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Lee J.S., Miller L.E. — CDMA systems engineering handbook
Lee J.S., Miller L.E. — CDMA systems engineering handbook

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Íàçâàíèå: CDMA systems engineering handbook

Àâòîðû: Lee J.S., Miller L.E.


This book was not intended as a communication theory text, but it does a great job of providing the basic results in an organized fashion. It serves as a good reference for me for CDMA related issues, or channel models and fading/diversity analysis.
Definitely recommend the book if you can find one at a decent price. Five stars is granted for the reference use of this book, this should not be a first timers' textbook.
Artech House books are usually packed with errors, since there is no serious review process. But refreshingly this book does not come with a big pack of errata despite the large content.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1228

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.03.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Buildings height effect calculation      197
Buildings separation effect calculation      197
Buildings surrounding base station      206
Butterworth filters      131—33
Butterworth filters autocorrelation function for      131—33
Butterworth filters normalized transfer function for      132
C/1 as function of loading      319
C/1 for AMPS      318 320
C/1 ratio      317
C/1 received      318
C/N      320
Call arrivals      267 268
Call departures      268
Candidate set      1116
Capacity AMPS      6
Capacity balancing      1170—77
Capacity CDMA system      6—7 10—11 1018—20
Capacity cell      7
Capacity cellular      275—77 305—27
Capacity channel      844
Capacity Erlang      90 1048 1057—81
Capacity FDMA      6 12 14
Capacity forward link      1164—70
Capacity IS-54 standard      6
Capacity LS-95 standard      710—14
Capacity multi-FA Erlang      1079 1087—89
Capacity multicell      1019
Capacity subscriber      1103
Capacity TDMA      6
Capacity “soft”      1151
Carrier-to-interference ratio      1019
Carrier-to-noise power ratio      1040
Catastrophic error propagation      888—90
CCIR formula      188—90
CCIR formula base station antenna height      208
CCIR formula base station density vs. traffic density      1104
CCIR formula cell radius      1024
CCIR formula effective power law      189
CCIR formula for median propagation path loss      323
CCIR formula Hata formula comparison      189
CCIR formula path-loss equation      188
CCIR formula propagation distance power laws      1034
CCIR formula propagation loss      189 213 1091
CDMA area coverage analysis      1081—1103
CDMA cells      see “Cells”
CDMA center frequency regions      338
CDMA defined      18—21
CDMA Erlang capacity comparison      1078—80
CDMA FDMA capacity vs.      14
CDMA frequency reuse pattern      1022
CDMA illustrated      5
CDMA link reliability      1048—57
CDMA multi-FA Erlang capacity      1079 1087—89
CDMA optimization issues      1111—86
CDMA primary channel      775
CDMA receiver      11
CDMA receiver operations      765 769
CDMA reuse parameters      1017—18
CDMA secondary channel      775
CDMA spectrum reuse      337
CDMA systems BPSK      359 763—68
CDMA systems capacity      6—7 10 11 1018—20
CDMA systems cellular      480
CDMA systems design      7 1001—1109
CDMA systems Erlang capacity      90 1048 1057—81
CDMA systems hardware      1
CDMA systems interference      12—13
CDMA systems military type of      656
CDMA systems multicell      12—13
CDMA systems nonmilitary type of      656—58
CDMA systems optimization      1111—12
CDMA systems PCS      480 527
CDMA systems processing gain and      1011
CDMA systems QPSK      359 769—73
CDMA systems second-generation      1
CDMA systems single-cell      13
CDMA systems user capacity of      847
CDMA waveforms      337 338
CDMA “soft capacity”      1151
Cell loading      1020—22 1040
Cell loading base station density vs.      1099
Cell loading cell radius as function of      1089—94
Cell loading interference to noise ratio as function of      1021
Cell loading received signal level as function of      1082—89
Cell loading threshold      1065 1071 1074
Cell loading traffic density vs.      1102
Cell radius CCIR propagation model      1024
Cell radius cell loading as function of      1089—94
