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Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management
Rob P., Coronel C. — Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management

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Название: Database systems: Design, Implementation, and Management

Авторы: Rob P., Coronel C.


Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Fifth Edition takes you clearly and effectively through the entire process of database development and implementation. The most comprehensive and detailed coverage of database basics is complemented with ample exercises and problems at the end of each chapter to encourage hands-on learning, and a two-chapter step-by-step running case. Because the Internet has become so firmly established as an extension of the everyday business data environment, this revised edition contains two new chapters, "Databases in Electronic Commerce" and "Web Database Development," that stress the need for solid planning and management in order to maximize the resources that the Internet provides.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 6th edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 795

Добавлена в каталог: 29.03.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Client/server computing, DBLC and      420
Client/server computing, DDBMSs and      478 480 498
Client/server computing, disadvantages of      498
Client/server computing, multi-tier      480
Client/server computing, stateless systems and      683—684
Client/server computing, Web database development and      683—684 702
Close command      379 381
Clustering, data      539
COBOL      14 15 38
COBOL and ANSI (American National Standards institute)      38
COBOL, embedded SQL and      381—384 385
COBOL, Procedural SQL (PL/SQL) and      359
COBOL, query optimization and      491
COBOL, Web database development and      672 684
CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages)      38 535
Codd, E. R      41
Cognos Corporation      558 600
Cohesivity, described      417
ColdFusion (Macromedia), described      670—701
ColdFusion (Macromedia), embedded SQL and      381 382
ColdFusion (Macromedia), queries and      674—680
ColdFusion (Macromedia), search pages and      679—683
Collection objects, attributes and      509
Collection objects, described      509
Collection objects, OO (object oriented) databases and      509 540
Collection objects, Oracle and      540
colon (:)      382 383
Column(s) adding      264 265—266
Column(s) aliases      256—257 344
Column(s) computed      256—257
Column(s) data characteristics of      265
Column(s) data entries in      266—269
Column(s) data types and      264—265
Column(s) dropping      266
Column(s) joins and      90
Column(s) modifying      264
Column(s) names      76 78 238
Column(s) OODBMs and      540—542
Column(s) relational model and      76—78
Column(s) types      540—542
Column(s) width      247
Columnlists      246
COM (Component Object Model)      547
comma (,)      244 273
Comments, indicating      372
COMMIT command, DDBMSs and      485 488 489—490
COMMIT command, described      228 243
COMMIT command, premature, effect of      489
COMMIT command, recovery and      460
COMMIT command, ROLLBACK command and      249
COMMIT command, saving changes with      245—246
COMMIT command, sequences and      355—356
COMMIT command, syntax      245
COMMIT command, transactions and      441—443 460—462 485 488
COMMIT WORK transaction format      485 488
COMMITTED message      490
Common Object Request Broker, Architecture      (see CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture))
Common Object Services Specifications      (see COSS (Common Object Services Specifications))
Communication(s) interfaces, described      24
Communication(s) media      477
Comparison operators, character attributes and      254—255
Comparison operators, dates and      255—256
Comparison operators, described      228 253
Comparison operators, restricting output with      253
Components, described      507—508
Composite (bridge) entities      101 147—150 411 545
Composite attributes      127 522
Composite keys      81
Computer Associates      738
Computer-aided design      (see CAD (computer-aided design))
Computer-aided manufacturing      (see CAM (computer-aided manufacturing))
Conceptual model, described      57—59
Concurrency control, DBLC and      415 424
Concurrency control, DDBMSs and      476 489
Concurrency control, distributed      489
Concurrency control, locking methods and      449—458
Concurrency control, need for      424
Concurrency control, optimistic methods and      457—458
Concurrency control, stamping methods and      456—457
Concurrency control, transactions and      438 444—445 449—458
Conditional criteria      251
Conference on Data Systems Languages      (see CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages))
conflict resolution      722
Connectivity, database models and      46
Connectivity, described      46 131
Connectivity, HR models and      131
