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Carrier J.G. — A Handbook of Economic Anthropology
Carrier J.G. — A Handbook of Economic  Anthropology

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Название: A Handbook of Economic Anthropology

Автор: Carrier J.G.


For more than a century, anthropologists have studied the economic lives and institutions of people around the world. The results of their research and reflection on economy have generally stayed within the discipline and have not been available in an accessible form to a broader readership. This major reference book is intended to correct this. This unique Handbook contains substantial and invaluable summary discussions of work on economic processes and issues, and on the relationship between economic and non-economic areas of life. Furthermore it describes conceptual orientations that are important among economic anthropologists, and presents summaries of key issues in the anthropological study of economic life in different regions of the world. Its scope and accessibility make it useful both to those who are interested in a particular topic and to those who want to see the breadth and fruitfulness of an anthropological study of economics. Economists from a wide range of fields and perspectives - from heterodox to classical, and from industrial economics to economic psychology and sociology - will find much to engage them within this exciting Handbook, as will anthropologists drawn to the significant statements by senior figures in the field. Those involved in development projects will find this an invaluable reference work with which to gain greater understanding of and insight into the reasons for people’s economic activities and decisions. The concise treatments of topics will provide invaluable teaching aids and reference for further reading by scholars at all levels of study.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 584

Добавлена в каталог: 30.03.2006

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