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Krasnov N.F. — Aerodynamics. Part 2. Methods of aerodynamic calculations |
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Pressure coefficient, distribution over body with parabolic nose and boattail 89
Pressure coefficient, sharp-nosed body 64
Pressure coefficient, wing-body combination 142 159
Pressure distribution in axisymmetric flow 102
Pressure distribution near body of revolution 71f
Pressure distribution on airfoil, subsonic flow 295f
Pressure distribution on airfoil, supersonic flow 296
Pressure distribution over flat nose 57f
Pressure in boundary layer 248
Pressure in free-molecule flow 382ff
Pressure on body, body-flat wing combination 157ff
Pressure on cone 23 27
Pressure on flat-nosed cone, minimum 34
Pressure on shock 25
Pressure on slender body of revolution 85f
Pressure on wing, body-flat wing combination 159f
Pressure, dissociating and ionizing gas 25
Pressure, excess, conical body 51f
Pressure, gradient 295ff
Pressure, stagnation 67
Pressure, stagnation, behind conical shock 64
Pressure, stagnation, ratio 179
Probstein, R.F. 410 412
Radiation, solar, diffuse 328
Rakhmatulin, Kh.A. 363 410 412
Ratio, aspect 196 see fineness"
Ratio, aspect, effective 229
Ratio, base taper 108
Ratio, boundary layer thickness 263 285 289
Ratio, density with dissociation in boundary layer 286
Ratio, density, on cone 23
Ratio, fineness 71
Ratio, fineness, nose 72
Ratio, friction factor 285f 288
Ratio, lift-drag, plate, in free-molecule flow 401
Ratio, pressure, blunt-nosed cone 351
Ratio, pressure, three-dimensional linearized flow 138
Ratio, shear stress 285 294
Ratio, shear stress, laminar boundary layer 285
Ratio, shear stress, turbulent boundary layer 288 290f
Ratio, stagnation pressure 179
Ratio, taper 196
Ratio, thickness 288
Reflection, molecular, diffuse 3741 381
Reflection, molecular, specular 374
Region, heat flux transition 366
Reynolds number, critical 275 307ff
Reynolds number, critical, and surface shape 313
Reynolds number, critical, experimental 309
Reynolds number, critical, longitudinal pressure gradient 314
Reynolds number, critical, subsonic flow 317
Reynolds number, critical, supersonic flow 317
Reynolds number, local 263
Reynolds number, pipe 274
Rocket 128
Roll, damping 235ff
Roshko, A. 413
Rotation, about lateral axis 116ff 121ff
Rotation, about lateral axis, aerodynamic coefficients 122f
Roughness, height, critical 311
Roughness, height, effective 311
Roughness, surface, and critical Reynolds number 310
Rozhdestvensky, I.B. 25 26 411
Rudders 211
Rule, area 227ff
Rule, area, and drag calculation 228f
Rule, conjugate radii 190
Rusakov, V.V. 412
Sagomonian, A.Ya. 363 410 412
Samuilov, E.V. 25 26 411
Schlichting, H. 413
Separation, flow 299f
Shear stress 252f
Shear stress and dissociation 287
Shear stress and pressure gradient 296
Shear stress at wall 255 263 269 271 274ff
Shear stress at wall and temperature 264
Shear stress at wall, laminar boundary layer 285
Shear stress in free-molecule flow 385ff
Shear stress on cone in supersonic flow 291f
Shear stress on plate in supersonic flow 291ff
Shear stress, boundary layer 335
Shear stress, laminar flow 253
Shear stress, turbulent boundary layer 288 294
Shear stress, turbulent flow 252
Sheet, vortex 187 192 194
Shock wave see also "Shock(s)"
Shock wave, detached 32f
Shock wave, detachment distance 46ff
Shock wave, detachment distance, and dissociation 48
Shock wave, detachment distance, and ionization 48
Shock wave, detachment distance, from flat nose 57
Shock wave, detachment distance, relative 47f 50
Shock wave, deviation from concentric shape 46
Shock wave, generatrix 48f
Shock wave, radius of curvature 49f 57f
Shock(s) see also "Shock wave"
Shock(s) ahead of blunt body 306
Shock(s) and empennage effectiveness 204f
Shock(s), kinetic parameters 15
Shock(s), motion away from cone tip 21
Shock(s), velocities ahead and behind 16
Shumyatsky, B.Ya. 25 411
Similarity, aerodynamic 93
Skin friction and heat transfer 331ff
Skin friction in boundary layer 282 290ff
Skin friction on cone in supersonic flow 290ff
Skripach, B.K. 231 412
