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Tykodi R.J. — Thermodynamics of steady states |
Предметный указатель |
"Continuous" systems 178
"Discontinuous" systems 178
"More constrained" equilibrium state 171ff.
"More constrained" steady state 173ff.
Affine sequence 7 28
Affinity 27
Agar 98
Alty 13 14
Angrist 126n.
Assumption, I. 7 166
Assumption, II 7 166
Assumption, III 7 72ff. 166
Assumption, IV 7 27ff. 35 70 77 166 172ff.
Assumption, IV.S 189
Assumption, IV.SX 189
Assumption, Q 54n. 68
Assumption, V 30 32n. 37
Atkins 91
BAK 170
Bastick 91
Bear man 84
Binary effects 159ff.
Bitherm 55
Bithermal mass flow 128ff.
Blackbody radiation 138
Boltzmann 77 178
Bray 78
Bridgman 111 192
Briggs 45
Bronsted 3 4 76 183
Brown 89
Canonical set 26
Centrifugal field 26 188ff.
Centrifuge 190ff.
Chapman 86
Chemical reaction 20ff. 23
Chipman 97 98
Circulating states 174ff.
Clausius 77
Clusius 92 94
Clusius — Dickel column 92ff.
Concentration cells 149ff.
Concentration cells with transference 151ff.
Concentration field 40ff. 145ff.
Conditions of stability 59ff. 169ff.
Cox 75 179
Crawford 22
Current 27
Current ratios 117ff.
Current-affinity relations, linear 31ff.
Current-affinity relations, nonlinear 184ff.
de Groot 79
Debye 78
Degrees of freedom 29ff. 72
Denbigh 84 85 170
Dickel 92 94
Diffusion 18 30
Duality principle 30 68
Efficiency 123ff.
Electrochemical potential 109ff.
Electrokinetic effects 43ff.
Energetics 3 4
Enskog 86
Entropy production, grand principles of 33 60ff. 168ff.
Entropy production, petit principles of 33 60ff. 168
Entropy production, rate of 11 26ff. 167ff.
Equation of correlation 54
Equations of state 37ff.
Erikson 15ff. 29 57
Ettingshausen effect 197
Ferguson 57 58
Fick's law 18 188n.
Figure of merit 123ff.
Forced vaporization 13ff. 29
Fowler 77
Galvanomagnetic effects 192ff.
Gibbs 10 50 77 178
Gradient part, definition 6
Gravitational field 40
Hall effect 193
Harned 98
Haste-makes-waste principle 33
Hatsopoulos 76
Heat, conduction 131ff.
Heat, currents 132ff.
Heat, radiation 137ff.
Heath 90
Hittorf, assumption 121 152
Hittorf, transference number 153
Hueckel 78
Ibbs 90 91
Jacobian 29 169
Joule — Thomson coefficient 60 61n.
Joule — Thomson effect 52
Joule — Thomson experiment 5ff.
Keenan 76
Keesom 113
Kirkwood 22
Klein 170
| Knudsen, equation 55 57 165n.
Knudsen, linkage 55
Lancia 107n.
Landsberg 76
Lewis 78
Li 170 188n.
Liang 55
Linear current-affinity relations 31ff.
Link 47
Linkage, branched 71
Linkage, classes 62
Linkage, full-flux 51
Linkage, partial-flux 51
Linkage, series-connected 71
Linkage, zero-flux 51
LOS 57 58
Magnetic field 26 188ff.
Mass flow ratio, measured-to-all tube 16 17
Mass flow ratio, measured-to-mean 16 17
Maxwell 77
McGervey 107n.
Migrational equilibrium, definition 27
Monothermal field 39ff. 145ff.
Monothermal process 8 9n. 11ff.
Nernst effect 194
Nonlinear current-affinity relations 184ff.
Noyes 78
Ohm's law 12 21
Ono 170
Onsager 79
Onsager, reciprocal relations 32 35 189
Oscillating states 174ff.
Osterberg 61n.
Owen 98
Peltier heat 106 107n.
Pitzer 119
Planck 76 77 137
Polycurrent field 156ff.
Polythermal concentration field 157ff.
Polythermal field 46ff. 64ff. 83ff.
Polythermal process 8 9n.
Porous plug experiment 5ff.
Prigogine 22 79 170 171
Prigogine, theorem of 170
Quasi-static process 5
Quasi-steady process 5
Radiation field 137ff.
Radiation field, inhomogeneous 142ff.
Radiation turbine 141ff.
Randall 78
Rastogi 188n.
Raumann 85
Righi — Leduc effect 195
Roebuck 61n.
Seebeck effect 104 106 107n.
Separation 88
Separation factor 88
Singh 188n.
Situation, ordinary 26
Situation, special 26
Soret effect 94ff.
Special field 28 188ff.
Srivastava 188n.
Stability problem 169ff.
State of migrational equilibrium 10 27
State, equithermal 67
State, quasi-steady 177
State, reference 29
State, static 5
State, steady 5
Stefan — Boltzmann relation 140
Taylor's series 35 171
Terminal part, definition 6 9n.
thermal conductivity 131ff.
Thermal converters 122ff.
Thermal diffusion in gases 86ff.
Thermal diffusion in solutions 94ff.
Thermal diffusion, factor 88
Thermal diffusion, ratio 88
Thermocells 116ff.
Thermocouple 104ff.
Thermocouple in a magnetic field 198
Thermoelectric effect 104ff.
Thermoelectric effect, homogeneous 112ff.
Thermomagnetic effects 192ff.
Thermomolecular pressure effect 46ff.
Thermomolecular pressure effect, experimental results 54ff.
Thermooesmosis 83ff.
Thermotics 183ff.
Thomson 77 107
Thomson, coefficient 106
Thomson, effect 113
Thomson, relations 107
Thomson, reservoirs 48
Tisza 76
Tribus 76
Turner 98
van Rysselberghe 176n.
Wild 90
Work, other-than-pressure-volume 12
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