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Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory. I. Elements |
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Legendre polynomials 99 139
Legendre polynomials, associated 99 129 139
Lennard-Jones — Brillouin — Wigner series 204
Lennard-Jones, J.E. 205(17) 209
Lifshitz, E.N. 333 435
Linear combinations of atomic orbitals (lcao) 215
Linear momentum operator 35
Linear substitution operator 58
Linear transformations 22
Liouville, J. 229 248
Lippman — Schwinger formalism 403
Lippman, B.A. 345(12) 403 404 435
Little, J.D.C. 132(10) 136
Lord Rayleigh, G.W. Strutt, 3rd Baron 229 230 248 249
Lower bounds to energy 191 214
magnetic quantum number 103
Majorana exchange operator 401
Many particle problem 72
March, N.H. 184(8) 209
Margenau, H. 13 30 32 66(4) 75 181(6) 208
Marriott, R. 391 436
Massey, H.S.W. 289(9) 297 321 325(4) 329(4) 351(17) 382(4 17) 389(27) 391(27) 394(4) 409 435 436
Matrix 15 66
Matrix, adjoint 19
Matrix, characteristic equation of 23
Matrix, complex conjugate 20
Matrix, conformable matrices 17
Matrix, density 407
Matrix, derivative 414
Matrix, diagonal 18
Matrix, eigenvectors of 25
Matrix, elementary 19
Matrix, hermitian 21 26
Matrix, names and properties of 21
Matrix, null 18
Matrix, operations on 18
Matrix, orthogonal 21
Matrix, pure imaginary 21
Matrix, reactance 369
Matrix, real 21
Matrix, roots of 23
Matrix, rules for combining 16
Matrix, skew-Hermitian 21
Matrix, skew-symmetric 21
Matrix, statistical 69
Matrix, symmetric 21
Matrix, trace of 20
Matrix, transition 403 404
Matrix, transposed 19
Matrix, unit 18
Matrix, unitary 21
Matthews, P.T. 376(24) 436
McCarroll, R. 293(10) 297
McMaster, W.H. 406 436
Mean-value postulate 40
Mechanical models 6
Mesons, , scattering by nucleons 350 356
Midtdal, J. 193(15) 209 224 225 228
Miller, J.C.P. 234 239 249
Miller, S.C. 242 249
Millikan's oil-drop experiment 6
Modified Coulomb field, scattering by 337
Moiseiwitsch, B.L. 287
Momentum wave-functions 132 148
Morrison, P. 406 436
Morse potential 114
Morse, P.M. 41(3) 75 105 112 119 132(10) 136 145 167 168 206(19) 208(19) 209 249 308(1) 323 350(1) 435
Mott, N.F. 289(9) 297 321 325(4) 329(4) 382(4) 393(4) 394(4) 435
Mower, L. 351 435
Murphy, G.M. 13 30 66(4) 75
Newstein, M.C. 351 435
Nielsen, H.H. 201(16) 209
Non-central potential, scattering by 352 359
Non-commuting operators 45
Non-crossing rule 216 293
Non-local potential in optical model 435
Norm 14
Normalization 14 41 156
Normalization, Coulomb wave-functions 166
Normalization, delta-function 154 163
Normalization, delta-function, free particle 157 163
Normalization, delta-function, particle in a potential field 158 163
Normalization, periodic 149
Nucleon-nucleon scattering 402
Observables 32 34 36
Olver, F.W.J. 234 247 249
Operand 8
Operator equation 7
Operators, angular momentum 35
Operators, commuting 45
Operators, differential 7
Operators, differential and matrices 27 28
Operators, displacement 54
Operators, exchange 73 401
Operators, Hamiltonian 38
Operators, Heisenberg exchange 401
Operators, Hermitian 9
Operators, linear momentum 35
Operators, linear substitution 58
Operators, Majorana exchange 401
Operators, non-commuting 45
Operators, spin 59
Operators, transposition 73
Oppenheimer, J.R. 391
Optical model 429
Optical model, absorption cross-sections for a uniformly absorbing sphere 430
Optical model, cross-section for diffraction scattering in 430
Optical model, non-local optical potential 435
Optical model, potential, derivation from multiple scattering theory 432
Optical theorem 362
Orbital angular momentum 49