Consistency, OO (object oriented) databases and      523
Consistency, transactions and      444 448 449
Constrain actions, referential      239
Constrain t(s)      (see also constraints (listed by name))
Constrain, database models and      48
Constrain, DBLC and      403
Constrain, SQL and      239—241
Constraints (listed by name)      (see also Constraints)
Constraints CHECK constraint      227 240 241
Constraints DEFAULT constraint      227 239—240 241
Constraints FOREIGN KEY constraint      227 239
Constraints PRIMARY KEY constraint      227 236 237 239
Constraints UNIQUE constraint      227 236—237 239 242 295
content management      627
Conventional data types      508
conversion functions      351—353
coordinators      490
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)      546 547
corrective maintenance      401 425
correlated subqueries      344—347
COSS (Common Object Services Specifications)      546 547
COUNT function, described      228 276—277
COUNT function, GROUP BY clause and      281
COUNT function, null values and      83
COUNT function, relational model and      83
Coupling modules      417
Covisint.com      620
CPUs (central processing units), DDBMSs and      472 479 491
CPUs (central processing units), scheduler and      449
CPUs (central processing units), transactions and      449
CREATE INDEX command, described      227
CREATE INDEX command, ROLLBACK command and      249
CREATE INDEX command, syntax of      242
CREATE TABLE AS command      227
CREATE TABLE command, constraints and      240
CREATE TABLE command, copying parts of tables and      270
CREATE TABLE command, described      227 235—238
CREATE TABLE command, OO (object oriented) databases and      545
CREATE TABLE command, ROLLBACK command and      248
CREATE TABLE command, syntax      235—236
Create User dialog box      748
CREATE VIEW command      227 284—285
Credit-card processing      635—636 638—648
Cross-classification, described      396
Crows Foot model      47—48 98 103 124 142—143
Crows Foot model, attributes and      130
Crows Foot model, cardinality and      131
Crows Foot model, composite entities and      149
Crows Foot model, described      153
Crows Foot model, foreign keys and      128
Crows Foot model, representation of the invoicing problem      156
Crows Foot model, supertype/subtype relationships and      159
Crows Foot model, symbols      154
Crows Foot model, weak entities and      140
Crows Foot model, weak relationships and      133
CU (Call Levei Interface)      382 667—668
Cubes, data      582—583 587—588
Currency data type      235
Cursors, attributes of      380
Cursors, described      378
Cursors, explicit      378—379
Cursors, implicit      378
Cursors, Procedural SQL (PL/SQL) and      378—381
DA (data administrator)      718—721 (see also Administration)
dash (-)      17 78 372
Data analysis      (see also analysis phase (SDLQ))
Data anomalies, data redundancy and      104
Data anomalies, described      18
Data anomalies, modification      18
Data anomalies, normalization and      187
Data definition language {DDL), classification of SQL as a      226
Data definition language {DDL), DBLC and      422
Data definition language {DDL), described      24
data dictionaries      233—234 292—293 485
Data dictionaries, active      734
Data fragmentation, DDBMSs and      473 477 484
Data fragmentation, described      492—495
Data fragmentation, horizontal      492 493—494
Data fragmentation, mixed      492 495
Data fragmentation, transparency      483 484 499
Data fragmentation, vertical      492 494
Data independence and      22
Data independence, formats, relational model and      79
Data independence, tools      560 566—567 573
Data integrity      (see also Referential integrity)
Data manipulation language (DML), classification of SQL as a      226
Data manipulation language (DML), database models and      38 40 48
Data manipulation language (DML), described      24
Data manipulation language (DML), OODBMs and      539
Data manipulation language (DML), Procedural SQL {PL/SQL} and      370
Data manipulation language (DML), subqueries and      336
Data manipulation language (DML), transactions and      460
Data manipulation language (DML), triggers and      370
Data mining and      599—600
Data presentation, described      22
Data processing (DP) managers      13 14 24
Data processing (DP) specialists      11 14 24
Data processor (DP)      11 498
Data processor (DP), concurrency control and      489
Data processor (DP), described      477
Data processor (DP), query optimization and      491
Data processor (DP), SPSD and      479
Data processor (DP), transactions and      486—487 490
Data processor (DP), transparency and      485
Data redundancy, controlled      83 104
Data redundancy, DBLC and      413
Data redundancy, described      9 17—18
Data redundancy, design issues and      9
Data redundancy, normalization and      187 190—191
Data redundancy, relational model and      83 104—106
Data replication, data allocation and      497—498
