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Cohen L., Markman M. — Integrative oncology. Incorporating complementary medicine into conventional cancer care. Current clinical oncology
Cohen L., Markman M. — Integrative oncology. Incorporating complementary medicine into conventional cancer care. Current clinical oncology

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Название: Integrative oncology. Incorporating complementary medicine into conventional cancer care. Current clinical oncology

Авторы: Cohen L., Markman M.


Integrative oncology is a nascent held in oncology, building a rigorous evidencebased clinical medicine, research, and educational foundation. The incorporation of nonconventional treatment modalities into conventional care of people battling cancer is becoming the norm in many medical centers within the United States and around the world. As the scientific evidence mounts for the benefits of many complementary medicine treatments at helping to treat disease and manage disease - and treatment - related complications, integrative oncology will become the standard of care. International societies (Society for Integrative Oncology www.integrativeonc.org) and journals (The Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology) are moving the field forward and provide a forum for education and communication in integrative oncology. Our book provides a glimpse into what is happening in the United States in the field of integrative oncology by examining five prestigious comprehensive cancer centers. Each center describes aspects of its program and provides the reader with valuable information about starting integrative oncology at their center. Critical areas in integrative oncology are also covered, including potential harm, legal issues, and how to communicate with patients. We believe this book provides a valuable resource for starting integrative oncology at other medical centers, clinics, and private practices around the world. The appropriate and safe integration of complementary medicine within conventional cancer care will help to improve the lives of the millions of people affected by cancer worldwide.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 214

Добавлена в каталог: 06.05.2013

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