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Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
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Íàçâàíèå: Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
Àâòîðû: Rob P., Coronel C.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition takes you clearly and effectively through the entire process of database development and implementation. The most comprehensive and detailed coverage of database basics is complemented with ample exercises and problems at the end of each chapter to encourage hands-on learning, and a two-chapter step-by-step running case. Because the Internet has become so firmly established as an extension of the everyday business data environment, this revised edition contains two new chapters, "Databases in Electronic Commerce" and "Web Database Development," that stress the need for solid planning and management in order to maximize the resources that the Internet provides.
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 6th edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 795
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.03.2006
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Sets, data 39 76 247 186
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) 648—649
SH TP (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 632
shopping carts 644 645
SHOW ERRORS command 362
Shrinking phase 454
signatures, digital 631
Simplicity, conceptual 36 40 43 48
Single, inheritance 515—516
Single-point failure 472
Single-user databases, described 8
Single-valued attributes 127 509
Size, of databases 567
Slice and dice analysis 587—588
Smalltalk, abstract data types and 519
Smalltalk, OO (object oriented) databases and 506 519 539
SMALUNT data type described 235
SMALUNT data type, relational set operators and 320
Software selection and 405
Software, cost of 418
Software, DDBMSs and 477
Software, failures 539
Software, independence 59
Software, OODBMs and 539
Software, overview of 19—20
Software, requirements 399
Software, utility 20 725 728—730
SOM (System Object Model) 547
sorting data 243 273—275
SPARC (Standards Planning and Requirements Committee) 39
Sparsity 583—584
SPDD (single-site processing, single-site data) 479
Special operators 228 260—264
SQL 385
SQL (Structured Query Language) (see also Queries)
SQL (Structured Query Language), classification of, as a DDL and DML 226
SQL (Structured Query Language), command summary 227—228
SQL (Structured Query Language), constraints and 239—241
SQL (Structured Query Language), creating databases and 231
SQL (Structured Query Language), data definition commands 227 223—243 264—272
SQL (Structured Query Language), data manipulation commands 227—228 243—251
SQL (Structured Query Language), data types and 232—235
SQL (Structured Query Language), data warehouses and 580—581 584 592
SQL (Structured Query Language), database models and 229—231
SQL (Structured Query Language), described 43—44 226—317
SQL (Structured Query Language), dialects of 226
SQL (Structured Query Language), engine 44
SQL (Structured Query Language), functions 347—353
SQL (Structured Query Language), indexes 241—243
SQL (Structured Query Language), introduction to 226—228
SQL (Structured Query Language), OO (object oriented) databases and 535—536 550
SQL (Structured Query Language), schema and 231—232
SQL (Structured Query Language), table structure and 235—238
SQL (Structured Query Language), transactions and 438—443
SQL and 231—232
SQL and star 585—595
SQL and XML 651
SQL Server (Microsoft) 226 441
SQL Server (Microsoft), database administration and 738
SQL Server (Microsoft), date/time functions and 348
SQL Server (Microsoft), DBLC and 418 420
SQL Server (Microsoft), embedded SQL and 382
SQL Server (Microsoft), schema and 231
SQL Server (Microsoft), Web database development and 668
SQL standards (ANSI) 231—236 239 295 328 442—443
SQLCODE variable 382 384—385
SQLSTATE variable 382 384
SQL’Net (Oracle) 668
SQL’PIus {Oracle) 361—362 377
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 632
Stamping methods 456 457
Standard 226 320 360 384
Standards (see also SQL standards (ANSI))
Standards, company 424
Standards, database administration and 723—724
Standards, database models and 38 40 51
Standards, DDBMSs and 472—473
Standards, overview of 51
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 537
Star schema 585—595
Stateless systems 683—684
Static, query optimization 491
Storage manager 743—745
Storage, of data 22 473 743—745
Stored procedures (see also Procedures)
stored procedures, creating 373—374
Stored procedures, described 373
Stored procedures, OO (object oriented) databases and 534
Stored procedures, Procedural SQL (PL/SQL) 373—378
Stored procedures, testing 377
String(s), data type 509
String(s), functions 350—351
String(s), OO (object oriented) databases and 509
Structural, dependence 15—16
Structural, independence 15 37 40—41 43
style sheets 653
Subject-oriented character, of data ware-houses 567—568
Subordinates, described 490
Subqueries (nested queries), aggregate functions and 279
Subqueries (nested queries), attribute list 342—344
Subqueries (nested queries), correlated 344—347
Subqueries (nested queries), described 249
Subqueries (nested queries), FROM 341—342 344
Subqueries (nested queries), HAVING 339
Subqueries (nested queries), IN 333—339
Subqueries (nested queries), inline 342—343
Subqueries (nested queries), inserting rows with 249
Subqueries (nested queries), operators and 340
Subqueries (nested queries), WHERE 337—338
Subschema, described 38
SUBSTR function 351
Subtype entities, described 150—157
Subtype entities, disjoint 151
Subtype entities, non-overlapping 151
Subtype entities, relationships and 158—159
SUM function, described 228 276—277 279—280
SUM function, GROUP BY clause and 281
SUM function, null values and 83
SUM function, relational model and 83
Superkeys, described 85
Supertype entities 150—159
Symbols, % (percent sign) 261
Symbols, () (parentheses) 244 258 259
Symbols, * (asterisk) 78 246 261 277
