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Daudel R.(edit.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume VIII. The Application of Wave Mechanical Methods to the Study of Molecular Properties |

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Название: Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume VIII. The Application of Wave Mechanical Methods to the Study of Molecular Properties
Автор: Daudel R.(edit.)
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1965
Количество страниц: 188
Добавлена в каталог: 22.04.2013
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Mixed crystals, guest molecules 27 30
Mixed crystals, host crystals 27 30
Mixed crystals, intermolecular interactions in 30
Mixed crystals, shallow traps in 30
Mixed crystals, trap depth in 30
Mizuno, Y. 25
Model calculations, in the theory of mixed crystal spectra 27
Moffit, W. E. 129
Mole, T 129
Molecular complexes in optical absorptions and charge transfer states 14 ff
Molecular complexes interaction of carcinogens with proteins 168
Molecular thickness, significance in carcinogenic activity 167
Molecular-orbital analogy in crystal field spectra 32 ff
Molecular-orbital analogy in crystal field spectra, crystal hamiltonian in 33
Molecular-orbital analogy in crystal field spectra, quotient functions in 32
Moodie, R. 133 138
Mookherji, A. 25
Moorjani, K. 25
Morosin, B. 25
Mosem, C. 129 161
Muenster, L. 133 138
Mulliken, R. S. 60
Mutagens 179
Mutations, heredity, aging, and tumours, in view of the quantum theory of the DNA molecule 177
Nagata, C. 130
Naiman, C. S. 25
Nakajima, T. 130
Nashimiya, S. 25
Nelson, K. L 130
Neon, polarizability of 11
Neon-structure ions 11
Nephelauxetic effect 53 59
Nephelauxetic series 53
Nesbet, R 97 124 130
Non-bonding MO (NBMO) 80 ff 106
Nucleophilic substitution 86 ff 109
Olah, G. A. 129 130
Olah, J. A. 129
One-dimensional crystal model 31 ff
One-dimensional crystal model, cyclic boundary conditions in 31
One-dimensional crystal model, intensities in 40
One-dimensional crystal model, localized excitation function in 32
One-dimensional crystal model, transition moment in 40
Operators, projection 4
Operators, reaction 3
Operators, wave 3
Optical absorptions and charge transfer states 13
Optical electronegativities 54
Orgel diagram 51
Orgel, L. E 47 53 60 61
Orr, W. T. C 141 159
Ortholocalization energy 116
Owen, J. 53 61
Oxygen-containing complexes 55
Oxygen-containing complexes, Pariser — Parr — Pople parameters for 135
Paradejordi, F. 97 124 130 138
Paralocalization energy in chemical reactivity 114
Pariser — Parr — Pople parameters for carbon and oxygen 135
Pariser — Parr — Pople treatment of carbonyl compounds 135
Pariser, R. G 139
Parr, G. 139
Partial valence, Thiele’s theory of 76 78
Partitioning technique 3
Pavlath, A. E. 129
Pchejetsky, S. I. 161
Perinaphthenone 134 136
Perturbation theory 69 ff 74
Perturbation theory, Brillouin’s 4
Perturbation theory, infinite order 4
Perturbation theory, Schr dinger’s 4
Perturbational MO method 76 ff 115
Pettit, R 88 130 133 138
Philpott, M. R. 46
Phonons 19
Phonons, life-time in ionic crystals 19
Pi ( )-bonding, in crystal-field spectra 22 ff
Pi ( )-electrons, energy in chemical reactivity 70 ff 114 119 124
Pi ( )-electrons, transitions of in ethylene 5 ff
Pitaevsy 160
Pitzer, K. S. 129
PMO method 69 ff
Polarization binding 169
Poole, C. P. 25
Pople SCF treatment 74 ff 105 124
Pople, J. A. 126 129 131 139
Poulet, H. 61
Projection operator 4
Protonation -energy 133 136
Pullman, A. 97 129 130 176
Pullman, B. 97 129 130 163 175 176
Pure crystals 28 ff
Pure crystals, band structure in 29
Pure crystals, delocalized excitation wave functions in 29
Pure crystals, excitation band in 30
