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Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
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Íàçâàíèå: Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
Àâòîðû: Rob P., Coronel C.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition takes you clearly and effectively through the entire process of database development and implementation. The most comprehensive and detailed coverage of database basics is complemented with ample exercises and problems at the end of each chapter to encourage hands-on learning, and a two-chapter step-by-step running case. Because the Internet has become so firmly established as an extension of the everyday business data environment, this revised edition contains two new chapters, "Databases in Electronic Commerce" and "Web Database Development," that stress the need for solid planning and management in order to maximize the resources that the Internet provides.
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 6th edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 795
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.03.2006
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Microsoft SQL Server, database administration and 738
Microsoft SQL Server, date/time functions and 348
Microsoft SQL Server, DBLC and 418 420
Microsoft SQL Server, embedded SQL and 382
Microsoft SQL Server, schema and 231
Microsoft SQL Server, Web database development and 668
Microsoft VBScript 669—670 684 705
Microsoft Visio Professional 47 153 154 737
Microsoft Visual BASIC 324 359 381 666
Microsoft Wallet 636—637
Microsoft Windows 382 630 666—669 740 742
MicroStrategy 600
Middleware, Web-to-database 664—669
MIN function, described 228 276—279
MIN function, GROUP BY clause and 281
MIN function, Procedural SQL (PL/SQL) and 360
Minimal data rule 408
Mining, data 597—600
MINUS command, alternatives to 326—327
MINUS command, lack of support for 325 326
MINUS command, relational set operators and 320 324—327
MINUS command, updatable views and 358
Mission, of organizations 403
Models, basic building blocks of 31—32
Models, business rules and 32—33
Models, database (see also Specific types)
Models, evolution of 33—35
Models, importance of 30—31
Models, overview of 24—71
Modification anomalies 18
Modules, coupling 417
Modules, DBLC and 415—416
Modules, described 415
MOLAP (multidimensional online analytical processing) 582—584 587
Monitoring 726 731—732
Monotonidty, described 456
Month function 348
Motorola 537
MPMD (multipie-site processing, multiple site data) 481 82
MPSD (multiple-site processing, single-site data) 479—480
Multidimensional database management, systems (MDBMSs) 582—587
multiple inheritance 516—517 540
Multiuser databases, described 8
multivalued attributes 127—130 509
Murphy s Law 570
Mutual, consistency rule 496
Mutual, exclusive rules 453
Naming conventions, DBLC and 413—414
Naming conventions, described 16—17
NATURAL JOIN command 331 332
natural joins 329—332 (see also Joins)
Navigational data access 51
Nested queries (subqueries), aggregate functions and 279
Nested queries (subqueries), attribute list 342—344
Nested queries (subqueries), correlated 344—347
Nested queries (subqueries), described 249
Nested queries (subqueries), FROM 341—342 344
Nested queries (subqueries), HAVING 339
Nested queries (subqueries), IN 338—339
Nested queries (subqueries), inline 342—343
Nested queries (subqueries), inserting rows with 249
Nested queries (subqueries), operators and 340
Nested queries (subqueries), WHERE 337—338
Nested tables, described 545
Nested tables, OODBMs and 540 545
Netscape API 666
Netscape Navigator browser 24 (see also Browsers
network model (see also Networks)
Network model, advantages/disadvantages 40—41
Network model, basic structure of 39—40
Network model, described 38—41 54 56
networks 471 472 478—479 network specific
Networks, DBLC and 420
Networks, independence 499
Networks, physical design 420
Newsgroups 625
Nissan Corporation 618
NOCACHE clause 353
Node(s), DDBMSs and 477 499
Node(s), failures 499
Non-overlapping subtypes 151
Nonkey attributes 191 199
Nonprime attributesnode(s) 191
Nonvolatile character, of data warehouses 567—568
Normal forms (see also Normalization)
Normal forms, BCNF (Boyce-Codd normal form) 199—201
Normal forms, described 184
Normal forms, DKNF domain-key normal form 207
Normalization (see also Denormalization normal
Normalization and 194—195
Normalization, data warehouses and 591 592—593
Normalization, database design and 202—206
Normalization, DBLC and 410—415
Normalization, described 184—201
Normalization, improving database design with 194—199
Normalization, naming conventions and 194—195
Normalization, need for 184 188
Normalization, OLAP and 580
Normalization, OO {object oriented) databases and 545
Normalization, purity 209
North American Rockwell 34 38
NOT COMMITTED message 490
NOT NULL clause, adding columns and 266
NOT NULL clause, described 237
NOT NULL clause, inserting rows and 244
NOT NULL clause, rules governing 295 296
NOT NULL clause, when to use 236
NOT operator, Boolean algebra and 260
NOT operator, described 228 258—260
NULL ALLOWED condition 296
Null values, entity integrity and 82—83
Null values, ER models and 150 166
Null values, flags and 86
Null values, inserting rows and 244—245
Null values, relational modei and 82—83 86
NUMBER data type, relational set operators and 320
NUMBER data type, SQL and 236 363
Numeric, data types 234 236 320 363
Numeric, data, described 78
Numeric, functions 350
NVL function 352
O/RDBMS (object/relationai database management system) 52—53
O/RM (object/relationai model) 549
O/RM (object/relationai model), outer joins 91—92 290—291 328 332—334
O/RM and 549
O/RM and support for 539
Object state and 523
Objectives, defining 403 405
Objects (see also OO (object oriented) databases)
Objects, associative 520
objects, classification 520
Objects, complex 519 538 549
objects, composite 520
Objects, compound 520
Objects, database administration and 746—747
Objects, definitions, conflicting 430
Objects, depiction of 510
Objects, described 49 507—508
Objects, examples of 540—545
Objects, graphical representation of 521—524
Objects, hybrid 520
Objects, instances 511 522
Objects, OODM concept of 533—534
Objects, relationships between 525—531
objects, schemas 521—524 536
Objects, sharing, referential 524
Objects, simple 520
Objects, space 523 529—531 539
Objects, state 510—511 523 535
objects, tables 540
Objects, unique identity of 507
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) 382 666—668 703
OLAP (online analytical processing), architecture 576—579
OLAP (online analytical processing), data mining and 598
