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Giles R. — Mathematical foundation of thermodynamics |
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4-impulse 183
4-vector 171
4-vector, coldness 184
4-vector, space-like 172
4-vector, time-like 172
Absolute entropy 69 211
Absolute scale of hotness 86 100
Absolute temperature 2 99 137 179
Absolute temperature, measurement of 111
Absolute temperature, negative 100
Addition of processes 32 193
Addition states 3 22 30 192
Addition systems 22
Additive 216
Adiabatic process 46 48—55
Adiabatically natural etc. 54
Adjoint representation 166 169 223—228
Angular spin 136 174
Angular velocity 136 178
Anti-equilibrium, perfect 212
Anti-equilibrium, state 68 212
Anti-potential 213
Anti-quasi-entropy function 205
Antinatural 31 194
Appearance 152 168
Arbitrarily large 28
Archimedean 79 200
Automorphism 158
Auxiliary parameter 227
Axioms 10 71
Basis 74 85
Basis, proper 74 160
Black-body radiation 118
Bound 216
Bounded component of content 63 70 72 80 206
Bounded entropy function 65 69—72 81
Bounded function of state 63 80 206
Bounded quasi-entropy function 80 207
Bounded set of states 62
Caratheodory 15 16
Centre of mass 131 173 174
Centrifugal effect 144 186
Charge, electric 122
chemical potential 117 145
Chemical potential, local 147 187
Chemical species 116 144
Clausius 15
Coldness 4-vector 184
Collision, inelastic 138 181
Commutation relations 166
Compatibility 32
Complete system 93
Completion of a system 94
Component of content 4—6 37 60 195
Component of content, auxiliary 227
Component of content, bounded 63 70 72 80 206
Component of content, continuous 38
Component of content, discrete 38
Component of content, examples 37 97 114 116 121—125 131 170
Component of content, mechanical 55 70
Component of content, non-mechanical 55 70 74 76 214
Component of content, positive 39 70 170
Component of content, principal 225
Component of content, principal, potential 87 99 115 117 122 125 136 178
Components of content, sufficient set of 40 74
Concept see also "Term"
Concept, direct and indirect 11—13
Concept, primitive 25
Condenser, electrical 119
Conditions of stability 88 92 117
Cone 81
Cone, positive 81
Congruent processes 79
Conserved quantity 4 37
Constraint 25 113 121 142
Contained in (states) 61 195
Content 74 194
Content, have the same 39 74 194
Content, measure of 61
Content, space 73 83 194
Continuous process 89
Cosmological principle, perfect 164
Current, electric 125
de Sitter space-time 164
Dependence on a set of states 75
Derived terms 10
Discrete component of content 38
Divisible state 90 94
Drive backwards 2 33
Dual 205
Duality principle 205
Electric charge 122
Electric current 125
Electrostatic potential 122
Energy 2 96—98 105—108 131 170
Energy, internal 141
Energy, non-translational 135
entropy 1 16 56
Entropy function 56 128 134 214
Entropy function, (from experiment) 108
Entropy function, absolute 69 212
Entropy function, bounded 65 69—72 81
Entropy function, invariant 134 162 177
Entropy function, negative 205
Entropy function, positive 69 70 214
Equilibrium state, imperfect 104 143
Equilibrium state, metastable 84
Equilibrium state, perfect 91—95 208—211
Equilibrium, local 140 147 181 184
Equilibrium, state 83 208
Equilibrium, surface 84 88
Equivalence of processes 31 193
Experience 152
Experience, direct and indirect 11—13
Experience, primitive aspect of 13
Fluctuations 18
Flux, magnetic 125
Formal process 31 193
Formal process, system 93
Free energy, Helmholtz 100
Frozen state 27 119 124
Fundamental set of states 76
Galilean group 150 227
Galilean group, relativity 130 151
Galilean group, transformation 134
Gibbs — Duhem relation 95 118
Gravitational field 147 187
Group, Galilean 150 227
Group, Lie 166
Group, Lorentz 164 190 223
Group, realisation of a 159
Group, representation of a 160
Group, rotation 176 227
Group, symmetry 124 151 155 164 226
Gyrostat 142
Hahn — Banach theorem 217
Heat 115 184
Heat, capacity 100
Heat, capacity, negative 104 117
Heat, transfer of 178
Helmholtz free energy 100
Hotness 84 86 100
Hysteresis 126—128
Ideal physical theory 12
Inaccessibility principle 15
Independent set of states 75
Inelastic collision 138 181
Inertial mass 2
inf 216
| Infinitesimal element (of Lie group) 165
Inhibition 25 see
Inhomogeneous Lorentz group 164 190 223