Pure crystals, localized excitation function in 28 ff
Pure crystals, wave vector in 29
Purine-pyrimidine pairs, steroids, and polycyclic aromatic carcinogens 163
Purines, electron-donor properties of 169 ff
Pysh, E. S. 25
Quotient functions 32
Rabinowitz, M. 175
Radiations 179
Radical substitution 86 ff
Ramsay, R. 27
Rate constants 67 ff
Reaction operators 3
Reactivity number 84
Real crystals 46
Regnier, J. 5 12
Reich, E 175 175
Remanick, A. 130
Residual host 38 41
Residual system 39
Rhodin 141 160
Ri, T 130
Riamouti, A. 172 174 175
Rice, S. A. 25
Ridd, J. H. 130
Rideal, E. 161
Ringold, H. J. 138
Robertson, J. M. 130 175
Roche, J. 160
| Roguinsky, S. Z. 142 161
Rosengarten, D. D. 25
Rousseau, J. 141
Rushbrook, G. S. 129
Ryan, J. 58
Sampson, R. J. 129 130
Sandler, S. 175
Sandorfy, C. 142 160
Sandstede 160
Santis, P. 172 174 175
Santry, D. P. 30 46
Sch ffer, C. E. 60 61
Schmeising, H. N. 129
Schmid, R. W 126 130
Schmidt, G. M. J 175
Schnepp, O. 61
Schr dinger 3
Schr dinger’s perturbational theory 4
Schraumm 160
Self-consistent field molecular orbital (SCF — MO) treatment, of carbonyl base strength 133
Self-consistent field molecular orbital (SCF — MO) treatment, of carbonyl base strength, in chemical reactivity 105
Self-polarizability, in chemical reactivity 109 ff
Shallow traps in mixed crystals 30 ff
Shallow-trap problem 33 ff
Shallow-trap problem, antisymmetric functions in 36
Shallow-trap problem, inverted band in 34
Shallow-trap problem, level manifolds in 35
Shallow-trap problem, limit 36 ff
Shallow-trap problem, symmetric functions in 36
Shallow-trap problem, upright band in 34
Shearer, H. M. M. 130
Sherman 142 160
Shingu, H 130
Shortley 47
Shulman, R. G. 25
Sigma ( )-bonding, in crystal-field spectra 22 ff
Sim, G. A. 130
Slater, J. C 33 46
Smiley, R. A. 130
Son 160
Spectrochemical series 52
Spin-pairing energy parameter 50
Stachan, C. 141 159
Stephens, S. J. 161
Stepko, I. I. 161
Steric effects, in PMO method 66 ff
Steroids, purine-pyrimidine pairs and polycyclic carcinogens 163
Stevenson 142 160
Stewart, R. 133 138
Streitwieser, A. 95 129 130
Sturge, M. D. 25
Substituents, effects on conjugated systems 96 ff
Sugano, S. 25 53 61
Sulphur-containing ligands 53
Sutor, D. J 176
Sutula, V. D 161
Sviridov, D. T. 25
Sviridova, O. N. 25
Swain, C. G. 95 130
Symmetric functions 36
Symmetry type 48
Symmetry-restricted covalency 53
Syrkin, J. A. K 142 160
Tanabe — Sugano diagram 51 59
Tanabe, Y. 53 61
Taplin, V. M. 161
Taylor 160
Terenine, A. N. 161
Thirunamachandran, T. 46
Thon 160
Tomasek 160
Tomkins, F. C. 141 159
Transition energies, calculation of from the geometry of the system 5
Transition moment 40
Trap depth 30
Trapezoid model 150 ff 154
Trasciatti, M. 176
Triangular model 154
Tropone 135 ff
Tsujikawa, I. 25
Tumours, heredity, mutations, and aging, in view of the quantum theory of the DNA molecule 177
Tunnel effect, in DNA 178
Upright band 34
van Bekkum, H 130
Van Fleck, J. H. 61
Verkade, P. E. 130
Vitouchenko, V. G 161
Volkenstein, T 142 160 161 162
Volpin, M. E 138 139
Voltz 161
Wagner 161
Walmsley, S. H 46
Warford, E. W. T 129
Warhurst, E. 130
Warner, N. E 164 176
Watson — Crick model 177
Watson, D. G. 130
Watson, R. E 48 61
Wave operator 3
Wave vector 29
Weakliem, H. A. 25
Weil — Malherbe, H 176
Weislinger, E. 12
Weitz, P. B 142 161
Weller, S. W. 160 161
Wepster, B. M. 130
Wheland, G. W 129
Williams, G. H 129
Winstein, S. 95 130
Wolfsberg, M 61
Wong, T. W. 164 165 166 168 176
Wood, D. L 25
Woodcock, R. F. 161
Wynder, E. R. 176
Yang, N. C 164 165 166 168 175 176
Yates, K 133 138
Yonezawa, T. 130
Young, D. M. 159
Zajdela, F. 176
Zeif, A. P. 161
Zeiss, H. H 95 130
Zucker, L. 133 138
Zwolinsky 160
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