Orbital or azimuthal quantum number 103
Oscillator strengths generalized 397
Parabolic co-ordinates 119
Parabolic potential 89 237
Parity 84 85 86 100 119
Partial cross-sections, limits of magnitude of 361
Particle width 413 419
Pekeris, C.L. 225 227 228
Periodic normalization 419
Perturbation energies, first order 174 194
Perturbation energies, higher orders 181 184 197
Perturbation energies, second order 177 178 197
Perturbation theory, degenerate Rayleigh — Schroedinger 194
Perturbation theory, Lennard-Jones — Brillouin — Wigner series 204
Perturbation theory, matrix form 199
Perturbation theory, non-degenerate Rayleigh — Schroedinger 173
Perturbation theory, relative degeneracy 202
Perturbation theory, time-dependent 251
Perturbation theory, variation-perturbation theory 192
Perturbation wave-functions 183
Perturbations, harmonic 264 270
Perturbations, persistent 261
Perturbations, time-independent 264
Perturbations, time-independent, first order approximation 264
Perturbations, time-independent, second order approximation 280
Perturbations, transient 253
Perturbed stationary state approximation 289
phase velocity 63
Phases see "Scattering phases"
Planck's constant 3
Plane wave, harmonic expansion of 307
Plane wave, harmonic expansion of, for particles with spin 353
Polarizability 278 280
Polarization of a scattered beam of particles 408
Polarization of electrons 6
Poots, G. 220(6) 228
Potential barrier problems 238
Potential barrier problems, general 243
Potential barrier problems, parabolic 240
| Potential barrier problems, triangular 238
Potential energy curves, crossing of 216 293
Potential scattering 305 411
Potential wells 236
Potential wells of general form 236
Potential wells, complex, scattering by 431
Potential wells, exponential 113
Potential wells, exponential, scattering by 349
Potential wells, finite 85
Potential wells, Gaussian, scattering by 349
Potential wells, parabolic 237
Potential wells, rectangular 82 133 151
Potential wells, spherical 105
Potential wells, spherical with barriers 109
Potential wells, spherical, scattering by 313 349
Potential wells, Yukawa, scattering by 349
Potential, Coulomb 114
Potential, Coulomb, attractive 114 164
Potential, Coulomb, parabolic co-ordinates 119
Potential, Coulomb, prolate spheroidal co-ordinates 121
Potential, Coulomb, repulsive 164 167
Potential, Coulomb, spherical polar co-ordinates 115
Potential, exponential 113
Potential, Morse 114
Potential, parabolic 89 237
Potential, rectangular 82 133 150
Potential, spherically symmetrical 104 162
Principal quantal number 116
Probability current 65
probability density 44
Prolate spheroidal co-ordinates 121
Quantum numbers 4
Quantum numbers, magnetic 103
Quantum numbers, orbital or azimuthal 103
Quantum numbers, principal quantal number 116
Quantum theory, fundamental principles of 31
R-matrix 414 416
R-matrix and S-matrix 416
Radiative transitions 272
Raman effect 279
Ramsauer — Townsend effect 318
Rayleigh (coherent) scattering 280
Rayleigh — Ritz variational method 211
Rayleigh — Schroedinger perturbation theory 172 194
Reactance matrix 369
Reaction, amplitude 370
Reaction, cross-section 370
Reaction, width 413
Rectangular potential wells 82 133 151
Reduced mass 96
Reflexion coefficient 240
Relative frequencies 42
Resonance scattering 411
Resonating group structure method 409
Rigid dipoles, interaction between 179 196
Rigid rotator 97 103
Robinson, P.D. 125 127(1) 136
Rohrlich, F. 359 436
Rotator, rigid 97 103
Rutherford scattering 303 335 336
S-matrix 362 363
S-matrix and bound states 363
S-matrix and elastic scattering cross-sections 367