Cell radius density of active users and      1094
Cell radius formula      1024
Cell radius forward link      1022—23
Cell radius Hata propagation loss model      1025
Cell radius link distance as      1089
Cell radius maximal formula      1097
Cell radius maximum link loss vs.      1026—27 1029—30 1031—33
Cell radius maximum propagation loss and      1023—33
Cell radius number of active users vs.      1095 1096
Cell radius numerical expression for      1093
Cell radius relationship dependence      1094
Cell radius reverse link      1022—23
Cell radius Walfisch — Ikegami propagation loss model      1028—30
Cell size      1022—47
Cell size effective      1022
Cell size toward link      1035
Cell size variation in      1094
Cells accumulated order of      285
Cells capacity      7
Cells center-to-corner radius      1094—95
Cells cochannel interfering      286 287
Cells density of      297
Cells geometry of      277—87
Cells hexagonal      279 282—84
Cells interfering, locations of      284—87
Cells overlap      310
Cells physical dimensions of      298
Cells radius vs. number of active users      325
Cells scaling of      297
Cells sectorization of      296
Cells splitting      296—99 (see also “Cluster sizes”)
Cellular capacity coverage vs.      305—27
Cellular capacity increasing with frequency reuse      275—77
Cellular capacity sector      305
Cellular capacity “loaded”      305
Cellular channel assignments      300
Cellular clusters      282—84
Cellular concept      274—87
Cellular coordinate systems      279—82
Cellular coverage limits      302—5
Cellular coverage vs. capacity      305—27
Cellular design, propagation models in      205—14
Cellular free-space propagation and      290
Cellular frequency allocations      336 337
Cellular hexagonal cell patterns      279
Cellular idealized coverage area      277
Cellular link budget      303
Cellular nonorthogonal coordinate system      280
Cellular ring coordinate system      281
Cellular rings      281
Cellular spectrum division      294
Cellular subscribers      297
Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA)      2
Center-to-edge cell radius      1015
Central chi-squared distribution      141—44
Central chi-squared distribution CHF      142
Central chi-squared distribution defined      141—42
Central chi-squared distribution notation      147
Central chi-squared distribution pdf      142
Central chi-squared distribution scaled      143—44 147
Central chi-squared distribution standard      143 (see also “Chi-squared RV”)
Central Limit Theorem (CLT)      105—7
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) approximation      113 149
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) CB comparison      112 113
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) defined      106
Central Limit Theorem (CLT) use of      107
Central moment      82
Central moment joint      83
Central moment second-order      93
Channel capacity      844
Channel coding schemes      839 842
Channel models      215—29
Channel models defined      215
Channel models delay spread/Doppler spread combination      226—29
Channel models Doppler-spread function      224—26
Channel models frequency transfer function      221—24
Channels access      360—62
Channels allocation summary      301
Channels AMPS      293
Channels as tapped delay lines      217
Channels AWGN      677
Channels bandwidth      843
Channels binary symmetric (BSC)      873—75
Channels cellular assignment of      300
Channels communication      677
Channels control      301
Channels defined      215
Channels delay spread      218—19 226
Channels diversity      931
Channels Doppler-spread      226 233
Channels doubly dispersive      234 236
Channels effect on input signal      216
Channels fading      229—33 236
Channels forward link      334 335 342 343—56
Channels Gaussian      687—90
Channels input signal replicas      216 217
Channels multipath      974
Channels noiseless      845
Channels output      218
Channels paging      350—53
Channels pilot      344—47
Channels reverse link      334 335 346 356—67
Channels reverse traffic      362—66
Channels setup      301
Channels SNR      966 967
Channels synchronization      347—50
Channels traffic      353—56
Channels Walsh      1153 1154 1156 1157 1158 1178—79 1182—83
