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Nishijima K. — Fundamental particles
Nishijima K. — Fundamental particles

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Название: Fundamental particles

Автор: Nishijima K.


This book is based on my lectures on elementary particles delivered during the fall semester of 1961-1962 at the University of Illinois. Some later additions were made in order to cope with recent developments in this field. The primary purpose of the book is to acquaint students with the historical development of elementary particle physics through exploration of the process of establishing a theory by comparison with experiment. In writing this book I have presupposed a basic knowledge of field theory, since it is the only adequate language to describe the properties of elementary particles. Nevertheless I hope that most of the subjects treated in this book—except for the latter half of Chapter 4, and Chapter 5-can be understood without this knowledge. I did not try to add an introduction to field theory because many textbooks on this subject are available. However, the emphasis has been placed on displaying detailed calculations that are often not explicitly given in original papers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1963

Количество страниц: 422

Добавлена в каталог: 08.04.2013

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$K_{1}^{O}$ and $K_{2}^{O}$ mesons      267
$K_{1}^{O}$ and $K_{2}^{O}$ mesons, conversion of      270
$K_{1}^{O}$ and $K_{2}^{O}$ mesons, decay modes of      272
$K_{1}^{O}$ and $K_{2}^{O}$ mesons, mass difference between      269 274
$K_{1}^{O}$ and $K_{2}^{O}$ mesons, regeneration of      273
$\beta$ (beta) decay      325
$\beta$ (beta) decay, double      351 353
$\beta$ (beta) decay, inverse      353
$\beta$ (beta) decay, of $Co^{60}$      325
$\beta$ (beta) decay, of $\pi^{+}$      374
$\beta$ (beta) decay, VA theory of      355 374
$\Delta$ (theta) meson ($V_{2}^{O}$), discovery of      240
$\Delta$ (theta) meson ($V_{2}^{O}$), Q value of      242
$\eta$ (eta) meson, decay of      225 226
$\eta$ (eta) meson, discovery of      225
$\eta$ (eta) meson, G parity of      226
$\gamma_{5}$ invariance      349 361
$\kappa$ (kappa) meson discovery of      244
$\Lambda$ (lambda) particle ($V^{O}_{1}$), discovery of      240
$\Lambda$ (lambda) particle ($V^{O}_{1}$), nucleon interaction      290
$\Lambda$ (lambda) particle ($V^{O}_{1}$), Q value of      242
$\Lambda$ (lambda) particle ($V^{O}_{1}$), spin of      293
$\mu$ (mu) meson, discovery of      10
$\mu$ (mu) meson, electron decay      11 355 362 374
$\mu$ (mu) meson, lifetime of      12
$\mu$ (mu) meson, mass of      17
$\mu$ (mu) meson, nuclear capture of      12 360 375
$\omega$ (omega) meson, decay of      225
$\omega$ (omega) meson, discovery of      225
$\omega$ (omega) meson, exchange      232
$\phi$(phi) meson      314
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), decay of the charged      16 131 395 377
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), discovery of the charged      16
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), discovery of the neutral      41
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), lifetime of the charged      18
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), mass of the charged      17
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), parity of the charged      41
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), parity of the neutral      58
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), spin of the charged      33
$\pi$ (pi) meson (pion), spin of the neutral      54
$\rho$ (rho) meson, decay of      133
$\rho$ (rho) meson, discovery of      224
$\rho$ (rho) meson, exchange      231
$\rho$ (rho) meson, mass and width of      225 228
$\Sigma$ (sigma) particle, discovery of      244
$\Sigma$ (sigma) particle, Gell - Mann - Rosenfeld triangle for $\Sigma$-particle decay      384
$\Sigma$ (sigma) particle, parity of, relative to $\Lambda$      303 314
$\tau$ (tau) meson, Dalitz analysis of $\tau$ meson decay      317
$\tau$ (tau) meson, discovery of      243
$\theta-\tau$ (theta-tau) puzzle      315 323
$\Xi$ (xi) particle (cascade particle), discovery of      242
$\Xi$ (xi) particle (cascade particle), production of      255
ABC particle      228
Absorptive part      137
Adair argument      378
Analyticity and bound states      113
Angular correlation in $K^{-}\mu^{-}$e decay      360
Angular correlation in $\pi^{-}\mu^{-}$e decay      328 357
Anomalous magnetic moment of the $\Lambda$ particle      387
Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron      210
