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van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles
van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles

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Название: Light Scattering by Small Particles

Автор: van de Hulst H.C.


This excellent text offers comprehensive treatment of the light-scattering properties of small, independent particles, covering both basic scattering theory and particular computations with different kinds of particles. It includes a full range of useful approximation methods for researchers in chemistry, meteorology and astronomy. 46 tables. 59 graphs. 44 illustrations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1981

Количество страниц: 470

Добавлена в каталог: 21.03.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Edge region      210 239 254
Edge region, excluded from geometrical optics      210 222 291 361
Edge term in extinction formula      345 351 353 357 362 363 370
Edges, bodies with sharp      329
Edsall      413
Effective absorption coefficient      388
Effective area of wave front      252
Effective radius in mixture      194
Effective width of cylinder for extinction      345
Efficiency factors      14 36 127 225 276 302
Ehrenberg      91 102
Elbert      84 415 437 442 452
Eldridge      170 275 277 278 293
Electric Dipole      63 155 160 161 281
Electric quadrupole radiation      276
Electromagnetic wave, plane      116 267 298
Electron microscope      397 400 402 404
Electrons, scattering by free      69 100 445
Ellipsoid      331 334
Ellipsoid of anisotropic material      73
Ellipsoid transparent      93
Ellipsoid, small dielectric      70—72
Ellipsoid, small, perfectly conducting      75 160
Ellipsoidal particles, colloids of      399
Elliptical polarization      see “Polarization”
Ellison      404 413
Elongation of drop in electric field      409
Emde      328
Energy, conservation of      11 12
Engelhard      168
ENIAC      233
Epel      413
Epstein      329 330 331 339 340
Errors of computation      136 139 148 150 161 162 319
Euler's constant      314 338
Exner      109 113 255 257 266 414 428 437 438
Expansion in powers of the ratio dimension/wavelength      334
Extinction      3 388
Extinction coefficient      82 129 388 395 415
Extinction cross section      13 157
Extinction curve for flat strip      339
Extinction curve for metal cylinder      321
Extinction curve for metal spheres      276 292 321 362 449
Extinction curve for non-absorbing sphere      150 151 155 176—178 183 263 265 374 406
Extinction curve for perfectly conducting cylinder      313
Extinction curve for range of sizes      418
Extinction curve for water drops, microwaves      283
Extinction curve, for dielectric cylinder      311 312 362
Extinction formula      see also “Cylinders” “Disks” “Ellipsoids” etc.
Extinction formula for cylinders      305 307 313—316 318 323
Extinction formula for spheres      127 203 264 265 354 360 364
Extinction measuring apparatus      388 389
Extinction paradox      107 304
Extinction ratio to mass      447
Extinction relation to forward scattering      30 31 39 302
Extinction symmetry relations      55
Extinction theorem, fundamental      30 31 39 302
Extinction, apparent      389
Extinction, atmospheric      83
Extinction, effective      108
Extinction, neutral      423
F matrix      see “Matrix intensity”
Fano      58
Faraday      394
Feenberg      39
Feick      275 399 412
Fejer      440 452
Fermat      7
Feshbach      39 49 59 113 148 165 195 199 291 308 311 328 340 341
Fibers      411
Fick      450 453
Field inside sphere      122 124
Field, applied      63 86
Field, complementary incident      336
Field, outside particle expressed by a volume integral      197
Flammer      340 341
Fletcher      328
Focal circle      251
Focal lines at infinity      24 202
Focal lines in beam refracted by sphere      201
Focal lines, change of phase at      22 243 258 372
Focal lines, intensity near      23 201
Fock      343 345 354 355 356 358 359 367 368 378 379
Focus, intensity at      23
Fog      5 228 383
Fog drop size      415 427
form factors      100
Forward scattering      see also “Extinction”
Forward scattering by transparent sphere      224
Forward scattering by water drop      263
Forward scattering stronger than backward      145 147 162
Forward scattering symmetry relations      51
Forward scattering weaker than backward      146 159 160
Fournet      102
Frank      379
Franz      215 217 218 227 358 360 365 367 368 369 370 378 380
Fraunhofer      425
Fraunhofer diffraction      23 24 104 163 183 188 200 202 209 260 338 345 445
Free vibration of sphere      154
Fresnel      7 8 17 20 24 25 26 112 241 343
Fresnel coefficient      see “Reflection coefficient”
Fresnel diffraction      see “Diffraction”
Fresnel formula      20 21;
Fresnel integral      20 31 213 303 305 346
Fresnel zones      20 27 32 106 215
Freundlich      397 399 409 412 413
Friedlaender      353
Friedrichs      380
Friess      168
Gadd      413
Gain, relative to isotropic scattering      205 223 231 233 241 245
Galactic light, diffuse      448
Galle      380
GANs      39 83 88 101 295 399 450
Geometrical cross section      14 284 306
Geometrical cross section average in random orientation      110
Geometrical optics (or ray-optics)      134 173 174 187 200 203 213 215 218 224 226—228 237 239 241 243 248 250 253 254 259 263 265 291 345 353 371 373
Geometrical width      304 306
Gere      331 340
Gerjuoy      380
Glass, black      268
Glinther      438
Glory      200 202 215 224 228 266 351 424
Glory differences from diffraction coronae      255
Glory effect      287
Glory observations      250 253—257 426
Glory polarization      253—257 428
Glory radii of dark rings      257 391
Glory theory      250—253 373 380 427
Glory, forward      263