Characteristic function (CHF)      84—86
Characteristic function (CHF) central chi-squared RV      142
Characteristic function (CHF) defined      84
Characteristic function (CHF) for Gaussian RV      85
Characteristic function (CHF) moments and      85
Characteristic function (CHF) noncentral chi-squared RV      145
Characteristic matrix      565
Characteristic polynomials      583
Characteristic polynomials defined      565
Characteristic polynomials short PN sequence      616
Chernoff bound (CB)      107—13 705
Chernoff bound (CB) approximation      113 149
Chernoff bound (CB) basis      109
Chernoff bound (CB) CLT comparison      112 113
Chernoff bound (CB) defined      108
Chernoff bound (CB) refined      110
Chernoff bound (CB) unit step function for      109
Chernoff bound (CB) “exponentially tight”      109
Chi-squared RVs      141—50
Chi-squared RVs CCDF for      126
Chi-squared RVs central      141—44 744 757 959
Chi-squared RVs defined      141
Chi-squared RVs equally weighted      947
Chi-squared RVs for EGC      942
Chi-squared RVs noncentral      144—50 744 757 758
Chi-squared RVs notation for      146—50
Chi-squared RVs pdf      79 147
Chi-squared RVs probability for a difference of      161—64
Chi-squared RVs scaled      143 146 147 744 757
Chi-squared RVs standard      143 146
Chip synchronization      751
Circular shift      575
Clear/acquisition (C/A) signal      664
Clock pulse      860—61
Closed fields      450
Closed-loop power control      371—73 927 928
Closed-loop power control bit position      373
Closed-loop power control commands      372
Closed-loop power control outer loop      372 (see also “Power control”)
Closure property      437
Cluster sizes      282 283
Cluster sizes directional antenna      295—96
Cluster sizes for AMPS system parameters      295
Cluster sizes for frequency reuse      287
Cluster sizes illustrated      285
Cluster sizes interference ratio vs.      288—93
Cluster sizes possible      284
Cluster sizes selection of      287—96
Cluster sizes small      293
Cluster sizes spectral efficiency as functions of      296 (see also “Cells”)
Clutter factor      254
Cochannel interference      286 836 1001
Cochannel interference forward link      1002—12
Cochannel interference power leakage      1018
Cochannel interference reuse distances      298
Cochannel interference reverse link      287 1012—22
Cochannel interference within cell      1001
Cochannel interference worst case      289 (see also “Cells”; “Interference”)
Cochannel reuse ratio      285
Code polynomials      888
Code vectors      481
Code-division multiple access      see “CDMA”
Coded system      842
Codeword polynomials      504 505 523
Codeword polynomials as multiple of generator polynomial      524
Codeword polynomials cyclic      507
Codeword polynomials defined      505
Codeword polynomials illustrated      506
Codeword polynomials systematic form of      510 512
Codewords all-zero      882
Codewords defined      481
Codewords determining      482—83
Codewords digit computations      486
Codewords expressed as polynomials      860
Codewords input sequence correspondence      857
Codewords received, syndrome      500
Codewords sum of      496
Codewords Walsh sequence      474 748
Coding gains constraint length vs.      913—16
Coding gains defined      842
Coding gains dependence of      914—15
Coding gains estimate      905—6 908—9
Coding gains illustrated      843
Coding gains of convolutional codes      903—6
Coding gains of soft-decision decoding      905
Coding gains upper bounds examples      906
Coherence bandwidth      222—23 232
Coherence bandwidth defined      222
Coherence bandwidth definition of      223
Coherence bandwidth frequency separation      223
Coherence bandwidth non-time-varying delay-spread function and      224
Coherence time      233
Coherent DLL      800—803
Coherent DLL conceptual full-time      800—801
Coherent DLL defined      791
Coherent DLL error signal      802
Coherent postdetection      392
Cold’s theorem      659 660
Comb function      39 828
Comb function Fourier transform of      40
Comb function pair      828
Combining techniques      929
Common air interface (CAI)      2 333
Common air interface (CAI)forward link      340—41
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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