OLAP (online analytical processing), data warehouses and 572—584
OLAP (online analytical processing), DSSs and 570
OlDs (object IDs), described 508
OlDs (object IDs), interobject references and 531
OLE {object linking and embedding 547 666 702 703
OMA {Object Management Architecture) 546
OMG (Object Management Group) 536 546 547
ON DELETE clause 239
ON UPDATE CASCADE clause 236 237
One-to-many relationships 39 46
One-to-many relationships, conceptual models and 59
One-to-many relationships, converting many-to-many relationships into 101
One-to-many relationships, described 31
One-to-many relationships, ER models and 168
One-to-many relationships, normalization and 204
One-to-many relationships, OO (object oriented) databases and 526—528
One-to-many relationships, relational model and 97—98
One-to-many relationships, ruies governing 296—297
One-to-one relationships, database models and 46 167
One-to-one relationships, described 31
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), access methods and 535
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), ADTs and 519 522—523 532 534 546
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), advantages of 547—548
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), advantages/disadvantages 50—51
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), attributes and 508—509
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), basic structure of 50—51
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), classes and 511—512 517—517 525—531
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), database design and 506 545—547
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), database models and 49—52
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), described 49—52 54 56 506—555
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), disadvantages of 548
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), distributed 540
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), encapsulation and 511 521 534 539
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), ER models and 509 521 533—535 545—546
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), evolution of 506—507
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), extensions and 549
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), features of 538—540
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), influence of, on relational models 548—549
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), inheritance and 514—517
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), late/early binding and 531—533
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), methods and 510—511 517—519
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), next-generation DBMSs and 550
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), niche occupied by 550
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), optional features 540
OODBMS (object oriented database management systems), protocols and 513—514
OODBMs and vendors and 536
OODM (object oriented data model) 49 52—55
OODM (object oriented data model), described 520—533
OODM (object oriented data model), ERDMs and 52—53
OODM (object oriented data model), late/early binding and 531—533
OODM (object oriented data model), previous data models and, comparison of 533—536
OODM (object oriented data model), standards 51
OODM (object oriented data model), versioning and 533
OODM and 520—521 535
OOP (object-oriented programming), described 506
OOP (object-oriented programming), evolution of 506—507
OOPLs (object oriented programming languages), access methods and 535
OOPLs (object oriented programming languages), described 506—507
Open command 379
Operating system software, overview of 19—20
Operation phase (DBLC) 402 425
Operators, Boolean aigebra and 260
Operators, described 228
Operators, relational model and 86—92
Operators, rules of precedence and 257—258
Optimistic methods 457—458
Optionaiity, use of the term 135
Optional symbol 154
OQL (object query language), described 536
OQL (object query language), incomplete development of 548
OR operator, Boolean aigebra and 260
OR operator, described 228 258—260
OR operator, IN operator and 263
Oracle, case-sensitivity and 262
Oracle, columns and 247 265
Oracle, CREATE TABLE command and 238
Oracle, data types and 235 264
Oracle, data warehouses and 600
Oracle, database administration and 740—743
Oracle, database models and 41 55
Oracle, dates and 79 348—349
Oracle, DBLC and 418 420
Oracle, embedded SQL and 382
Oracle, initialization parameters and 749—750
Oracle, joins and 290 291
Oracle, overwriting existing tables and 271
Oracle, relational set operators and 321
Oracle, ROLLBACK command and 249
Oracle, schema and 231
Oracle, script files and 230
Oracle, sequences 353—356
Oracle, SQL and 238
Oracle, string functions and 350—351
Oracle, transactions and 441
Oracle, triggers and 365
Oracle, updates and 357—358 268
Oracle, Web database development and 668
ORB (Object Request Broker) 547
Orbitz 612
ORDER BY clause, described 227
ORDER BY clause, joins and 287
ORDER BY clause, syntax 272—275
Page-level locks 451
Parameters, initialization 749—750 753
Parent tables 295
Parentheses 244 258 259
Participants, described 130
Participation relationship, ER models and 125—139
Participation relationship, mandatory 136 137
Participation relationship, optional 136 137
Partitions 497—498 594—595
Pascal, embedded SQL and 382
Passwords 15 423 630 723—725
percent sign (%) 261
Perfective maintenance 401 (see also Maintenance)
PERFORM command 385
Performance, DBLC and 423 425
Performance, DDBMSs and 471 482 490—492
Performance, degradation 471
performance, monitoring 731—732
Performance, OODBMs and 547
Performance, testing and 425
Performance, transparency 482 490—492
performance, tuning 22
period (.) 78
periodicity 595
Perl 666
Personalization 627
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) 631
Physical, data format 15—16
Physical, design 420
Physical, model 62—64
Physical, security 423 725 727
Pilot projects 739
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) 383 540
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) blocks, anonymous 361
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) cursors and 378—381
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) described 359—381
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) functions 360
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) stored functions 381
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) stored procedures and 373—378
PL/SQL (Procedural SQL) triggers and 364—373
Planning phase (SDLC) 398—399
Plug-ins 669—670