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Kemble E. C. — The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics |
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Measurements of position 32
Measurements of radial momentum 335
Measurements, complete predictive 346
Measurements, postulates concerning 323 324 326
Measurements, predictive 323
Measurements, retrospective 323
Measurements, simultaneous 76 257 334
Measurements, statistical 318
Measurements, types of 318 341 342
Minimal sequence 411
Mixtures (see Assemblages mixed
Molecular energy levels 157 386 419 426
Momenta, measurement of individual 68 69
Momentum of free particles, operational definition of 58—60
Momentum operator 220—224
Momentum, and wave length 5 13
Momentum, classical local 9 20 69
Momentum, imaginary classical local 81
Momentum, measured linear 57 69
Momentum, measurement of, in force field 66—68
Momentum, of center of gravity 63—66
Momentum, perturbation of, by position measurement 59 66
Momentum, radial 297 335
Momentum, Young’s local 9
Monochromatic waves 15—18 78
Multiply-periodic 178 179 374
nodes 84 86 128 129 154
Norm of a function 116
Normal packet function 43 174 175
Normal properties of an assemblage 433
Normalization 30 31 33 52 90 147 238 239 246
Normalization with spin coordinates 511 523
Observables 248n 339
Observables, complete set of type 1 339
Observation (see Measurements)
Observing mechanism 75 341 343—347
Operational definition, of general dynamical variable 318
Operational definition, of momentum of free particles 58—60
Operator of a positional coordinate 259
Operator, adjoint 122 203 512
Operator, defined by a matrix 353
Operator, defining physical quantity 242—245
Operator, definition of 24n 203
Operator, hermitian 203 512 524
Operator, matrix of 352
Operator, momentum 220—224
Operator, multiplication 243 258 268—270
Operator, projection 261
Operator, self-adjoint 121—123 203
Operator, unitary 247 275 512 524
Operator, unitary integral 27
Operators as dynamical variables 248—256
Operators of type 1 254
Operators, mutually compatible 250 254 286
Operators, symbols for 244
Orbits of electrons in atoms 340
Orthogonality of eigendifferentials 170 252 253
Orthogonality of eigenfunctions 120 121 206 216
Orthogonality with respect to density function 123 124 128
Orthogonality, defined 118
Orthonormal system of functions 118
Oscillator, anharmonic 81—87 574 575
Oscillator, harmonic 87—90 575
Oscillator, matrix theory of 370
Oscillator, selection rules for 469
Pauli exclusion principle 71 337 482 491
Permutation group 309 529
Permutation operators 308—310 336 529
Permutations, even and odd 337
Perturbation theory, and continuous spectrum 394
Perturbation theory, and integrals of motion 396—398
Perturbation theory, convergence of 382
Perturbation theory, for degenerate problems 388—398
Perturbation theory, for nondegenerate problems 380—388
Perturbation theory, involving the time 427—432
Perturbation theory, matrix form of^ 391
Perturbation theory, of atoms 484—488 526—528
phase velocity 14 20
Physical quantities, defined by operators 242—245
Physical quantities, objective existence of 243 244
Piece-by-piece continuous 113n 138
Piece-by-piece smooth 113
PlancherePs theorem 36 63 170
Planck ideal linear oscillator 87—90 370 575
Planck radiation formula 1 448—450
Poisson bracket symbol 282
Population of pure state 439
Predissociation of molecules 109 195
Principal-axis transformation 362 372 373
Probability amplitude 227 236 245 257 273
Probability amplitude, Dirac notation for 268
Probability amplitude, transformation of 245—248 270
Probability current 189
probability density 220
Probability, general calculation of 256—259 273 274 323
Probability, of configuration 30 52 53
Probability, of energy values 235
Probability, of momentum range 62 63 67 69
Pure case assemblage, or pure case 55n 71
Pure case assemblage, preparation of 331
Pure state (see Pure case assemblage)
Quadratic integrability 30 79 117 153 154 226
Quadrupole radiation, electric 465—469 547
Quantum defect 480
Quantum jumps 290 376 460 542
Quantum numbers of atomic electrons, meaning of 484 491
Quantum numbers, angular-momentum 151 234 493
Quantum numbers, half-integral 89 95 155 157 317 494 495 498 510
Quantum numbers, quarter-integral 183
Quantum numbers, spin 494 498 500 511 527
Quantum statistical mechanics 55 432 448
Quasivariable 297
Radiation field, classical 26—29 452 454
Radiation, electric dipole 450—452 454 460 469—473
Radiation, electric quadrupole 465—469
Radiation, emission and absorption of 448—469
Radiation, magnetic dipole 462—465
Radiation, quantum theory of 2—7 450
Radioactive disintegration 109 179 187—192
Reciprocal, of a matrix 349
Reciprocal, of an operator 247 281
Reduction of the wave packet 75 326 333
Reflection operators 304—306
Relativistic theory of hydrogenic atoms 507—509
Relativity principle 19—21
Resolution of unity 261
Resonance between approximate eigenstates 553
Resonant energy intervals 181
Ritz method 410—415
Ritz series formula 475 478—481
Rotation operator 306 532
Rotation-reflection group 308 529 532
Russell — Saunders coupling 528
Rydberg constant 158
Rydberg series formula 475
S complex 539
Scalar product of functions 114—116 246
Scalar product of vectors 115
Scalar product, constant in time 206
Schlapp’s method 407 596 597
Schrodinger matrix 367
Schrodinger matrix, canonical 369
Schrodinger wave equation for a system of many particles 21 196
Schrodinger wave equation, first form for a single particle 15
| Schrodinger wave equation, group of the 310
Schrodinger wave equation, second form for single particle 15—17
