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Scarborough J.B. — The gyroscope: Theory and applications |
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Angular momentum, rate of change of 26
Angular velocity 13
Artificial horizon 148
Automatic gun sights 149
Azimuthal plane 38
Becker, K. 119
Bonnenberger 85
Brennan, Louis 215
Buoyancy, center of 188
Burnside, W. S. 197
Cranz, C. 119
Cross product of two vectors 9
Cycloidal loops 75
Cycloidal loops, periods of 75
Dead beat of a gyrocompass 139
Directional gyro 148
Disks, rolling 100
Disks, rolling, stability of 105
Dot product of two vectors 7
Draper hermetic integrating gyro 150
Draper, C. S. 149 150
Drift, of gyro axis 64
Drift, of oblong projectile 117
Dynamics, fundamental equation of 19
d’Alembert’s principle 20 172
Edge mills 105
Error, speed and course 140
Euler, L. 86
Euler’s angles 33
Euler’s dynamical equations 29 32
Faucault, L on 85
Foucault gyroscope 85
Gaillard, D. D. 201
Grammel, R. 50 106
Griffin grinding mill 113
Grinding mills 105
Grinding mills, edge mill 105
Grinding mills, Griffin mill 113
Gun sights, automatic 149
Gyro-pilot 148
Gyrocompass 121
Gyrocompass axle, amplitudes of horizontal and vertical oscillations of 133
Gyrocompass axle, locus of end of 133
Gyrocompass, Arma miniature 150
Gyrocompass, dead beat of 139
Gyrocompass, Mark 22 150
Gyrocompass, motion with damping 135
Gyropendulum, inverted 177
Gyropendulum, Schuler tuning of 249
Gyropendulum, with gimbal axes rotating in azimuth 180
Gyropendulum, with point of suspension subjected to a periodic force 172
Gyroscope, definition of 37
Gyroscope, Foucault 85
Gyroscope, free 51
Gyroscope, free, motion of 51
Gyroscope, precession of 37
Gyroscopic, action, in vehicles and rotating bodies 89
Gyroscopic, action, on oblong projectiles 117
Gyroscopic, compass 121
Gyroscopic, compass, in car wheels 89
Gyroscopic, compass, of dynamos, motors, and turbines installed on ships 96
Gyroscopic, compass, of oblong projectiles 117
Gyroscopic, compass, on propeller-type airplanes 119
Gyroscopic, compass, principle of action of 121
Gyroscopic, compass, Sperry mercury ballistic 141
Gyroscopic, grinding mills 105
Gyroscopic, grinding mills, edge mill 105
Gyroscopic, grinding mills, Griffin mill 11
Gyroscopic, gun sights 149
Gyroscopic, pendulum 161
Gyroscopic, reaction moment 48
Gyroscopic, reaction moment, direction of 51
Gyroscopic, reaction moment, magnitude of 48
Gyroscopic, resistance 48
Gyroscopic, resistance, magnitude of 48
Gyroscopic, spherical pendulum 161
Gyrotron vibratory gyroscope 151
Hoops, rolling 100
Hoops, rolling, stability of 105
Hopkins, G. M. 86
Horizon, artificial 148
Invariable, line 52
Invariable, plane 52
Invariable, plane, of solar system 52
Inverted gyropendulum 177
Johnson, W. R. 85
Kinetic energy, of a rigid body moving about a fixed point 31
Kooy, J. M. J. 119
Latitude, variation of 243
Lead for hitting moving target 149
Line, invariable 52
Loops, cycloidal 75
Loops, cycloidal, period of 75
Metacenter 188
Metacentric height 189
Modulated quantity 159
Moment, of a force about a point 20
Moment, of momentum of a rigid body about a fixed point 23
Monorail cars 215
Monorail cars on curves 224
Monorail cars on curves, horizontal axis type 226
Monorail cars on curves, horizontal axis type, stability of 229
Monorail cars on curves, vertical axis type 224
Monorail cars on curves, vertical axis type, stability of 225 226
Monorail cars, horizontal axis type 220