Data type      363
Data type(s)      (see also ADTs (abstract data types) data
Data type(s), base      508 531 546 547
Data type(s), changing      264—265
Data type(s), columns and      264—265
Data type(s), compatible      320
Data type(s), database models and      54
Data type(s), embedded SQL and      382
Data type(s), mismatches      382
Data type(s), OO (object oriented) databases and      508—509 539
Data type(s), relational model and      79
Data type(s), relational set operators and      320
Data type(s), SQL and      232—235 382
Data type(s), supported      702—703
Data type(s), Web database development and      702—703
Data types (listed by name)      (see also Data types)
Data types (listed by name), autonumber data type      101 353
Data types (listed by name), CURRENCY data type      235
Data types (listed by name), DATE data type      235 363 509
Data types (listed by name), DECIMAL data type      235
Data types (listed by name), DOUBLE data type      235
Data types (listed by name), FCHAR data type      236
Data types (listed by name), FLOAT data type      235
Data types (listed by name), LOGICAL data type      235
Data types (listed by name), REAL data type      235 509
Data types (listed by name), string data type      509
Data types (listed by name), TIME data type      235
Data types (listed by name), TIMESTAMP data type      235
Data types (listed by name), VARCHAR      2
Data warehouse implementations and      595
Data warehouses and      558—559
Data warehouses and e-commerce and      627
Data warehouses, advanced database support and      574—575
Data warehouses, architectural styles and      570—571
Data warehouses, characteristics of      567—568
Data warehouses, data analysis and      558—559
Data warehouses, data mining and      597—600
Data warehouses, DDBMSs and      495—497
Data warehouses, described      8 557—607
Data warehouses, implementing      595—597
Data warehouses, mutual consistency rule and      496
Data warehouses, need for      558—559
Data warehouses, normalization and      209
Data warehouses, OLAPand      570 572—584
Data warehouses, operational databases and, comparison of      567—568
Data warehouses, star schema and      585—595
Data warehouses, techniques, multidimensional      573—574
Data warehouses, twelve rules that define      572
Data warehouses, use of the term      402
Data warehouses, vendors for      600
Data, allocation      497 98
Data, as a corporate asset      712
Data, clustering      539
Data, consistency      444 448 449 523
Data, cubes      582—583 587—588
Database administration      (see also Database administrators (DBAs))
Database administration, CASE tools and      736—738
Database administration, DBLC and      413
Database administration, DDBMSs and      485
Database administration, described      21 92—93
Database administration, evolution of      715—718
Database administration, human component of      719—733
Database administration, information resource      735
Database administration, management of      21—22
Database administration, passive      734
Database administration, relational modei and      92—93
Database administration, star schema and      590
Database administration, strategies      738—740
Database administration, tools      734—738
database administrators (DBAs)      (see also Administration)
Database administrators (DBAs), administration strategies and      739
Database administrators (DBAs), database models and      55
Database administrators (DBAs), DBLC and      409 425
Database administrators (DBAs), described      20 716—718
Database administrators (DBAs), end-user support and      722—723
Database administrators (DBAs), initialization parameters and      749—750
Database administrators (DBAs), managerial role of      721—728
Database administrators (DBAs), OO (object oriented) databases and      546
Database administrators (DBAs), tasks handled by      719—721 740—741
Database administrators (DBAs), technical role of      728—733
Database administrators (DBAs), testing and      425
Database Configuration Assistant (Oracle)      750—751
Database design, aggregation problems and      430
Database design, bottom-up      427
Database design, centralized      428—430
Database design, challenges facing      166—168
Database design, conceptual      408—417
Database design, data warehouses and      596—597
Database design, database administration and      730—731
Database design, decentralized      428—430
Database design, distributed      417 471 492—498
Database design, e-commerce and      637—648
Database design, importance of      9—10
Database design, improving      194—199
Database design, logical      10 418—420
Database design, normalization and      202—206
Database design, OO (object oriented) databases and      506 545—547
Database design, overview of      9 24—25
Database design, procedure flow and      407
Database design, strategies      427
Database design, top-down      427
Database initial study phase      401—406
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