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Lamb H. — Statics. Including Hydrostatics and the Elements of the Theory of Elasticity |
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Addition of vectors 2
Adiabatic lines 255
Analytical statics 142
Angle of contact 273
Archimedes, principle of 219
Atmosphere in convective equilibrium 261
Atmosphere, Isothermal 260
Axial quadratic moments 160
Bars, extension of 304
Bars, flexure of 312 314
Bars, torsion of 325
Beams, continuous 321
Bending moment 57 87
Bernoulli, James 186 192 314
Bernoulli, John 30 113
Bow’s notation 83 98
Boyle’s law 252
Buoyancy 219
Buoyancy, centre of 219
Buoyancy, curve of 232 235
Capillarity 269
Capillary curves 275
Capillary tube 274
Catenary of uniform strength 192
Catenary, parabolic 191 195
Catenary, uniform 185
Catenoid 282
Central ellipse 167 173 210
Centre of buoyancy 219
Centre of gravity 47 152
Centre of mass 150 153 155 156 174
Centre of pressure 207 208 209
Centre of rotation 30
Centre, Instantaneous 30
Centre, mean 7 154
Chains, theory of flexible 182
Charles, law of 253
Chasles, M. 30 34
Circle of friction 65
Clapeyron, B. P. E. 321
Closing line of funicular 85
Cohesion 286
Composition of forces 13 15
Compressibility of liquids 263
Conservative field 115
Conservative systems 133
Contact, angle of 273
Continuous load 89
Core of a beam 323
Coriolis, G. 111 113
Coulomb, C. A. 16 67 313
Couple 43 45
Couples, Theory of 52
Cremona, L. 82 83 102
Critical forms of frames 96 103 105 129
Crofton, M. W. 131
Crossed parallelogram 35
Culmann, C. 77 80
Dalton, J. 253 254
Delaunay, C. E. 283
density 199
Descartes, R. 33
Determinate and indeterminate problems 53
Dilatation 293
Disk, rotating 336
Dupin’s theorems 231 235
Elastic curves 276 324
Elasticity of gases 258
Elasticity of solids 291
Elgar, F. 229
Energy of a strained solid 301
Energy, free 257 271
Energy, potential 115 258
Energy, superficial 270 287
Equilibrium, of a floating body 220 232
Equilibrium, of a fluid 204
Equilibrium, of a particle 14 16
Equilibrium, of a rigid body 48 80 143
Equilibrium, of a system of particles 19
Equilibrium, under constraint 17
Equimomental systems 174
Euler, L. 30 314 325
Extension 292 304
Field of force 115
Flexure of beams 312 314
Floatation, curve of 231 235
Floating bodies, equilibrium of 220 232
Floating bodies, stability of 224 225 230
Floating bodies, under constraint 224
Force-polygon 13 76
frames 93 127 305 309
Free energy 257 271
Freedom, degrees of 29
Friction, circle of 65
Friction, laws of 17 62
Friction, rolling 66
Funicular, parabolic 23
Funicular, polygon 22 76 80
Gaseous laws 252 253
Gilbert, D. 193
Graphical determination of quadratic moments 174
Graphical determination of stress 96 98
Graphical reduction of forces 78
Grassmann, E.L. 112 151
Gravity, centre of 47 152
Gravity, specific 199
Guldinus 160
Hamilton, Sir W. R. 1
Heat, specific 255
Henneberg, L. 104
Hooke’s law 298
Hoop-tension 330
Huygens, C. 215 234 239
Indeterminate problems 53 95 132
Indicator-diagram 254
Inertia, moment of 160 167
Inertia, principal axes of 169
Inertia, product of 161 165
Instantaneous centre 30
Interchange, method of 104
Intrinsic pressure 287
Isothermal atmosphere 260
Isothermal lines 255
Isotropy 298
Jellett, J. H. 22
Jenkin, F. 96
Jointed structures 55 93
Lagrange, J. L. 113 166
| Lam , B. 15
Lame’s notation 302
Leclert, E. 236
Leibnitz 151
Localized vector 39
M bius, A. F. 129 152
M ller — Breslau, H. 128
Mariotte 252
Mass-centre 150 153 155 156 174
Maxwell, J. C. 83 96 98
Mean centre 7 154
Metacentre 226
Metacentric evolute 237
Metacentric height 226
Minimal surfaces 282
Mohr, O. 170
Moment of a force 43 85
Moment of inertia 160 167
Momental ellipse 168
Moments, quadratic 160 174
Moments, theorem of 43
Moments, theorem of three 321
Morin, A. 67
Multiplication, scalar 5
Multiplication, vector 146
Nodoid 285
Pappus 160
Parabolic catenary 24 191
Parabolic funicular 23
Parallel forces 41 47 84
Parallel projection 7 171
Parallelogram of forces 13
Particle 12
Pivot, friction at a 64
Plane quadratic moments 160
Plateau, J. A. F. 281
Poinsot, L. 43
Poisson’s ratio 298
Polar quadratic moments 160
Pole-curves 33
Polygon of forces 14
Polygon, funicular 22
potential energy 115 132 214 238
Pressure, centre of 207 208 209
Pressure, intrinsic 287
Pressure, resultant 206 212
Pressure-gradient 244
Pressure-intensity 201
Principal axes of inertia 169
Principal axes of strain 293
Principal stresses 296
Product of inertia 161 165
Product, scalar 112 145
Product, vector 146
Quadratic moments 160 174
Radius of gyration 161 165
Rankine, W. J. M. 116 253 255
Reaction 40
Reciprocal figures 82 102
Reciprocal theorem 308
Relative equilibrium 24
Resolution of forces 15 46
Resultant 13 16 41 45 78 143
Resultant pressure on an area 206 212
Rigidity 300
Rigidity of frames 94
Ritter, A. 104
Rocking stones 135
Rolling friction 66
Rotating disk 336
Rotating liquid 247
Rotation, centre of 30
Sag of a telegraph wire 191
scalar 1
Scalar product 112 145
Sections, method of 103
Self-stressed frames 130
Shear 294
Shearing force in a beam 57 315
Shells, thick 331 333
Shells, thin 330
Simple frames 97
Sliding friction 17 62
Soap-films 281 283
Specific gravity 199
Specific heat 2o5
Stability 134
Stabilityof floating bodies 224 225 230 233 237
Stevinus, S. 14
strain 292
Strain, homogeneous 292
Stress 296
Stress, diagrams 99 100 101
Stress, homogeneous 296
Stress, in a bar 40 93
Stress, in a fluid 200
Stress, in a frame 127
Stress-strain relations 297
String on rough curve 183
String on smooth curve 183
Superficial energy 270 287
Surface-tension 269
Tank, pressure of liquid in a 230
Taylor, M. 96
Telegraph wire, sag of a 191
Tension, surface- 269
Three centres, theorem of 36
Three moments, theorem of 321
Three-bar motion 31
Three-jointed structures 106
torque 52
Torricelli, E. 120
Torsion of a rod 325
Transmissibility of force 39
Travelling load 88
Triangle of forces 14
Tube, capillary 274
Unduloid 284
Uniformity of fluid pressure 202 203
Varignon, P. 43
Vector 1
Vector product, scalar 112
Vector product, vector 146
Vector, localized 39
Vector-addition 2
Virtual velocities 112 122 124 128 144 215
Work 111 121 145 213 214 257
Young’s modulus 298
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