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Cohen M.R., Nagel E. — An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method |
Предметный указатель |
System, and science 199—206 214 394—395
System, nature of Chap. VII
Tautology, and implication 124
Tautology, principle of 124
Temporal and logical order 132 187 346 388—390
Tenacity, and scientific method 193
Terms 30—33
Terms, contrary and contradictory 59
Terms, distribution of 37—39
Thackeray 174
Thales 278 340
Theory, types of 397—399 see
Tollendo ponens 101
Tollendo ponens, tollendo tollens 99
Tolstoi, L. 453
Transitive relations 49 114
Tree of Porphyry 236
Truth, and evaluation 852
Truth, and implication 9 76
Truth, and logical priority 132 187
Truth, and propositions 27 29
Truth-frequency theory of probability 169—172
Truth-value 54
Truth-value, in calculus of propositions 127
| Types, theory of 184
Undefined terms 142
Undemonstrated propositions 142
Uniformity of Nature 254 267—269
Universal propositions 35
Universal propositions, and hypotheses 43
Universe of discourse 39 43 122
Vagueness 118 224
Valuation, and logic Chap. XVIII
Variables 11 135
Veblen 142
Veblen, and Young 134
Venn, John 40
Verification, and hypotheses 207 211
Vicious-circle principle 184
Victoria, Queen 341
Voltaire 151
Weakened syllogism 84
Weierstrass 113 146
Weighted mean 306—307
Whately 427
Whistler 455
Whitehead 113 127 146 228 432 438
Young, J.W. 134
Zero-class 122
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