Schrodinger wave equation, with external electromagnetic field 26—29
Schwarz’s inequality 116
Secular equation 361 402 407
Secular equation, higher roots of 415
Selection rule for harmonic oscillator 469
Self-adjoint differential operator (first definition) 121 130
Self-adjoint matrix 351
Self-adjoint operator (second definition) 203
Semiconvergent series 91
Separation of variables 65 125 146 378 533
Simultaneous eigenfunctions, existence of system of 284 285
Simultaneous measurements and commutation 334
Simultaneously measurable dynamical variables 257
Single-electron jumps 542
Singular domains of a differential equation 79 202 208—212
Singular points of wave functions 198n
Singular points, irregular 142
Singular points, isolated 140
Singular points, of a differential equation 79 12n 125
Singular points, regular 141
Singular points, solution of differential equation near 140—143
Singular-point boundary conditions 125 128 130 131 153
Slater wave functions 535 536 555
Sodium, optical energy levels of 476
Sommerfeld phase integral 91 95 103 106 158 375
Sommerfeld polynomial method 87—89 158 159
Sommerfeld quantum condition 95 375
Sommerfeld quantum condition, accuracy of 106
Space factor of monochromatic wave function 17
Spectroscopic stability 462
Spectrum lines, intensities of 377
Spectrum of eigenvalues, continuous 85
Spherical coordinates in six dimensions 210 239 240
Spherical harmonics 145 147 592 593
Spin-orbit interaction energy 501—503 525
Spin-spin interaction energy 530
Spontaneous ionization 181 213
Stark effect, linear, for hydrogenic atoms 403—408 545
Stark effect, quadratic and cubic 408
State (see Subjective state)
Statistical equilibrium 436 446
Statistical interpretation of wave theory 51—58
Statistical matrix 435
Statistical measurement 55 318 319
Statistical mechanics 55
Statistical mechanics, quantum 432—448
Step function 255 266
Step matrix 363 390
Stern — Gerlach experiment 229
Stieltjes integral 261
Stokes phenomenon 96n 97 98 99
Stokes region 98 576
Sturm — Liouville equation 124 163
Sturm — Liouville problem 125 128
Sturm — Liouville problem, completeness of system of eigenfunctions of 137—144
Sturm — Liouville problem, existence of solution of 128 129
Subjective nature of wave function 327 328 331
Subjective state 52 54 69
Sum-integral operation 2 246
Surfacle harmonics 147
Symmetric dynamical variables 337
Symmetric top 233 234
Symmetry properties of wave equation 303—317
Symmetry values 304
Systems of atomic energy levels 493 527
Term-by-term application of operator 175 176 274 275 592
Terms, originating in a given configuration 537—540
Terms, spectroscopic 530
Tesseral harmonics 149
Thermodynamic equilibrium 433
Thermostat assemblage 433 440
Time-displacement operator 201 281
Top, symmetric 233 234
transform 24n
Transform, Fourier 36 221
Transformation of dynamical-variable operators 245 248
Transformation of Hamiltonian operator 237—240
Transformation of probability amplitudes 245—248 270
Transformation of spin matrices 517—519
Transformation of wave equation 64
Transformation operators 245 270 271
Transformation theory of Dirac and Jordan 255 271 366
Transformation, canonical 247
Transformation, canonical matrix 355 357 358
Transformation, contact 26 294
Transformation, principal-axis 362 372 373
Transformation, unitary 247
Transformation, Van Vleck 394
Transition probability 78
Transition probability, Born 431 454—458
Transition probability, Einstein 431 449 451 458—462 465 469 545
Transmission coefficient 111 112 188 191
Transmission of matter waves through a potential hill 109—112 180 575—578
Triple-reflection operator K 305 531 541
Two-particle problem 146
Undetermined multipliers of Lagrange 580
Uniqueness, of Hermitian manifold 263
Uniqueness, of solution of eigenvalue-eigenfunction problem 263
Unitary matrix 351
Unitary operator 247 275 281 512 524
Van Vleck's method for second-order perturbations 394
Variation, of constants 428
Variation, of constants, first 130 558
Variation, of constants, second 133n
Variational forms of eigenvalue-eigenfunction problem 130—132 206 207 408—419 578—582
Variational method, with non-orthogonal functions 418
Variational method, with nonlinear parameters 418
Vector representation of a function 118 119 356
Velocity operators 232
Virial theorem 506n
Volcano model for alpha-particle disintegration 180
W. K. B. method (see Brillouin — Wentzel — Kramers method)
Wave equation, Relativistic 20 21
Wave equation, transformation of 64 (see also Schrodinger wave equation)
Wave functions as probability amplitudes 63
Wave functions, analyticity of 18 198 200
Wave functions, antisymmetric 337 533—536
Wave functions, determination of 70—72
Wave functions, physical interpretation of 29—33 82
Wave functions, physically admissible 17 79 131 197—201
Wave functions, Slater 535 536 555
Wave functions, subjective nature of 327 328
Wave functions, with spin 524
Wave length in inhomogeneous medium 38
Wave length, Compton 220
Wave length, de Broglie 13 20
Wave packets 10—12 16
Wave packets and classical orbits 331—334
Wave packets and Newton’s second law 49—51
Wave packets in one dimension 37—41
Wave packets in three dimensions 41 42 48
Wave packets length of 40
Wave packets reduction of 75 326—333
Weak quantization 178—195 213 214 509
Weights, of pure states in mixture 320
Weights, statistical, of energy levels 448 531
Wronskian determinant 97 101 111 112 590
X-ray energy levels 195 509
Zeeman effect, complex, for alkalies 522
Zeeman effect, second-order 402 403
Zeeman effect, selection rules and polarization for 472 473 545
Zeeman effect, simple 398—403
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