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Yoder P.R.Jr. — Mounting optics in optical instruments |
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Preload, definition of 22
Preload, variation with temperature 418-421
Pressure differential, effects of 145- 149
Pressure, atmospheric 4 5
Pressure, typical extremes 8
Prism tunnel diagram, illustrations of 157-161
Prism types, Abbe erecting system 169-171
Prism types, Abbe version of Porro 167 168
Prism types, Amici 165-166
Prism types, Amici/penta erecting system 170 172 173
Prism types, anamorphic 189-192
Prism types, axicon 179 180
Prism types, Bauemfeind 179
Prism types, beamsplitter (or beamcombiner), cube 163-165
Prism types, beamsplitter (or beamcombiner), plate 275 276
Prism types, biocular 181 182
Prism types, constant deviation 167 169 170 183 281
Prism types, cube-comer 180 181
Prism types, delta 177 178
Prism types, dispersing 182-185
Prism types, double-Dove 173-175
Prism types, Dove 173 174
Prism types, focus-adjusting wedge 187 189
Prism types, Pechan 176 177
Prism types, penta 170 171
Prism types, Porro 166-168
Prism types, Porro erecting system 169 170
Prism types, retroreflector see Cube-corner prism
Prism types, reversion 175 176
Prism types, rhomboid 167 169
Prism types, right-angle 163 164
Prism types, right-angle/roof penta 170 172
Prism types, Risley wedge 187 188
Prism types, roof penta 170 172
Prism types, Schmidt 178
Prism types, sliding wedge 187 189
Prism types, thin wedge 185 186
Prism, mounting for see Mounting techniques prism
purging 31
Pyrex, properties of App. B8a B9
Quartz see Fused silica
Radiation resistant glass 7
Radiation, high-energy 7
Rain erosion see Erosion
Rectangular lens mounting see Mounting techniques lens nonsymmetrical
Reflection, law of 156
Reflection, total internal (TIR) 161 162
Refractive index, absolute 406
Refractive index, relative 406
Refractive index, variation with temperature ( , ) 407
Refractive index, variation with wavelength (dispersion) 182 183
Relative humidity see Humidity
Reversion prism see Prism types reversion
Rhomboid prism see Prism types rhomboid
Right-angle prism see Prism types right-angle
Right-handed image see Image right-handed
Rim, lens, crowned 76
Rim, lens, spherical 75 76
Risley wedge system see Prism types Risley
Roof penta prism see Prism types roof
RTV see Elastomer
SAN see Styrene acrylonitrile
Sapphire ( ), properties of App. B5
Schmidt prism see Prism types Schmidt
Sealant see Elastomer
Sealing, dynamic 124
Sealing, static 30 31 123-125
Self-weight deflection, lens decentration due to 72-74
Self-weight deflection, of horizontal-axis mirror 305-308
Self-weight deflection, of vertical-axis mirror 300-303
Semiconductor material, properties of App B6
Semikinematic mounting see Interface semikinematic
Sharp-comer interface see Interface sharp-comer
Shell, optical, mounting for 151-153
Shock, mechanical 5 6
Shock, mechanical, typical extremes 8
Shock, thermal 443 445
Si see Silicon
| SIC see Silicon carbide
Silicon (Si), properties of App. B6 B17
Silicon carbide, characteristics of App. Bl0d
Silicon carbide, properties of App. B8b B9
Single-point diamond turning (SPDT) 16 97 121 131 261 262 299 300
Snap ring see Mounting techniques lens ring
Snell’s law 156
Sodium chloride (NaCl), properties of App. B4 B17
SOFIA telescope 326 329-332
Spacer, configurations of 93-99
Spacer, cross-sectional area, Spacer, fabrication of 96-98
Spacer, length computation 93 94
SPDT see Single-point diamond turning
Specific heat, definition of 11
Specific stiffness, definition of 14
Specific stiffness, typical values for mirror materials App. B9
Spectrograph, FUSE see Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectrograph
Spherical-seat mirror mounting see Interface spherical
Spring mounting for lenses see Mounting techniques lens spring
Steel, carbon, properties of App. B12
Steel, corrosion resistant (CRES) see Steel stainless
Steel, stainless, properties of App. B12
Strain, definition of 10
Stray light baffling 99 167 208 227 445 456 459 461 571
Stress birefringence see Birefringence
Stress optic coefficient 30 372 466
Stress optic coefficient, definition of 11
Stress, average 46 372 376 379 387-389 392 394 395 397
Stress, contact 59 60 63 65 135 270 371 373 376 377 379-387 390-392 394 395 397 403 421 424 426 430 432 488 508
Stress, definition of 10
Stress, radial 403 432-436 449 463 466 488
Stress, shear, in bonded interface 438-440
Stress, tangential (hoop) in cell wall 435 436
Stress, tensile in bent optic 398-400
Stress, tolerance for in glass-type materials 371
Styrene see Polystyrene
Super Invar, properties of App. B12
SXA metal matrix, properties of App. B12
Sylvite see Potassium chloride
Tangential interface see Interface tangential
Temperature compensation see athermalization
Temperature, effect on axial preload 418-424
Temperature, gradient, effects of 414-418
Temperature, typical extremes 8
Thallium bromoiodide (KRS5), properties of App. B4 B17
Thermal conductivity, definition of 10
Thermal diffusivity, definition of 11
Thermal expansion coefficient see Coefficient of thermal expansion
Thermal shock 443 445
Thermo-optic coefficient see Coefficient of thermal defocus
TI see Titanium
TIR see Reflection total
Titanium (Ti), properties of App. B12
Toroidal interface see Interface toroidal
Torque applied to a retainer 44-48 App.
UK telescope 333 334
ULE, properties of App. B8a B9
Unit conversion factors App. A
Urethane adhesive, properties of App. B14
Vibration 1 3 5-10
Vibration, power spectral density 1 9 10
Vibration, typical extremes 8
Weight reduction in mirrors see Lightweighting of mirrors
Whiffletree mounting see Hindle mounting
Window, deformations of, elastomeric mounting of 135 136
Window, deformations of, from pressure differential 145-147
Window, deformations of, from temperature gradient 417 418
Window, deformations of, heated 141 150 151
Window, deformations of, laminated 140 141 148 151
Window, deformations of, vacuum-tight 137-139
Yield strength ( ), definition of 10
Young’s modulus (E), definition of 10
Zerodur, properties of App. B8a B9
Zinc selenide (ZnSe), properties of App. B7 B17
Zinc sulfide (ZnS), properties of App. B7 B17
ZnS see Zinc sulfide
ZnSe see Zinc selenide
Zoom mechanisms 126 130-132 414 482 483
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