Goetz      168 416 417 422 437 438
Gold particles in water      269 271 274 280 292 354
Gold solutions      397 398
Gold wire      326
Goldberg      170 264 380
Goldstein      429 430 432 434 438
Goos      380
Gordon      440 452
Gouy      27
Graphite colloidal solution      409
gray      112
Grazing incidence, Brewster angle near      223
Grazing incidence, excluded from ray-optics      210 222 291
Grazing incidence, geometrical optics of ray of      224 229
Grazing incidence, surface wave set up by      287 342 367;
Grazing reflection in simple model of surface waves      352
Grazing reflection, edge effects caused by      164 217 281 322 342 343 345 348 378
Grazing reflection, extinction increased by      179 198 265 362
Green      8
Greenberg      101 199
Greenstein      168
Grootendorst      328
Grossmann      327
Groves      330 340
Gucker      166 171 263 270 295 405 406 413
Guenther      413
Guinier      102
Gumprecht      108 113 162 165 169 170 233 235 236 237 239 249 255 259 261 263 362 364 379 389 393 404 413 444
Gunn      435 438 439
Guthrie      422 438
Guttler      74 332 341 435 439 449 453
Haddock      279 285 286 296
Hagen      268
Hagen — Rubens, law of      287 288
Hagens      398
Hailstones, microwave attenuation      434
Half-plane      329 330 335
Half-plane with cylindrical edge      346
Half-plane, terminated by circular cylinder      332
Halo phenomena      428
Hamermesh      333 341
Hampton      402 405 413
Hankel functions      122 301 353
Happel      39
Harmonic series      215 216
Hart      92 101 196 197 199 259
Hartmann test      103
Hatch      404 413
haze      228 415 437 438
Head wave      366
Heisenberg      39
Heller      170 171 413 417 437
Helmholtz      25
Hemispherical boss on conducting plane      329
Hertz effect      322 328
hess      443
Hewish      440 441 452
Hitschfeld      435 436 438 439
Hoenerjaeger      330 339
Hogg      422 438
Hole in sheet      332 336
Holl      168
Homologous scattering diagrams      172 183
Horak      442 462
Horenstein      294
Horiuchi      341
Horton      331 340
Houghton      167 169
Hulburt      418 438
Hunter      329 339
Huygens      26
Huygens' principle      7 8 17 19 22 25 104 105 173 175 184 200 202 212 243 246 247 249 250 251 266 305 332 333 346 351 354 355 356 369
Hydroaols      274 392 401 404
i, choice of sign      18 29 114
Ice needles      393
Ice particles      428
Ice refractive index for microwaves      434
Illuminance      11 16
Imai      339 341
Incoherent scattering      4 5 47
Industrial dust      404
Infeld      130
Infrared extinction by fog      423
Infrared, metals in      158 268
Inn      401 405 412 413
Integral equation for surface currents      333 354 358 367 379
Integral equation in diffraction by screen      26 332
Interference      see also “Separation”
Interference causing extinction      31
Interference fringes      234
Interference in cloud      31
Interference internal      86 396
Interference of diffracted and refracted light      105 134 164 178 182 183 258 362
Interference of diffracted light, with edge wave      322 351
Interference of electric and magnetic dipole scattering      161
Interference of rainbow rays with reflected light      248
Interference of rays in different azimuthal planes      251
Interference of reflected and refracted rays      239 258
Interference of waves scattered by sections of a cylinder      317 318
Interference shift of maxima with size      241 242
Interference with surface wave      377
Interference, between emerging rays      200 201 206 232 233 237 255
Interference, finest natural example      241
Interference, principle of      19
Intermediate case for cylinders      96 313
Intermediate case for disks      97
Intermediate case for inhomogeneous spheres      93
Intermediate case for spheres      173 179 182
Interplanetary dust      440 445 452
Interpolation between numerical results      134 426
Interpolation in complex domain      235 265
Interpolation with angle      234
Interpolation with size      236 238
Interstellar dust      383 385
Interstellar extinction      107 389 447 449
Interstellar grains      440 447 448 453
Interstellar grains, spectral lines of      193 199
Interstellar grains, temperature of      452
Interstellar polarization      393 440 447 449 450
Interstellar space double refraction      451
Interstellar space refractive index      451
Iron refractive index      268
Iron spheres      271 272 273 449
Irradiance      11
Isotropic scattering by cylinder      317
Isotropic scattering by totally reflecting spheres      164 203 214 223 284
Jacofason      171
Jahnke      328
Jahnke-Emde      98 313 319
Joebst      198 280 292 296 354 360 378
Johnson      170 275 277 278 293 404 413
Jones      404 412 413
Joule heat      68
Jung      164 271 295
Junge      416 437
Jupiter      441
Kahana      358 379
Karal      331 340
Kastler      393
Kay      27 331 340
Keen      400 412
Keller      27 331 340 353 380
Kennaugh      437 439
Kennedy      165
Kenyon      168 404 412 413
Kerker      168 169 170 171 272 275 332 341 396 402 403 404 405 412 413 435 436 439
Kirchhoff      8 24 25 26
Kirchhoff's diffraction theory      27 198
Kirchhoff's law on emission and absorption      452
Kleinman      329 339
Klevens      417 437
Kodis      327 358 379
Kourganoff      10
Kratky      98 102
Krishnan      387 393
Krog      421 438
Kuiper      441 442 443 444 452
la Mer      168 400 401 402 403 404 405 412 413 417 437
Labrum      435 436 439
Lambert's law      112 445
Land      413
Langleben      435 439
Lax      39 148 165 309 311 328
Legendre functions      120 124 126 185 233
Legendre functions asymptotic forms      253
Leitner      331 340
Lens design      24
Lens, intensity at its focus      21
Levine      39
Lewis      330 340 353 401 402 413
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