Anomalous magnetic moment of the proton and neutron      9 196 204
Antiunitary transformation      329
Asymmetry parameters      382 388
Asymmetry parameters, signs of      386
Attribute      265
Bartlett force      1
Baryons      252
Casimir operator      118 209 396
CDD zeros      170
CGLN theory of photo-pion production      184
CGLN theory of pion-nucleon scattering      177
Charge conjugation      47
Charge conjugation in quantum electrodynamics      47
Charge conjugation of Dirac matrices      50
Charge conjugation, violation of      338
Charge independence in nuclear reactions      70
Charge independence in photonuclear reactions      71
Charge independence in pion-nucleon scattering      83 99
Charge independence in pion-production, in nucleon-nucleon collisions      85
Charge independence of nuclear forces      5 67
Charge independence, for strange particles      247 258
Charge parity      64
Charge symmetry of nuclear forces      60
Charge symmetry operator      62
Chew - Low equation      160
Chew - Low extrapolation method      224 235
Chronological symbol      109
Classification of interactions      247
Clebsch - Gordan coefficients      70 89
Comparison of forward scattering, with experiment      154
Comparison of forward scattering, with experiment, for a scalar model      143
Comparison of forward scattering, with experiment, for photo-pion production      187
Comparison of forward scattering, with experiment, for pion-nucleon scattering      149
Comparison of forward scattering, with experiment, subtracted      150 151
Conservation of baryon number      252
Conservation of charge      194
Conservation of lepton number      360 364
Conservation of strangeness      254 256
Conserved vector current      372
Coplanarity      240 243
CP invariance      272 339
CP invariance, and branching ratios      341
CPT theorem      331
CPT transformation      330
Cross section, differential, for pion-nucleon scattering      97
Cross section, formula for      116 118 119
Cross section, total, for pion-nucleon scattering      101 102
Crossing symmetry      138
Dalitz plot of the $\eta$ meson      226 228
Dalitz plot of the $\omega$ meson      225 227
Dalitz plot of the $\tau$ meson      320
Dirac equation      47
Dirac matrices, Pauli’s representation of      43 349 380
Dirac matrices, Weyl’s representation of      349
Dirac moment      9
Dirac spinors      117
Dispersion relations for form factors      204 390
Dispersion relations forward scattering      151
Dispersive part      137
Dyson’s formula      110
Effective range, for K meson-nucleon scattering      262
Effective range, for nucleon-nucleon scattering      66
Effective range, formula for pion-nucleon scattering      183
Einstein’s relation      2
electric dipole moment      324 340
Electromagnetic structure of nucleons      190
Electron-deuteron scattering      200
Electron-neutron interaction      200
Electron-proton scattering      190 198
Fermi set of phase shifts      99
Feynman - Dyson theory      160
Feynman diagrams      127
Feynman’s view on the positron      139 335
Field equations for meson fields      7 89
Field quantization      7 8
Fierz interference terms      354
Form factors in $\beta$ decay and $\mu$ capture      389
Form factors, electromagnetic      194
Form factors, experimental      196
Form factors, isoscalar      195
Form factors, isovector      195 211 216
Form factors, nucleon      194
Form factors, pion      217
Furry’s theorem      52
G conjugation      87
Gauge group      344
Gauge invariance      55 185 344
Goldberg formula      202
Goldberger - Treiman relation      398
Hamiltonian density for pion-nucleon interaction      93
Hamiltonian density for the meson field      7
Hard core      232 262
Heavy quanta      1
Heisenberg force      4
Helicity (handedness)      350
Helicity (handedness), of the $\mu$ meson in $K^{-}\mu$ decay      360
Helicity (handedness), of the $\mu$ meson in $\pi^{-}\mu$ decay      359
Helicity (handedness), of the electron (positron) in $\beta$ decay      354
Helicity (handedness), of the neutrino in K capture      351
Hyperfragments, binding energies of      289
Hyperfragments, discovery of      288
Hyperfragments, double      290
Hyperfragments, mesonic decay of      288 293
Hyperfragments, nonmesonic decay of      288 293
Hyperfragments, strangeness of      289
Hypermaximal set of observables      265
Hyperon      245
Hyperon, decay      378
Hyperon, spins of      378 379 385
Incoming wave      29
Interaction representation      105
Invariant amplitude      117
Ionization loss      10 11 13
Isotopic spin      62 63 82