Slupachenko, E.V. 25 26 411
Solutions, similar 344
Specific heat flow 318
Specific heat flow at stagnation point 409
Specific heat flow to wall 407
Specific heat flow, due to terrestrial radiation 328ff
Specific heat flow, resultant 321f 360
Speed, sound 77
Stability derivatives 111 231
Stability derivatives and Mach number 124f
Stability derivatives, body of revolution 124ff
Stability derivatives, body-empennage combination 240f
Stability derivatives, body-wing combination 240f
Stability derivatives, dynamic 125f
Stability derivatives, low-frequency oscillations 120ff
Stability derivatives, static 124ff
Stability derivatives, total 242
Stability derivatives, total, body-empennage combination 233f
Stability derivatives, yawing 234f
Stakhanov, I.P. 26 411
Stanton number 325f 335 408
Stanton number and local friction factor 409
Stanton number, average value 337
Stanton number, average value, on cone 338
Stanton number, average value, on plate 338
Stanton number, laminar boundary layer 335
Stanton number, local 336
Stanton number, local, modified 408
Stanton number, reference value 336
Stanton number, turbulent boundary layer 336
Streamline(s), mean displacement 257
Streamline(s), sonic 32f
Strength, vortex 44
Strength, vortex, dimensionless 193
Strength, vorticity (vortex sheet) 195
Sublayer, laminar 267
Sublayer, laminar, thickness 268
Supersonic flow 12f 20f 24 29 32ff 174 199f 290ff 296 317 366
Supersonic flow at zero angle of attack 61ff
Supersonic flow over body of revolution 74ff 91
Supersonic flow over cone 20f 32ff 54f 290ff
Supersonic flow over plate 291ff
| Supersonic flow over sharp-nosed airfoil 298f
Supersonic flow over sharp-nosed body of revolution 61ff
Supersonic flow over spherical surface 36
Supersonic flow, disturbance propagation 94f
Supersonic flow, friction factor 299
Surface(s), auxiliary 305
Surface(s), V-shaped, and rolling moment 183f
Tabachnikov, V.G. 231 412
Tail unit, angle of attack 132
Tail unit, effectiveness, and flow stagnation 205f
Tail unit, non-tandem 204
Tail unit, setting angle 132
Temperature on cone 23 27
Temperature on cone and gas dissociation 28
Temperature over boundary layer 281
Temperature, equilibrium 363 408f
Temperature, equilibrium emission 363ff
Temperature, equilibrium emission, at moderate flow velocities 366
Temperature, equilibrium emission, distribution over airfoil surface 366
Temperature, equilibrium emission, in supersonic flow 366
Temperature, equilibrium emission, near stagnation point of sphere 365
Temperature, equilibrium, with additional heat sources 367f
Temperature, gradient 319 331
Temperature, recovery 279 284
Temperature, recovery, reduced 367
Temperature, reference 282ff
Temperature, reflected molecules 404ff
Temperature, sharp-nosed body 64
Temperature, stagnation 250
Temperature, wall 281
Temperature, wall, and ablation 368
Temperature, wall, determination 363ff
Temperature, wall, equilibrium 408f
Temperature, wall, equilibrium emission 363ff
Terms, interaction 158
Theory, aerodynamic, slender body 107ff 203 213
Theory, boundary layer 246
Theory, conformal transformation 135
Theory, continuum flow, validity limits 369f
Theory, linearized, limits of application 91f
Theory, Newton's, collision 397f
Theory, Newton's, corpuscular 51f
Theory, slender body 109 122 126
Thickness, displacement, relative 152
Transform, Laplace 112f
Transformation, affine 93
Transformation, conformal 135f 166f
Turbulent boundary layer 252 268 275 288ff 293ff
Turbulent boundary layer and separating flow 301f
Turbulent boundary layer on flat plate 265ff
Turbulent boundary layer, enthalpy recovery factor 280
Turbulent boundary layer, friction factor 295
Turbulent boundary layer, heat transfer 355f
Turbulent boundary layer, stability and surface roughness 311
Turbulent boundary layer, Stanton number 336
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness 276
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness in compressible gas 288
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness, and dissociation 289
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness, in incompressible flow 288
