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Moeller C. — The theory of relativity |
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Aberration of light 25 62
Abraham, M. 88 160 193 204 205
Action principle for a particle in a gravitational field 378 380
Adams, W. 348
Addition of velocities 3 52
Affine tensors 273
Airy, G.-B. 26
Anderson, C.D. 91
Bainbridge, K.T. 90
Becker, R. 160 204
Belinfante, F.J. 186
Bergmann, P.G. 286
Bethe, H. 90
Bianchi identities 286
Black-body radiation 216
Blackett, P.M.S. 91
Bohr, N. 346
Born, M. 75 157 194 195
Bradley, J. 25
Bucherer, A.H. 89
Campbell, W.W. 355
Centrifugal force 4 218 317
Champion, F.C. 85 88
Chazy, J. 352
Christoffel formulae 273
Christoffel three-index symbols 273
Clock paradox 49 258
Clock standard 33
Clock, coordinate 226 235
Clock, rate of moving 48 247
Closed system, centre of mass of 170
Closed system, definition of 163
Cockcroft, J.D. 89
Conservation of electric charge 140 197 302
Conservation of momentum and energy 163 337
Coordinates, Cartesian 92 231
Coordinates, curvilinear 228 233
Coordinates, equivalent systems of 321
Coordinates, Gaussian 228
Coordinates, geodesic 274
Coordinates, pseudo-Cartesian 233
Coordinates, quasi-Galilean 342
Coordinates, time-orthogonal systems of 238 296
Coriolis force 4 218 317
Cosmological models 356
Courant, R. 378
Covariance of the laws of nature 97 265
Covariant differentiation 280
Curie, J. 91
Curl 126 127 283 284
Curvature tensor 284
Curvature tensor, contracted forms of 286
Dallenbach, W. 195 204 206
de Beauregard, O.C. 170
de Broglie, L. 58 105
de Sitter universe 362
de Sitter, W. 317 356
Deflexion of light in a gravitational held 353
Dirac, P.A.M. 91 98
Divergence of a tensor 127 283
Divergence of a vector 127 283
Doppler effect in de Sitter universe 367
Doppler effect, non-relativistic 8—10
Doppler effect, relativistic 62
Dual tensor 114 270
Dynamics of a particle in a gravitational field 258 290 295
Dynamics of a particle in a gravitational field in the special theory 105
Einstein Universe 357
Einstein, A. 30 31 32 41 46 49 82 139 211 219 258 310 313 321 327 338 348 355 356 358
Elastic matter 173
Elastic matter, stress, momentum density, and energy density of 175—181
Electrodynamics in a gravitational field 302
Electrodynamics in stationary matter 195
Electrodynamics in uniformly moving bodies 196
Electrodynamics in vacuo 139
Electromagnetic field tensor 141 196 302
Electron, classical model of 193
Electrons, theory of 20
Energy of a particle m a stationary, gravitational field 294
Energy, conservation of 163 337
Energy, gravitational 340
Energy, kinetic 70
Energy, transformations of 28
Energy-momentum tensor for general fields 185
Energy-momentum tensor for perfect fluids 182 300
Energy-momentum tensor Minkowski's 202
Energy-momentum tensor, Abraham's 204
Energy-momentum tensor, elastic 176
Energy-momentum tensor, electromagnetic 159 307
Energy-momentum tensor, kinetic 136
Energy-momentum tensor, total 161 163
Equivalence of energy and mass 78
Equivalence, principle of 220 264
Equivalent systems of coordinates 321
Euler equation 184 229
Fermat's principle 23 308
Fitzgerald, G.F. 28
Fizeau's experiment 19
Fizeau, H. 10 19 20
Flat space, condition for 376
Fokker, A.D. 170 195
Force, electromagnetic 155 156 203 205 306
Force, fictitious 4 218 219
Force, gravitational 291
Force, transformation of 70 73
Foucault, L. 10
Four current density 140 141 197 302
Four force 105 295
Four momentum 104 289
Four ray velocity 103
Four vector 99 266
Four velocity 102 288
Four wave number vector 103
Four-acceleration 102
Fresnel's dragging coefficient 16 63
Fresnel, A.-J. 16
Freundlich, E. 348
Friedlaender, T. 320
Friedlander, B. 320
Galilean transformation 2 250
Galileo, G. 220
Gauge transformation 144 248
Gauss's theorem 128 371
Geodesic lines 228 272
Geodesic system of coordinates 274
Geometry, non-Euclidean 226
Gerlach, W. 89
Gradient of a scalar 126 279
Gravitational field equations 310
Gravitational field equations, linear approximation of 313
Gravitational field, static 250 323
Gravitational field, stationary 250 294
Gravitational mass, density of 344
Gravitational mass, shift of spectral lines 346
Guye, Ch.E. 89
Hamiltonian equations for a particle in an external gravitational field 379
Hasenohrl, F. 211
Heisenberg, W. 195
Herglotz, G. 179
Hermann, W. 10
Hertz, H. 381
Hilbert, D. 311 314 378
Hoek's experiment 17
Hoek, M. 17
Hubble, E. 358 362 368
Humason, M.L. 362 368
Huyghens principle 11