K meson      245
K meson, parity of, relative to $\Lambda$      296
K meson, spin of      272 322 360
Klein - Gordon equation      7
Kroll - Foldy theorem      69
L$\ddot{u}$ders - Pauli theorem      329
Lagrangian density for pion-nucleon interaction      92
Lagrangian density for the meson field      7 8
Lifetime formula      120
Lippmann - Schwinger equation      29
Lippmann - Schwinger equation, perturbation solution of      106
Lippmann - Schwinger formulation      29
Lorentz condition      9 55
Low-energy-limit theorem      233
M${\o}$ller formula      118
Majorana force      4
Mandelstam representation      221
Mass shell condition      140
Masses of elementary particles      309
Masses of resonances      310
Michel parameter      356
Minami ambiguity      303
Mirror nuclei      61
Momentum balance      243
Momentum balance, transverse      240
Natural units      7
Neutrino      344
Neutrino, detection of free      352 366
Neutrino, four-component theory of      362
Neutrino, Major ana theory of      353
Neutrino, two kinds of      366
Neutrino, two-component theory of      348
Normal product      126
Nuclear magneton      9
Oehme equations      181
Of strange particles for strong interactions      255
Of the nucleon      252
Omnes equations      217 276 392 397
Optical theorem      121
Optical theorem, application of, to pion-nucleon scattering      152
Outgoing wave      29
Panofsky ratio      42
Parity      38
Parity, doublet      317
Parity, intrinsic      39
Parity, of the antiparticle      51
Parity, of the photon      40
Parity, of the pion      41 58
Parity, relative      256
Parity, violation of      323
Pauli group      345
Perturbation theory      104
Phase shift      67 97
Phase shift, for pion-nucleon scattering      101
Polarization of hyperons in production      380
Polarization of the nucleon in hyperon decay      386
Polarization of the nucleon in pion-nuclon scattering      103
Positive excess of heavy mesons      245 257
Positronium      53
Principle of detailed balance      32
Propagation function      125
Puppi triangle      369
Q values      241
Radiation loss      11
Range-energy relation      17
Renormalization charge      163 167
Renormalization mass      162
Renormalization vertex      167
Renormalization wave function      167
Renormalized coupling constant      143 233
Renormalized perturbation theory      160
Resonance, cascade      306
Resonance, Dalitz - Tuan      264 298 300
Resonance, Frazer - Fulco      219
Resonance, hyperon      298
Resonance, in pion-nucleon scattering      85 102
Resonance, K $\bar{K}$      307 314
Resonance, K meson      304
Resonance, one-level resonance formula in pion-nucleon scattering      100
Scattering amplitude      96
Scattering equation      159
Scattering lengths, for $\bar{K}$ meson-nucleon scattering      263 302
Scattering lengths, for $\Lambda$-nucleon scattering      66
Scattering lengths, for K meson-nucleon scattering      262
Scattering lengths, for nucleon-nucleon scattering      66
Scattering matrix (S matrix)      32 108 109 193
Scattering matrix (S matrix), theory      155
Selection rule, $\Delta s = 0, \pm 1$      260
Selection rule, $\Delta s = \Delta Q$      273 287
Selection rule, $|\Delta I|=\frac{1}{2}$      276
Selection rule, charge conjugation      52
Selection rule, charge independence      71
Selection rule, charge symmetry      65
Selection rule, G conjugation      89
Selection rule, in leptonic decay      361
Selection rule, super      256 346
Self-conjugate nuclei      64
Self-energy, proper self-energy operator      274
Self-energy, renormalization of      162
Shape-independent formula      67
Spin-flip amplitude      97
Spurion      278 284
Stability of matter      251
Strange particles, associated (pair) production of      245 247
Strange particles, discovery of      239
Strange particles, isotopic spin assignments to      249
Strange particles, leptonic decays of      287
Strange particles, parity of      255
Strangeness      253
Stueckelberg field      8
Symmetrical theory      5
Time reversal, classical theory      20
Time reversal, Dirac matrices      37
Time reversal, field theory      34
Time reversal, quantum mechanics      25
Time reversal, tests of time reversal invariance      342 370
Time reversal, weak interactions      339
Time-ordering operator      109
Time-ordering product      124
Transition probability      106 109
Treiman argument      379
Triad      68
Two-meson theory      16
Unitarity      111 156 159
Unitarity, condition for form factors      207 391 395
Universal Fermi interaction      368
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