Symbols, , (comma) 244 273
Symbols, - (dash)
Symbols, . (period) 78
Symbols, / (forward slash) 12 78 361 0
Symbols, : (colon) 382 383
Symbols, ? (question mark) 261
Symbols, ’ (apostrophe) 244
Synonyms 94 430
syntax for 353
SYSDATE function 257 349
System(s), -assigned keys, limitations on 199—200
System(s), administrators 20 421 718
System(s), analysis, described 398
System(s), analysts 20
System(s), catalog 92—93
System(s), support 731
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), analysis phase 399—400
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), database administration and 736
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), DBLC and, comparison of 426
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), described 398—401
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), detailed systems design phase 399 400
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), diagram of 399
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), implementation phase 399 400—401
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), maintenance phase 399 401
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), planning phase 398—399
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), software selection and 405
Table, copying parts of 269—271
Table, creating 270
Table, database administration and 746—747
Table, deleting/dropping 271 272
Table, described 41
Table, dimension 585 591 592—593
Table, fact 585 591 593—594
Table, logical design and 419—420
Table, names 78 414
Table, normalization and 182—221
Table, OODM concept of 534
Table, populating 250—251
Table, relational model and 75—79
Table, restoring the contents of 248—249
Table, saving changes to 245—246
Table, structures 235—328
Table, union-compatible 320
Table, unnormalized 209
Table-spaces 743—745
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) 472 624 625 669 703
Telephone area codes 94
Telnet 632
Templates, database 751
Teorey, T. 153
Testing 400 402 425 731
TIME data type 235
Time(s), functions 347—349
TIMESTAMP data type 235
TM (transaction manager) 477
TO„CHAR function 348 351 352
TO_DATE function 349 351
TO_NUMBER function 351 352
TP (transaction processor) 479 498
TP (transaction processor), data replication and 497
TP (transaction processor), described 477
TP (transaction processor), MPSD and 480
TP (transaction processor), query optimization and 491
Training 473 723—724 729 733 739
Training, concurrency control and 438 444—445 449—458
Training, credit-card 635—636 638—648
Training, data redundancy and 104—106
Training, database models and 52
Training, DDBMSs and 476 482 485—490 499
Training, described 438—467
Training, distributed 465—489
Training, inconsistent retrievals and 447—448
Training, locking methods and 449—458
Training, logs 443—444 458—461 490
Training, management 704
Training, optimistic methods and 457—458
Training, properties 442
Training, read/write conflict scenarios and 449
Training, relational model and 104—106
Training, remote 486
Training, results, evaluating 439—442
Training, scheduler and 446—449
Training, security and 628—635
Training, stamping methods and 456—457
Training, summaries 562
Training, termination of 444
Training, transparency of 482 485 490
Training, uncomitted data and 446
Transactional databases, described 8
transactions and 442—444 446 460 462
Transformation, described 22 396
Transformation, of data DDBMSs and 475
Transitive relationships 193
Transparency, distribution 482 483
Transparency, failure 482
Transparency, fragmentation 483 484 499
Transparency, heterogeneity 482
Transparency, local mapping 483 484
Transparency, location 483 464 499
Transparency, performance 482 490—492
Transparency, replica 491
TRUNC function 350
Tuples 76 533—534
Two-phase commit protocol 489—490
UML (Unified Modeling Language) 536 546
Uncomitted data 446
UNION ALL command 322—323
Union command 320—322 358
UNION operator 86 87
Union-compatible tables 87
unique (see also UNIQUE constraint)
UNIQUE constraint, described 227 237 239
UNIQUE constraint, indexes and 242
UNIQUE constraint, rules governing 295
UNIQUE constraint, when to use 236
Unique, attributes 150
Unique, composite indexes 242
Unique, identity, of objects 507
Unique, use of the term 456
Unique, values, listing 275—276
University of Tennessee 618
UNIX 459 668
Updatabie views and 357 358
update command (see also Updates)
UPDATE command, advanced updates with 266—269
UPDATE command, described 228 243
UPDATE command, embedded SQL and 383
UPDATE command, Procedural SQL (PL/SQL) and 366 369—370
UPDATE command, ROLLBACK command and 248
UPDATE command, subqueries and 336
UPDATE command, syntax 247—248
UPDATE command, transactions and 439 441 444 461—462
UPDATE command, triggers and 366 369—370
Update(s) (see also UPDATE command)
Update(s), advanced 266—269
Update(s), anomalies 187
Update(s), ColdFusion and 689—696
Update(s), deferred 460
Update(s), immediate 460
Update(s), lost 444—445 452
Update(s), recovery and 460
Update(s), transactions and 439 441 444—445 461—462
Update(s), views and 356—359
updating rows with 247—248
Upper function 262 351
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) 624 625 654
usability testing 627
User(s) (see also End users)
User(s), creating new 7 48
User(s), described 747
User(s), managing 747—748
USING clause 330—331
using keyword 330
Utility software 20 725 728—730
Validation 457—458 475
Value chain 619
VARCHAR data type, described 235
VARCHAR data type, lack of support for 236
VARCHAR data type, relational set operators and 320
VARCHAR data type, SQL and 232 235—236
VARRAY (variable length array) 540 543—544
VBScript (Microsoft) 669—670 684 705
Vendors for 600
VeriSign 630
versioning 533 540
View(s), creating 284—285
View(s), database administration and 746—747
View(s), described 209 284
View(s), updatable 356—359
Virtual communities 625
Virtual tables (see Views)
Viruses 633
Visio Professional (Microsoft) 47 153 154 737
Visual Basic (Microsoft) 324 359 381 666
VLDBs (Very Large Databases) 567 579 581