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness, on cone 294
Turbulent boundary layer, thickness, on flat plate 294
Turbulent boundary layer, velocity distribution 273ff
Upwash 131f
Velocity potential, additional, crossflow 79f 93f 102 111f
Velocity potential, additional, longitudinal disturbed flow 79f
Velocity potential, axisymmetric unsteady flow 112
Velocity potential, body of revolution 79
Velocity potential, continuously distributed unsteady doublets 115
Velocity potential, determination with interference 134ff
Velocity potential, disturbance 78 135
Velocity potential, linearized flow 79
Velocity potential, non-axisymmetric flow 94 115
Velocity potential, undisturbed flow 78
Velocity potential, unsteady flow 118
Velocity potential, unsteady sources 111 114f
Velocity(ies) at boundary layer edge 268
Velocity(ies) in high-entropy layer 33
Velocity(ies) on body in presence of wing 139
Velocity(ies) on cone 54
Velocity(ies) on cone and cone angle 22
Velocity(ies) on cone, maximum 53
Velocity(ies), axial component 84 96f 137 140f
Velocity(ies), boundary conditions for 250
Velocity(ies), complex 129
Velocity(ies), complex, disturbance 158
Velocity(ies), components, in body-flat wing interference 158
Velocity(ies), crossflow 130
Velocity(ies), distribution, in boundary layer 261 267 296f
Velocity(ies), distribution, on blunt cone in supersonic flow 54f
Velocity(ies), distribution, on spherical nose 50f 53
Velocity(ies), disturbance on wing in presence of body 140f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, axial component 137 140f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, complex 158
Velocity(ies), disturbance, lateral component 138 140f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, maximum, on cone 53
Velocity(ies), disturbance, maximum, sharp-nosed body 64f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, molecules 376
Velocity(ies), disturbance, near stagnation point 40ff
Velocity(ies), disturbance, normal component, behind shock 17f 25
Velocity(ies), disturbance, normal component, undisturbed flow 116
Velocity(ies), disturbance, orbital 349
Velocity(ies), disturbance, over pipe cross section 274
Velocity(ies), disturbance, profile, over boundary layer 275 334f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, radial component 25 84f 98 141
Velocity(ies), disturbance, sharp-nosed body 64
Velocity(ies), disturbance, total, behind shock 39
Velocity(ies), disturbance, vertical component 138 140f
Velocity(ies), disturbance, vertical downwash 200
Velocity(ies), disturbed, components 77
Velocity(ies), disturbed, components, in wind coordinates 156
Velocity(ies), free-stream, components in cylindrical coordinates 78
Velocity(ies), friction 311
Velocity(ies), gradient 344f
Velocity(ies), gradient, at stagnation point 50
Velocity(ies), gradient, initial 50 53
Velocity(ies), hypersonic 34
Viscosity, turbulent 252f
von Karman, T. 255
Vortex(ices) behind shock wave 43ff
Vortex(ices) behind shock wave, strength 44
Vortex(ices) near stagnation point 45f
Vortex(ices) on nose surface 43
Vortex(ices), attached 190f
Vortex(ices), bound see "Vortex(ices) attached"
Vortex(ices), conjugate 190f
Vortex(ices), double component 40
Vortex(ices), empennage 196
Vortex(ices), formation in separation zone 297
Vortex(ices), free 190f 193f
Vortex(ices), influence on rolling 185ff
Vortex(ices), rolled-up 193
Vortex(ices), sheet 187 192 194
Vortex(ices), strength 44
Vortex(ices), strength, dimensionless 193
Vortex(ices), wing 196
Vortex(ices), zone of influence 199 203
Voskresensky, G.P. 412
Wall, adiabatic 406f
Wash 130 187f
Wash, wing 131f
Wash, wing, rectangular 131
Wave drag coefficient in wind coordinate system 106
Wave drag coefficient, axisymmetric supersonic flow 24
Wave drag coefficient, blunted nose 56
Wave drag coefficient, body of revolution 74f
Wave drag coefficient, body of revolution, parabolic 74f
Wave drag coefficient, body of revolution, slender 89ff
Wave drag coefficient, flat nose 57
Wave drag coefficient, slender cone 88
Wave drag coefficient, spherical nose 55f
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