Monorail cars, horizontal axis type, stability of 229
Monorail cars, vertical axis type 215
| Monorail cars, vertical axis type, stability of 219 225 226
Moulton, F. R. 119
Muller 105
Naval guns, automatic firing of 176
Nodes, axis of 38
Nodes, of moon 243
Nutation, of axis of top 72
Nutation, of earth’s axis 231
Nutation, of spin axis in azimuthal plane 72
Panton, A. W. 197
Path of spin axis on unit sphere 74
Periods of cycloidal loops 75
Perry, John 196
Plane, azimuthal 38
Plane, invariable 52
Plane, invariable, of solar system 52
Plane, precessional 38
Precession, definition of 37
Precession, direct 42
Precession, direction of 42
Precession, forced 65 71
Precession, free 42
Precession, of earth’s axis 231
Precession, of equinoxes 231 242
Precession, pseudo-regular 80
Precession, regular 38
Precession, retrograde 42
Precession, steady 38
Precession, unsteady 43
Precessional plane 38
Principal axes of inertia 25
Product, of inertia 24
Product, of two vectors 7 9
Quartic equation, relations among roots of 197
Rate gyroscope 143
Rate gyroscope, as differentiator and integrator 146
Rate gyroscope, damped 145
Rawlings, A. L. 142
Resistance, gyroscopic 48
Right-handed-screw rule 10
Rigid body, motion of, about a fixed point 23 25
Rigid body, rotation of, about a fixed axis 35
Rolling of a ship 187
Rolling of a ship, effect of gyropendulum 172
Rolling of a ship, effect of stabilizer on 201 202 207 208
Rolling of a ship, effect of stabilizer on, numerical example of 196
Rolling of a ship, with gyro clamped 194
Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis 35
Routh, E. J. 192 196
Scalar, definition of 3
Scalar, product 7
Scherl, August 215
Schilowski, P. P. 215
Schlick, Otto 187
Schuler tuning 247
Schuler tuning, of gyroscopic compass 253
Schuler tuning, of gyroscopic pendulum 249
Schuler tuning, of gyroscopic pendulum, numerical example of 252
Schuler, Max 247
Ship stabilizer 187
Ship stabilizer, Schlick or brake-type 187
Ship stabilizer, Schlick or brake-type, ship on curved path 208
Ship stabilizer, Schlick or brake-type, ship on straight course 187
Ship stabilizer, Sperry or active-type 202
Ship stabilizer, Sperry or active-type, ship on curved path 212
Ship stabilizer, Sperry or active-type, ship on straight course 202
Sleeping top 83
Solar system, invariable plane of 52
Speed and course error 140
Sperry, Elmer A. 187
Spherical pendulum 161
Spherical pendulum, gyroscopic 161
Spherical pendulum, with point of suspension subjected to a periodic force 172
Spherical pendulum, without gyroscope 169
Spin axis of top, motion of, in unsteady precession 61 72—75
Spin axis of top, path on a unit sphere 74
Stability of motion of a free gyroscope 55
Tisserand, F. 241
Top, general motion of 68
Top, nutation of 72
Top, path of axis on a unit sphere 74
Top, precession of 71
Top, sleeping 83
Top, sleeping, condition for 84
Torpedoes, steering of 147
Tranquil point 187
Trihedron, moving 27 29
Uytenbogaart, J. W. H. 119
Variation of latitude 243
Vector products, cross 9
Vector products, dot 7
Vector products, triple 15
Vector, definition of 3
Vector, notation and representation 3
Vector, position 3
Vector, triple product 15
Vector, unit 6
Vector, unit coordinate 6
Vectors, addition of 4 6
Vectors, cross product of 9
Vectors, differentiation of 16
Vectors, dot product of 7
Vectors, equal 3
Vectors, multiplication of 7 9
Vectors, subtraction of 4
Von Eberhard, O. 119
Wrigley, W. 254
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