Авторизация |
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Dingle H. — The Special Theory of Relativity |
Предметный указатель |
Aberration of light 14 17 21 50 58
Absolute motion 1
Acceleration 7 60
Airy, G. 14
Arago 11 12 18
clocks 39
Co-ordinates 31 34
Composition of velocities 55
Conservation of mass 63 65 68 75
Conservation of momentum 62 65
Curvature 87
de Sitter 17
definitions v 23 38 62 63 68
Doppler effect 3 47 56
Eclipses 38
Eddington, A.S. 89 90
Electromagnetic field equations 76
Energy 71
Ether 6 10 14 21 52
Experience vi 2 35 46 89 90
Fitzgerald Contraction vi 17 20 24 30
Fizeau experiment 10 28 57 58 80
force 73
Force on moving electric charge 79
frequency of light 91
Fresnel, A. 12 18
Galileo 5
General relativity 8 81 83
Gravitation 7 81 91
Hypotheses 52
Imagination 91
interval 82
Invariance 30 57 78 81 83
Kennedy — Thorndike experiment 10 18 20 24
Laws of motion, Newton's 38 62
Length v 8 23 25 29 30
Lewis, G.N. 64
Light 6 47 52
Limiting velocity 56 69
Longitudinal mass 74
Lorentz transformation formulae vi 42 44 47 81
Lorentz, H.A. 17
Mass 62
Mathematics vi
Matter 90
McCrea, W.H. v vi
Meaning 1
Measurements 25 31 67
| Measuring instruments 35 40
Metaphysics v 31
Michelson — Morley experiment 10 14 23 42 43
Miller, D.C. 20
Minkowski 81 86 87
Momentum 67
Motion 1
Nature v 40
Nautical Almanac 91
Newton, I. 5 73
Observer, the 34 85
Oppolzer 38
Philosophy v 88
Physical concepts vi 5 25 52 67 71 78
Physical concepts, relations 25 56 78 90
Reason 89
Relative motion 1
Relativity of position 27
Resistance, electrical 25
Rest-length 66
Rest-mass 66
Rotation of earth 39
Sense-data 90
Shakespeare, W. 86
Simultaneity 45 46
Space 31 43 86 87
Space-time continuum 31 82 86
Standard of rest 27 30 35
Symbolism 86
Terminology 30 66
Thermodynamics, second law of 4
Time 19 29 33 37 86
Tolman, R.C. 64
Transformation Formulae, Acceleration 61
Transformation Formulae, Density 71
Transformation Formulae, Electric charge 79
Transformation Formulae, Electromagnetic quantities 77
Transformation Formulae, Force 75
Transformation Formulae, Instants 41 42
Transformation Formulae, Length 39
Transformation Formulae, Mass 70
Transformation Formulae, Points 33 42
Transformation Formulae, Time-duration 39 45
Transformation Formulae, Velocity 54
Transverse mass 74
Universe, the 2 87
Velocity 20 28 43 52 64 69
Velocity of light 6 13 56 57 91
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