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MAZID B. - E. M. — Cowboy and misanthrope: a critical (discourse) analysis of Bush and bin Laden cartoons
MAZID B. - E. M. — Cowboy and misanthrope: a critical (discourse) analysis of Bush and bin Laden cartoons

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Название: Cowboy and misanthrope: a critical (discourse) analysis of Bush and bin Laden cartoons

Автор: MAZID B. - E. M.


The article investigates the political cartoon construction of two major 'players' on the contemporary political stage, and the semio-linguistic and visual rhetorical tools used to achieve this construction, through an analysis of semiolic-discursive aspects of a small corpus of political cartoons in English and Arabic, all about the two 'players' — George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden — in the aftermath of 9/11 and within the ongoing 'war on terror', followed by a more detailed analysis of two political cartoon texts from the corpus — one in Arabic about Bush and the other in English about bin Laden. A rationale for the combination of semiotics and critical discourse analysis and a discussion of the nature and functions of political cartoon are provided. These are followed by a review of the relevant literature with a focus on political cartoons. The analysis, drawing upon the 'dispositive' model and the incongruity theory of humor, addresses the verbal and visual aspects of the cartoons, instances of blending, incongruity and visual metaphors therein. Some major notions in CDA, for example Van Dijk's ideological square and Chilton's (de)legitimalion and proximization. are also utilized in examining the sample cartoons. The detailed analysis of the two cartoons elaborates on the salient features and generic aspects of the sample, specifically on incongruity, blending and visual metaphor, toward an understanding of the messages of the cartoons, the tools used to convey these messages and how they contribute to the ongoing war of ideological misrepresentation.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Политология и право/

Тип: Статья

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 26

Добавлена в каталог: 06.05.2013

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