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Robert E Marshak — Meson physics |
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Recoil nucleons, and meson scattering 260
Recoil nucleons, and photomesic production 3 7 25 36—37 89
Regulator methods 143n
Relativistic thermodynamics 290 292 340
Renormalization 5 362
Reproduction of mesons 236 271—272 277 279 321 336
Retailack, J. 203n
Reynolds, G. T. 194n
Richardson, J. R. 135
Richman, C. 64 65 70n 110 113
Ritson, D. 134n 141n 307 328 329n 333n 346n 351n
Roberts, A. 162n
Robson, J. E. 213n
Rochat, O. 182n 346n
Rochester, D. 351 352
Rosenblucth, M. N. 197
Rosenfeld, L. 21n 51n 250n
Rosser, W. G. V. 270—272
Rossi, B. 125n 127n 204 223n 333n 348n 352n
Ruderman, M. 219
S particles 348 350
S star 328—329 331 see
Sabiar, A. B. 228n
Sachs, A. M. 147n 249n
Sachs, R. G. 362n
Sagane, R. 205 206 208 212 213 215 220
Sakata, S. 143 195n
Salam, A. 5n 362n
Salant, E. O. 315 316
Salvini, G. 270 312
Sands, M. 119
Sard, R. 200 207n
Sasaki, S. 347n
Scalar field 26 32 34 57—58 62 149 153—154 158 165 237 273 359 362
Scalar field with scalar coupling 5n 9—17 21 29 31 35 39—40 48 52 54—55 59—63 66 68 80n 139 142—144 149—151 155—156 359—360
Scalar field with vector coupling 9 38
Scattering elastic see "Elastic scattering"
Scattering of mesons in lead 228
Scattering of mesons diffraction 237 260 262—270
Scattering of mesons inelastic see "Inelastic scattering of mesons"
Scattering of mesons, charge-exchange see "Charge-exchange scattering of mesons"
Scattering, Compton 272 274—275 279
Scattering, Coulomb 239n 260 264
Scattering, Coulomb multiple 228 313 335
Scattering, neutron—proton 56 66 189n 190
Scattering, nucleon—nucleon see "Nucleon—nucleon scattering"
Scattering, Thomson limit for 149 241 245
Schein, M. 127n 141n 308 328n 331n
Schiff, L. I. 219n 325n 334n 339 359n
Schoenberg, M. 171n
Schrodinger, E. 178
Schulte, H. 178n
Schulz, A. 117n 135n
Schwarzer, D. 215n
Schwinger, J. 143n
Scintillation counter 32 36 102 135 162 194 204 248 263
Scrber, R. 5n 21n 80n 98n 146n 187 265n
Screening effects 173 222
Scrpe, J. 89n
Segall, B. 253
Segrd, E. 189n 289n
Seifert, A. M. 138n
Seriff, A. J. 205n 352
Shaking-off transition 7—8 10 12 15
Shanley, T. J. B. 179
Shapiro, A. M. 263
Sherman, D. 64n
Shutt, R. P. 228 248n
Silver, nucleonic production of mesons in 117—118 281—282
Silverman, A. 36—38n 263n
Simon, A. 123n 176n 238n 245n
Sitte, K. 309
Slowing down in heavy elements 166—170
Slowing down in hydrogen 146 167—168
Slowing down in insulators 170
Slowing down of antiprotons 344
Slowing down of heavy mesons 346
Slowing down of mesons 167 169
Smith, F. M. 131n
Smith, J. E. 315n
Sodium fluoride, decay of mesons in 194—195
Sorrels, J. O. 312n
Space inversion invariance under 217 see
Spin inertia 26
Spin of meson 349
Spin of meson 347
Spin of charged meson 8 130 144—147 151—163 167 176 196 273
Spin of neutral meson 36 130 142—147 273
Spin of nucleon 5 23 26 27n
Spin,of meson 167 196 203 219—222
Spin—orbit interaction 174
Spiral-orbit spectrometer 206
Stars see "Nuclear stars"
Statistical correlations 290 292 340
Statistical equilibrium 287 289
Statistical factor 87
Statistical independence 277 281 286
Statistical theory of nuclei 183 200—201
Statistical weight 157 287—288
Stearns, M. 36 37
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 290
Stefan's law 290—291
Steinberger, J. 32n 36n 70n 96 101 107 135n 143n 147 163n 205n 249n
Steller, J. 36n 107n 109
Stevenson, E. 202
Stevenson, M. L. 67n
Stinchcomb, T. G. 226
Stoppings 258—261 265
Stora, R. 349n
Straggling of meson range 136 138
Street, J. C. 198n 202
Strong coupling theory 5 26 228
Strong coupling theory and V particles 359—363 see
Strong coupling theory of meson scattering 238n 244—249 257
Strong coupling theory of photomesic production 2 21—23 27 32 38
Stuart, R. 159
Subheavy mesons 350 see
Succi, C. 270
Sulphur, decay of " mesons in 194—195
Sulphur, photomesic production in 105—106
Superheavy mesons 348 359n see
Swami, M. S. 329n
Swift, M. 271 272
Symmetric meson theory 21 26 32 56 71 245 247 253 285 359n see "Nuclear
Synchrotron 2 35—36 98 102 107 135 233 264
T star 141 329—331 334 see
Tagliafcrri, G. 270 312n 320
Takayanagi, K. 149n
Takeda, G. 89n 149n 284n
Taketani, M. 339n 343n
Tamor, S. 146 149n 154 155n 180n 189 190 250
Tanikawa, Y. 143
Target-at-rest approximation 251
Tau meson 166n 291n 325 337 345—348 351 353
Taylor, T. B. 80 82 98n 265n
| Teller, E. 72 79 80 146 167—171 179
ter Haar, D. 80
Terreaux, C. 324 326
Teuchcr, M. 328n
Thermodynamics, relativistic 290 292 340