Inhomogeneous Lorentz group, proper 165
Internal (with respect to p) 217
Internal (with respect to p) energy 141
Internal (with respect to p) state 62 92 95 117 196
Interpretation, rules of 9
Intrinsic property of a state 136 145 147 178 182 186
Inversion, space 165
Involved 23
Irreversibility 1—3 41
Irreversibility function 42—45 194 204
Irreversibility function, lower 128
Irreversibility function, upper 128
Irreversible process 31 194
Kelvin 15
Laws of thermodynamics 15
Lie algebra 166 228
Lie group 166
Line of action 183
Local chemical potential 147 187
Local equilibrium 140 147 181 184
Local process 182—183
Local proper temperature 181 183
Local temperature 140 182—184
Local velocity 140 181—185
Lorentz group 164 190 223
Lorentz reference frame 164
Lorentz transformation 164 224
Lorentz transformation, infinitesimal 165 224
Magnitude of a process 79
Magnitude of a process, state 61 79 206
Manifestation of a state 132 225
Mass 2 132 171
Mass, centre of 131 174
Mass, moment of 132 170
Massieu function 100
Maximal element 216
Mechanical component of content 55 70
Mechanical process 53
Mechanical state 53 66 69 81 214
Mechanical system 50—52 113
Metastable 84
Mixed state 18—20 67 228
Moment of mass 132 170
Momentum 131 170
Momentum, angular 131 170
Natural process 23 31 194
Negative of a process 32
Nilpotent 78
Non-translational energy 135
Norm (in a vector space) 62 79
Norm (in a vector space) (of a component of content) 63
Norm (in a vector space) (of a state) 61 79 206
Occupied point 73 74 194
Order bound topology 79
Order bound topology, unit 78
Overlies 217
Partial ordering 4 215
Particle, thermodynamic 138 144—148 180
Perfect anti-equilibrium state 212
Perfect cosmological principle 164
Perfect equilibrium state 91—95 208—211
Perfect system 94 117
Planck 15
Plane of contact 91—93
Positive cone 81
Positive cone, function of state 195
Possible process 31 194
Potential 87 91—93 100 210
Potential, belonging to a state 92 210
Potential, chemical 117 145
Potential, component of 87 99 115 117 122 125 136 178
Potential, electrostatic 122
Pressure 112—116 148
Primitive aspect of experience 13
Primitive observer 5 26 97—125 188—190
Primitive rules of interpretation 11
Principal components of content 225
Principal operators 224
Principle of equivalence 130 152
Principle of relativity 150
Process (various types) 31 193—194
Process (various types), adiabatic 46 48—55
Process (various types), adiabatically natural etc. 53
Process (various types), continuous 89
Process (various types), formal 31 193
Process (various types), local 182—183
Process (various types), mechanical 53
Process (various types), natural 23 31 194
Process (various types), negative of 32
Process (various types), quasi-static 89
Process (various types), zero 31 193
Processes, congruent 79
Processes, equivalent 31 193
Processes, ordering of 33 193
Processes, sum of 32 193
Projective geometry 12
Proper additive function of state 74 159
Proper basis 74—75 160
Proper coordinate system 75
Proper temperature 181
Proper time 154
Pure state 18 67 228
Quasi-entropy function 47 57 66 74 199
Quasi-entropy function, bounded 80 207
Quasi-entropy function, positive 67 204 207
Quasi-static process 89
Quasi-static process, infinitesimal 89 95
Ray representation 226
Realisation of a group 159
Relativistic invariance 224
Relativity, galilean 130 151
Relativity, principle of 150
Representation of a group 160
Representation, adjoint 166 169 223—228
Representation, ray 226
Rest mass 171
Reversible process 31 89 194
Rigid body motion 136 185
Rotation group 176 227
Rules of interpretation 9
Rules of interpretation, primitive 11
Semi-norm 79
Separation of events 164
Simple fluid 90 116
Simple ordering 4 216
Simple system 116—118
Six-vector 175
Space, coordinate 165
Space, inversion 165
Space-like 4-vector 172
Space-time, de Sitter 164
Space-time, Newtonian 130
Space-time, relativistic 150 164 169 190
Spin 136 172
Spin, angular momentum 136 174
Spin, axis of 175
Stability, conditions of 88 92 117
State 16—20 30 192
State, anti-equilibrium 68 212
State, divisible 90 94
State, equilibrium 83 208
State, frozen 27 119 124
State, internal 62 92 95 117 196
State, mechanical 53 66 69 81 214
State, mixed 18—20 67 228
State, perfect equilibrium 91—95 208—211
State, pure 18 67 228
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