S. 418
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