Thomas, J. E. 135n
Thomas, R. E. 204n
Thomas-Fermi model, for atom 169 222
Thompson, R. W. 205n 353 358n
Thomson limit for scattering 149 241 245
Thorium fission 187
Thorndike, A. M. 248n
Threshold energy for multiple meson production 289
Threshold energy for nucleon pair production 339
Threshold energy for single meson production in nucleonnucleon collisions 41 277
Threshold energy for single meson production in nucleon—nucleus collisions 72—74 78—80 110 124
Threshold energy for single meson production in photon—nucleon collisions 3
Threshold energy for single meson production in photon—nucleus collisions 76 78
Threshold energy for V particle production 359
Threshold energy, for heavy meson production 347
Ticho, H. K. 193 194
Tiffany, O. 229n
Time inversion invariance under 217
Tin interaction of mesons in 263n
Tin, decay of mesons in 194—195
Tin, photomesic production in 101—102
Tinlot, J. H. 125n 259n 270 310 312 320
Tiomno, J. 197n 208 210 212—214n 215n 217n
Tobin, J. 308n
Tobin, N. 310n
Tolman, R. C. 290n
Tomasini, G. 205n
Tomonaga, S. 5n 167 230n 359n
Tongiorgi, V. C. 234 333n
Touschek, B. 60n
Transitions, Auger 167 169 172 177—179
Transitions, catastrophic 7 9—10 13 15 24 26 39
Transitions, photoelectric 7 10 13 15
Transitions, shaking-off 7—8 10 12 15
Treat, J. 333n
Trembley, J. 348n
Trent, P. 234
Triton 269
Turbulent mixing 283—286 see
Two-meson hypothesis 195 350
Two-nucleon model for absorption 189—190
Uhlenbeck, G. 203n
Underground, azimuthal variation 231
Underground, depth-intensity relation 134 229—231
Underground, nuclear stars produced, by mesons 198—200 232
Underground, nuclear stars produced, by mesons 199
Underground, penetration of mesons 202 226—230
Universal Fermi interaction 215—219 349
Uranium as mesic atom 173
Uranium, fission of 187
V particle 337—338 351
V particle, charged 350 352 359
V particle, neutral 352—361
Valley, G. E. 193 194
Van Hove, L. 239n 331n
Van Wyck, C. B. 347n
Varitrons 344n
Vector field 32 34 57—58 140 145 149 153—154 158 237 273
Vector field with tensor coupling 9 160
Vector field with vector coupling 9—17 30—31 35 48—49 51 54—55 59—63 66 68n 69 80n 150 153n 155—157 160
Vidale, M. 331n
Villars, F. 143n
Virtual photon field 39 44—45 232—236
Virtual processes, and anomalous magnetic moment 27 38 338n
Virtual processes, and nucleonic production of mesons 44 46 54 69
Virtual processes, and nucleon—nucleon interaction 2 45
Virtual processes, and star production by mesons 233
Voorhees, H. G. 198n
Voyvodic, L. 333n
W.K.B. method 174—175
Wagner, N. 345
Walker, D. 35 104
Walker, S. P. 309n
Walker, W. D. 309 312n
Wanlass, S. 346n 350n 353n
Warshaw, S. 68n
Wataghin, G. 283n
Water, decay of mesons in 194—195
Watson, K. 5n 58n 70n 146n 159 255n 331
Weak coupling theory 5 16 274—175 338n
Weak coupling theory of meson scattering 227
Weak coupling theory of absorption in deuterium 153n 154 156
Weak coupling theory of absorption in hydrogen 148—150 152n 154
Weak coupling theory of absorption in tritium 159
Weak coupling theory of meson scattering 238—246 249—250 253
Weak coupling theory of electromagnetic processes 5
Weak coupling theory of electron production of mesons 38
Weak coupling theory of nucleonic production 44—46 71
Weak coupling theory of nucleonic production field-theoretic method 44—45 54—56 66 68—69
Weak coupling theory of nucleonic production phenomenological method 44—45 53—56 60 63 66 68—70
Weak coupling theory of nucleon—pair annihilation 342—344
Weak coupling theory of nucleon—pair production 338—339 see
Weinberg, J. 227n
Weissbluth, M. 110
Weissenberg, A. 344n
Weisskopf, V. 167n 183 200 227n
Wentzel, G. 9n 160n 174n 226n 247n 359n
Wheeler, J. A. 167n 172 174 175 177 180 197n 208n 214n
White, R. S. 98n 99n 110 161n
Whitehead, W. 64 65
Whittemore, W. L. 248n
WICK, G. 217n 250n
Wiegand, C. E. 135n 189n 289n
Wightman, A. 146 149n 209n 210 213 217n 218
Wigner, E. P. 210n 217n 359n
Wilcox, H. 64 110 113
Williams, E. J. 232n
Williams, R. W. 335
Wilson, J. 199n
Wilson, R. 123n 162n
Wilson, R. R. 263n 264—266 268
Wilson, V. C. 229n
Winther, A. 214n
Wolff, P. A. 226n
Woodward, W. M. 263n
Wouthuysen, S. 60 284n
Wright, S. 187n
Wu, C. S. 214n 215n
Yamada, E. 154n
Yamaguchi, Y. 149n 188
Yang, C. N. 70n 142n 164 165 217n
Yekutieli, G. 271n 317n
Yodh, G. B. 248n 257n 263n
York, C. M. 350n
York, H. F. 84 119n 140 189n
Yukawa potential 22 156
Yukawa's scheme for beta decay 140 195n 202—203
Yukawa, H. 140 168n 202
Zeta meson 350—351
Zlaw for meson capture in mixtures 170—172 194
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