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Weber E. — Electromagnetic Fields - Theory and Applications (Volume 1 - Mapping of Fields)
Weber E. — Electromagnetic Fields - Theory and Applications (Volume 1 - Mapping of Fields)

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Название: Electromagnetic Fields - Theory and Applications (Volume 1 - Mapping of Fields)

Автор: Weber E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Указатель в процессе заполнения

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1950

Количество страниц: 590

Добавлена в каталог: 21.04.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Cylinder, conducting, current distribution in      461—464
Cylinder, conducting, in uniform field      224 286 288
Cylinder, conducting, in uniform field, with dielectric      400 401
Cylinder, conducting, line charges parallel to      118 119 223
Cylinder, dielectric, conducting strip on      369 370
Cylinder, dielectric, in uniform field      227 401
Cylinder, dielectric, line charges parallel to      226 228
Cylinder, inversion in      255—259
Cylinder, magnetic, in uniform field      241 242
Cylinders, coaxial, equidiameter      421—431
Cylinders, coaxial, infinitely long      428 429
Cylinders, coaxial, with finite gap      427 428
Cylinders, contacting      370 371
Cylindrical coil, electric field of      468
Cylindrical coil, magnetic field of      493
Cylindrical ring, hollow      458 459
Cylindrical shell, dielectric, in uniform field      401
Cylindrical shell, magnetic      404
Cylindrical shell, magnetic, in uniform field      401
Cylindrical shell, magnetic, shielding effect of      403 404
Diamagnetic materials      42
Dielectric breakdown strength of insulators      24 25
Dielectric flux      5 72
Dielectric flux density      5 72
Dielectric flux density, of long line      116
Dielectric flux lines      5 197
Dielectric flux tube      6 197
Dipolar coordinates      495
Dipole line charge      123 286 288
Dipole line charge, grating      295—298
Dipole line charge, grating, in uniform field      297 298
Dipole line current      136
Dipole line current, magnetic moment of      137
Dipole moment, electric      92
Dipole moment, of dipole line      123 289
Dipole, electric      92
Dipole, magnetic      143
Dirichlet boundary value problems      363
Disk      see "Circular disk" "Elliptic
Dissipation into heat      70
Dissipation into heat, as a minimum      80: 2
Divergence      541
Divergence theorem      543
Divergence theorem, in two dimensions      280
Divergence, in cylindrical coordinates      545
Divergence, in orthogonal coordinates      442
Divergence, in spherical coordinates      545
Divergence, of field vector      72 73
Dot product of vectors      539 540
Earnshaw's theorem      38: 19 85
Eigen functions      384
Eigen Values      384 see
Electric charge density, "bound"      12
Electric charge density, fictitious      12
Electric charge density, fictitious, for axisymmetrical systems      415
Electric charge density, for semiconductors      71
Electric charge density, from curvilinear squares      203
Electric charge density, line      116
Electric charge density, line, in inverse system      247
Electric charge density, measurement of      175
Electric charge density, on circular disk      452
Electric charge density, on elliptic cylinder      406
Electric charge density, surface      6 71 see
Electric charge density, surface, in inverse system      247 257
Electric charge density, surface, on ellipsoid      450
Electric charge density, surface, on ellipsoid, oblate      452 500
Electric charge density, surface, on ellipsoid, prolate      108 109 453 506
Electric charge density, surface, on elliptic disk      451
Electric charge density, surface, on parallel cylinders      122
Electric charge density, volume      5 72
Electric charge density, volume, in conformal mapping      305
Electric field lines      2
Electric field lines, differential equation of      2 3
Electric field lines, differential equation of, in axisymmetrical system      83 92
Electric field lines, for dipole      92
Electric field lines, for dipole, line      124
Electric field lines, for lines, parallel      117 200
Electric field lines, for point charges      84 205
Electric field lines, for point charges, near plane, conducting      87
Electric field lines, for point charges, near sphere, conducting      90
Electric field lines, mapping of      176 177 201 204
Electric field lines, mapping of, by conformal mapping      303 304
Electric field lines, mapping of, by conjugate functions      282
Electric field lines, mapping of, by current sheet model      183—185
Electric field lines, mapping of, by curvilinear squares      201
Electric field lines, mapping of, by electrolytic trough      191
Electric field lines, mapping of, by hydraulic flow lines      194
Electric field lines, mapping of, by images      216—229
Electric field lines, mapping of, by relaxation method      267 268
Electric field lines, mapping of, by straw probe      177
Electric field lines, mapping of, in axisymmetrical system      204
Electric field lines, mapping of, in axisymmetrical system, by relaxation method      268 269
Electric field strength      2 72 73
Electric field strength, by relaxation method      267
Electric field strength, for condenser, plane      335
Electric field strength, for condenser, with several dielectrics      146 147
Electric field strength, for cylinder, and line      118
Electric field strength, for cylinder, in uniform field      224
Electric field strength, for cylinders, coaxial      147
Electric field strength, for cylinders, optimum value of      148
Electric field strength, for dipole      92
Electric field strength, for dipole, line      124
Electric field strength, for ellipsoid, prolate      108
Electric field strength, for point charges      82
Electric field strength, for spheres, concentric      151
Electric field strength, from conformal mapping      304
Electric field strength, from conjugate functions      283
Electric field strength, near rounded corner      375 376
Electric intensity      2 see electric"
Electrolytic trough      187—193
Electrolytic trough, use for axial symmetry      190
Electromotive force      73
Electron lens      421
Electron lens, paraboloidal      513
Electron lens, two-cylinder      421
Electron optical field, electric      416 417
Electron optical field, in aperture, circular      431—433
Electron optical field, magnetic      419 420
Electrostatic equipotential surfaces      4 72
Electrostatic equipotential surfaces, of dipole      93
Electrostatic equipotential surfaces, of line charge, finite      107
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