S-matrix and inelastic scattering cross-sections 367
S-matrix and R-matrix 416
S-matrix and T-matrix 404
S-matrix and total reaction cross-section 370
S-Matrix or scattering see "S-Matrix"
S-matrix, symmetry of 368
S-matrix, unitarity of 366 369
Salam, A. 376 436
Salpeter, E.E. 220 228
Sandeman, I. 131(7) 136
Saxon, D.S. 351 435
Scattered beam of particles, polarization of 408
Scattering amplitude 311
Scattering amplitude by Schwinger's variational method 350
Scattering amplitude for non-central potential 359
Scattering amplitude for particles with spin 354
Scattering amplitude for spin-orbit potential 356
Scattering amplitude for system with different isotropic spin states 356
Scattering amplitude, integral equation for 329
Scattering amplitude, spin-flip 356
Scattering by central field 309
Scattering by complex well 431
Scattering by Coulomb potential, classical theory of 302
Scattering by Coulomb potential, quantum theory of 335
Scattering by impenetrable sphere, classical theory of 302
Scattering by impenetrable sphere, quantum theory of 320
Scattering by modified Coulomb potential 337
Scattering by non-central potential 352
Scattering by non-Coulomb potential 329
Scattering by repulsive barrier 320
Scattering by spherical well potential 313
Scattering by spin-orbit potential 352
Scattering length 348
Scattering length, zero-energy 319
Scattering matrix see "S-matrix"
Scattering of mesons by nucleons 350 356
Scattering of identical particles 339
Scattering of identical particles, effects of spin 341
Scattering of nucleons by nuclei 409
Scattering of polarized particles 405
Scattering phases 310 313 316
Scattering phases and binding energy, relation between for a spherical well potential 316
Scattering phases by asymptotic approximation method 321
Scattering phases by Hulthen's variational method 345
Scattering phases by Kohn's variational method 344
Scattering phases by Schwinger's variational method 345
Scattering phases for high-energy collisions 318
Scattering phases for scattering by complex well 431
Scattering phases when inelastic scattering is present 360
Scattering phases, Born's approximation for 333
Scattering phases, convergence of expression for 326
Scattering phases, effect of bound states 317
Scattering phases, integral equation for 330
Scattering phases, number of significant phases 313
Scattering problems, Green's function for 329
Scattering problems, variational methods for 342
Scattering, cross-sections, one-level 412
Scattering, diffraction 321 361
Scattering, effective range theory of 347
Scattering, nucleon-nucleon 402
Scattering, off the energy shell 405
Scattering, potential 411
Scattering, quantum theory of, relation to classical scattering 327
Scattering, Raman 279
Scattering, Rayleigh (coherent) 280
Scattering, resonance 411
Scattering, Rutherford 303 335 336
Scattering, shadow 320 361
Scattering, theorem, Lippmann — Schwinger formalism for 403
Schiff, L.I. 287 297
Schroedinger equation 38 82
Schroedinger equation and transformations for potential functions 135
Schroedinger equation, solution of for scattering 306
Schroedinger equation, time equation 60 96
Schroedinger equation, time equation, stationary solutions of 61
Schuetzer, W. 374 436
Schwinger's variational method for scattering amplitude 350
Schwinger's variational method for scattering phases 345
Schwinger, J. 345 403 404 435
Seaton, M.J. 169(6) 170
Secular terms 252
Shadow scattering 320 361
Sharpness of spectral lines 2
Shortley, G.H. 275(6) 297
Single-valuedness 36
Skinner, B.G. 287
Slater, J.C. 395 436
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