Huyghens, C. 1 15
| Hyperbolic motion 75
Ideal monatomic gases 215
Illingworth, K.K. 28
Incoherent matter 130
Incoherent matter, energy-momentum tensor for 136 300
Inertial system 1
interval 99
Ives, H.E. 10 62
John, S. 348
Joliot, F. 91
Jordan, E.B. 90
Kant, I. 224
Kaufmann, W. 89
Kennedy, R.J. 28
Kinoshita, S. 10
Klein, F. 338
Kohlrausch, R. 5
Kronecker symbol 94
Langevin, P. 85 258
Lavanchy, C. 89
Lederroann, W. 348
Lemaitre, G.E. 327 364 369
Lense, J. 317
Levi-Civita symbol 113
Levi-Civita, T. 309 333
Lewis, G.N. 67
Livingston, M.S. 90
Local systems of inertia 104
Lodge, O. 28
Lorentz contraction 28 44 96
Lorentz contraction without rotation 42 118
Lorentz transformations, general 41 92
Lorentz transformations, infinitesimal 117
Lorentz transformations, special 36 95
Lorentz transformations, successive 53 118
Lorentz, H.A. 21 22 24 28 29 30 40 46 82 193 195 258
Mass in a system of inertia 69
Mass of a closed system 77
Mass of a material particle in a gravitational field 290
Maxwell, J.C. 6
Meitner, L. 91
Meson fields 184
Metric tensor 228
Metric tensor properties of the space-time 235
Metric tensor, experimental determination of 231 237
Metric tensor, space-time 233
Metric tensor, spatial 238
Michelson's experiment 26
Michelson, A.A. 15 19 24 26 28
Mie, G. 194
Miller, D.C. 28
Minkowski, H. 93 105 136 139 149 160 195 203
Moller, C. 170 190 258 299 369
Moment of force 111 138 190
Momentum of a material particle in a gravitational field 290
Momentum of a material particle in a system of inertia 69
Momentum, transformation of 71
Morley, E.W. 19 26
Neddermeyer, S.H. 91
Neumann, C. 356
Neumann, G. 89
Newton, I. 4 219
Non-closed system, definition of 188
Occhialmi, G.P.S. 91
Papapetrou, A. 170
Parallel displacement of vectors 276
Particle velocity, transformation of 3 51 52 53
Pauli, W. 204 327
Perfect fluids 181
Perihelion, advance of 348
Permanent gravitational fields 221
Phase velocity, transformation of 8 23
Philipp, K. 91
Planck, M. 181 211
Poincare, H. 93 139 194
Potentials, dynamical gravitational 246
Potentials, electromagnetic 143
Potentials, elimination of gravitational dynamical 296—298
Potentials, Lienard — Wiechert's 149
Potentials, retarded 148 315
Pryce, M.H.L. 170
Pseudo-Tensor 112 270
Rasetti, F. 91
Rate of moving clock in a gravitational field 247
Ray velocity, transformation of 11 15 58
Reference points 234
Reference systems see "Systems of reference"
Reissner, H. 333
Relativity of centrifugal forces and Coriolis forces 317
Relativity, general principle of 218
Relativity, principle of mechanics 1—4
Relativity, special principle of 4
Retardation of moving clocks in a system of inertia 48 49 97
Robertson, H.P. 364 369
Rosonfeld, L. 21 186
Sagnac, G. 64
Scheye, A. 209
Schwarzschild's exterior solution 325
Schwarzschild's interior solution 328
Schwarzschild, K. 326 330
Serini, R. 327
Siegel, K. 10
Simultaneity of events 31 33
Smith, N.M., Jr. 90
Sommerfeld, A. 75 129 144
Southerns, L. 220
Stark, J. 10
Static gravitational fields with spherical symmetry 323
Static non-closed systems 191
Stilwell, G.R. 10 62
Stokes, G.G. 15
Synge, J.L. 327
Systems of reference, general accelerated 233 234
Systems with spherical inertial 1 17
Systems with spherical rigid 253
Systems with spherical symmetry 322
Systems with spherical, uniformly rotating 222 240
Tamm, J. 204 205 206
Tensor 108 111 269
Tensor and pseudo-tensor fields 125 279
Thermodynamics in stationary matter 211
Thermodynamics in uniformly moving matter 212
Thermodynamics, four-dimensional formulation of 214
Thirnng, H. 317 320
Thomas precession 56 121 125
Thomas, L.W. 56
Time track of free particles and light rays 244
Time-orthogonal system of coordinates 238 296
Tolman, C. 67 204 214 341 357 370
Trumpler, R. 355
Variational principle of electrodynamics 157
Variational principle of electrodynamics for geodesics 299
Variational principle of electrodynamics for gravitational fields 333
Variational principle of electrodynamics for time tracks of free particles and light rays 244
Velocity of light in gravitational fields 240 308
Velocity of light in refractive media 15
Velocity of light in vacuo 10
Velocity of propagation of the energy 164
Velocity of propagation of the energy in a light wave 161 206
von Eotvos, R 220
von Laue, M. 175 204 258
von Seehger, H. 356
von Weyssenhoff, J. 250
Walton, G.T.S. 89
Weber, W. 5
Weyl, H. 157 309 333 368
Work 70
Yukawa, H. 184
Zeeman, P. 63 220 221
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