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Frenkel J. — Wave Mechanics: Advanced General Theory |
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Absorption probability 142
Action variables 42
Adjoint matrix 139
Amplitudes quantized 485
Angle variables 42
Angular quantum number 53
Antisymmetric functions, J 73
Antisymmetry principle 182
Asymptotic solution 79 86
Basic quantities 155
Bloch, F. 265 271
Bohr, N. 53 87 96
Bohr’s interpretation of spin 329
Bohr’s magneton 256
Boltzmann’s law 194 196 276
Bom, M. 33 36 172
Bose-tOinstein statistics 198
Bothe, W. 274 278
Bracket expression (Poisson) 57 161
Bragg’s formula 25 122
Brillouin, L. 209 263
Canonical equations 40
Canonical equations, transformations 41 144 159
Central quadrics as representatives of quantum variables 173
Centroid 32
Characteristic functions 54
Characteristic functions, values 54
Characteristic values 87
Class (of permutations) 404
Commutable operators 56
Commutation rules 94
Compressibility (of metals) 221
Compton effect. 48
Condon, E. 105
Configuration space 167
Contact potential difference 244
Cordon 321
Correspondence principle (Bohr’s) 98
Coudsmit 279 304
Crystal lattice, energy levels in a 230 233
Crystal lattice, motion of electron in a 121 227 230
Curvilinear coordinates (Dirac’s equation in) 364
Cyclic permutations 404
Damped vibrations 105
Damping (radiation) 491 497
Darwin, C. G. 46
Davisson 25
Debye, P. 160
Decay constant 105
Degeneracy 83 96 129 176
Degenerate systems (perturbation of) 186
Delta function (Dirac’s) 84
Dempster 27
Density matrix 432
Dirac 142 153 155 160 182 198
Do Broglie 20 23 55
Doppler effect 277
Drude 253
Duplicity phenomenon 275
Ehrenfest, P. 32 360
Eigenvibrations 64
Einstein, A. 6 9 12 36 135 147 198 277
Electric moment of the electron 300 316
Electrical conductivity of metals 254
Electromagnetic waves 18 103 188 190
Electron gas in metals 215
Emission probability 135
Exchange degeneracy 176
Exchange forces 422 443
Exclusion principle 162 182
Factorized wave functions 424
Fermi, E. 446
Fizeau 7 23 27 30
Fluctuations (in a gas) 197 205
Fock, V. 329 424 443
Forced transitions 139
Fourier’s theorem 41
Fowler, R. H. 113 243
Frequency relation 53 131
Fundamental frequencies 43
Gamow, G. 105 106
Germer 25
Goudsmit 152
Group velocity 29 230
Gurney 105
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 18 25 243
harmonic oscillator 78—84 160
Hartree, D. 423
Heat capacity of electron gas 218
Heisenberg, W. 97 491 506
Heisenberg, W. (uncertainty relation) 46 47—52
Hermitian property (of matrices) 86
Hermitian relation 137
Holes, Dirac’s 155
Huygens 5
Hydrogen-like atom 84 108
Identity Principle 158
Image force 240
Jordan, P. 453
Klein, O. 346
Kronig 123
Lande’s factor 309
Laplace’s equation 92
Larmor’s angular velocity 309
leaking 117
Liouville’s theorem 43 184
Lorentz 8 256
Lorentz transformation. 356
magnetic moment 256 275 280
Magnetic susceptibility of electron gas 220
Matrix 136
| Matrix multiplication law 90
Matrix multiplication law, transposed 139
Matrix multiplication law, unitary 139
Maxwell 7 253
Mean free path of electron 254 257 261
Mixed matrix 139 441
Momentum-energy vector 11
Multiplicity (of energy levels) 83
Negative energy states 277 345
Neutron 348
Newton 1 5 23 34
nodes 57 81 88
Nordheim 113 243
Normalizing condition 126
Orthogonality relation 130
overtones 57
Pauli — Fermi — Dirac statistics 198 215
Pauli, W. 280 392 417
Peierls 265 271
Periodicity moduli 38
permutations 176
Permutations as operators 404
Perturbation energy 141
Phase-space 42 60 158 200
Phonons 265
photons 12 13 135 187 272 524
Photons (Diracs theory of) 477
Planck, M. 13 160 272
Poisson’s equation 163 234
Polarization of light 150
Positive electrons 347
Potential staircase method 100
principal quantum number 94
Probability amplitudes 62
Probability amplitudes, conception 32
Probability amplitudes, current 69
Probability amplitudes, density 32
Probability amplitudes, packet 38
Probability amplitudes, theory, classical 61
Proper time 10
q-representation 157
Quadruplieity phenomenon 277 345
Quanta of energy 13
Quantitative quantization 162
Quantized states 53
Quantized states, waves 161
Quantum numbers 94
Radiation force 138
Raman effect 236 499
Rectification of contacts 250
Reflection partial 5 68
Reflection partial, total 5 79 86
Refractive index 3
Relative degeneracy 189
Relative motion of two particles 171
Relativistic Schrodinger equation 77
Relativity 7 9
Relativity splitting (of spectral terms) 338
Rest-cnergy 11
Reversibility law 71 144 196 207
Rotator 98
Rupp 26
Scattering of electrons 258 268
Scattering of light 234 484
Scattering of light, Raman 499
Scattering of photons 275
Schrodinger, E. 30 64 75 77 140 170
Schrodinger’s equation for two particles 170
Schrodinger’s equation, for stationary states 74
Schrodinger’s equation, generalized 140
Schrodinger’s equation, relativistic 77
Schrodinger’s theory of light emission 132
Selective reflection of electrons by a crystal lattice 122
Self-adjoint operators, ( 55
Self-consistent field 234
Slater, J. C.. 413 424
Sommer fold's line structure formula 304
Sommerfeld, A. 54 224 242 256
Spherical harmonics 92
Spin 152 153 183
Spin matrices of Dirac 316
Spin matrices of Pauli 280
Spin of the olectron 294
Spin of the olectron a system 385 414
Spontaneous transitions 139
Statistical equilibrium 199
Superposition principle 61 124
Symmetrical wave functions 173
Tamm, I. 124
Tensor of energy 18
Thermionic current 242
Thomas — Ferini equation 235
Thomas, L. H. 446
Transition probability 133
Transmission coefficient 69
Transposition 177
Tunnel effect 112
Tyndall effect 258
Uhlenbeck 273 304
Uncertainty relation 40 59
Variational form of wave equation 424
Velocity, group 29 230
Velocity, imaginary 67
Virial theorem 31
Wave equation of Schrodinger (see Schrodinger’s equation)
wave number 15
Waves, standing 56
Wiedemann — Franz law 255
Wigner’s operator 453
Zeoman effect normal 257
Zeoman effect normal, anomalous 307 341
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