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Sneddon I.N. — Mixed boundary value problems in potential theory |
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Abel-type integral equations 41 228
Ahiezer, N. I. 275
Annulus, potential of 225—229 267—270
Approximate solutions 123—129
Approximate solutions of condcnser problems 238—246
Arndt, W. 24
Associated Legendre functions 54 135 173
Axisymmetric problems 96 184
Bahar, L. Y. 129
Basic problems 23
Basset, A. B. 273
Beltrami, E. 64
Beltrami’s symmetric potentials 64—66
Bessel function 26
Bessel function formulae 26—40
Boussinesq, J. 202
Bremmer, H. 34
Bromwich, T. J. FA. 194
Burlak, J. vi
Busbridge, I. W. 88
Busbridge’s solution 88
Charged annular disk 267—270
Chong, F. 101
Chong’s criterion 101
Circular annulus, potential of 225—229 267—270
Circular plate condenser 230—246
Coaxial disks in an electric field 5
Collins, W. D. 23 58 174 176 190 201 211 215 217 219 222 225 249 256
Components of a function 80
Condenser, approximate solutions 238—246
Condenser, circular plate 230—246
Contact problems 12 97 110
Convolution-type integral equations 42
Cooke, J. C. 95 110 131 136 138 181 184 238 243 256 258 268
Cooke, R. G. 131
Coplanar electrified disks 259—264
Copson, E. T. 69 78 119 202
Copson’s solution 69—74 119 269
Copson’s theorem 71
Crack problems 15 98 108 255
Dini expansion 39 144
Dirichlet problem 1
Dovnorovich, V. 201
Dovnorovich’s solution 201
Dual integral equations 64 80—133
Dual relations involving associated Legendre functions 173
Dual relations involving, Dini series 144 158
Dual relations involving, Fourier-Bessel series 135 158 162
Dual relations involving, Fourier-cosine series 162
Dual relations involving, Fourier-sine series 152
Dual relations involving, Jacobi polynomials 165 188
Dual relations involving, trigonometric series 150
Dual series equations 134
Duhamel — Neumann equations 11
Elastostatic problems 10—20
Electrified disk 1 63—79
Electrified disk, between earthed plates 246—253
Electrified disk, within earthed cylinder 253—259
Electrified disks, coplanar 259—264
Electrified disks, parallel 230—246
Electrified spherical cap 5 270—273
Electrified strips, parallel 264—267
Electrostatic problems 1—7 230—273
Elementary’ solutions 74 248
Elliptic integrals 165
Erdelyi — Kober operators 48 181
Erdelyi, A. 30 48 52 56 88 110 255
Erdogan, J. 129
Euler transforms 47
External cracks 16
Ferrers, N. M. 273
Finite Legendre transforms 69
Fourier series 152—165
Fourier — Bessel expansion 37 134 137 139
Fourier — Legendre expansion 69
Fox — Goodwin method 237
Fox, L. 237 246
Fractional integration by parts 52
Fredholm integral equation 45 106 136 140 147 176 213 222 229 256
Fredholm’s alternative 213 236
Fredricks, R. W. 103
Galin, L. A. 203
Galin’s theorem 203
Gallop, E. G. 73 273
Gallop’s problem 73
Generalized axisymmetric potential theory 24
Goodwin, E. T. 237
Gordon — Copson solution 91
Gordon, A. N. 91
Green, A. E. 11 78 209 249
Green, G. 72
Green’s solution 78 209 249
Griffith crack 17
Grooves 16
Gubenko, V. S. 225
Hankel inversion theorem 29
Hankel kernel 84—93 106—118
Hankel transform 29
Hardy, G. H. 47
Heins — McCamy solution 79
Heins, A. E. 78
Hilbert — Schmidt theorem 203
Hilbert, D. 203
Hopper, V. D. 230
Hutson, V. 239
Hutson’s approximation 239
Hydrodynamic problems 20—23
Ignatowsky, W. 230 239
Ince, E. L. 47
Integral equations 40—46
Integral representation method 121 199—229
Integral representations 77 121 199 200—229
Integrals involving Bessel functions 26—33
Invariants of Weierstrass function 206
Jacobi polynomial 29 54—62 135 165
Kac, M. 239
Kantorovich, L. V. 131
Karush, W. 8
Kelvin, Lord 72
Kernel of dual integral equations 82
King, L. V. 123
Kirchhoff, G. 230
Kirchhofif’s approximation 241
Knight, R. C. 256
Kobayashi potentials 199 259
Kobayashi, I. 199 259 264
Kober, H. 30 48
Krylov, V. I. 131
| Lamb, H. 22
Lame functions 205
Lebedev, N. N. 14 110
Legendre functions 54 135 173
Legendre transform 69
Levey, H. C. 276
Ling, C. B. 138
Littlewood, J. E. 47
Love, A. E. H. 78
Love, E. R. 47 230 232 235
Love’s integral equation 230—238
Low, R. D. 18
Lowengrub, M., vi 16 17 87 88 108 109 213
MacCamy, R. C. 78
Macdonald, H. M. 73
MacDonald’s problem 73
Mackie, A. G. 22
MacRobert, T. M. 56
Magnus, W. 29 132 267
Mathur, S. C. 258 259
Mathur’s integral 259
Maxwell, J. Clerk 230 239
Maxwell’s approximation 239
Mehler's integral 57 191
Mehler, G. 57 191
Mikhlin, S. G. 203 213
Mixed problems 1
Modified operator of Hankel transfoims 30
Monte — Carlo method 246
Mossakovskii, V. I. 225
Multiplying factor method 120
Muskhelishvili, N. I. vi
Neumann problem 1
Newton’s Law of Cooling 9
Nicholson, J. W. 112 230
Noble's variational method 125—129 241 246
Noble, B. 62 88 94 110 118 125 167 183
Noble’s solution 88
Nomura — Cooke integral 23
Nomura, Y. 230 238 243
Oberhettinger, F. 29 132 267
Oblate spheroidal coordinates 66
Olesiak, Z. 16
Operators of fractional integration 46—54
Parallel electrified strips 264—267
Parallel plate condenser 5
Payne, L. E. 25 69
Penny-shaped cracks 15 98 108 255
Peters, A. S. 84
Peters’ solution 84
Pollard, H. 239
Punch problems 12—15 97 110
Radiation condition 135
Random walk 246
Reich, E. 246
Riemann — Liouvillc fractional integral 46
Riemann, G. F. B. 5
Riesz, F. 131
Riesz, M. 47
Roberts, J. A. 138 139
Rodrigues’ formula 60
Schaftheitlin integral 28
Schmidt, E. 203
Series involving Bessel functions 33—40
Shepherd, W. M. 151
Simultaneous dual equations 129
Smith, T. L. 213
Smythe, W. R. 138 258 269
Smythe’s approximations 258 269
Sneddon's solution 74
Sneddon, I. N. 16 17 22 33 34 74 87 88 99 103 110 136 139 208 213 253 255
Sonine’s integrals 30
Spherical cap in electric field 6 272—273
Spherical cap in electric field in perfect fluid 22
Spherical cap in electric field, potential of 215—219 270—272
Spherical caps, potential of two 219—225
Srivastav, R. P. 33 34 40 136 139 145 146 151 163 166 176
Srivastava, K. N. 99
Steady-state diffusion problems 7—10
Sternberg, E. 18
Sternberg, W. J. 213
Stress tensor 10
Systems of algebraic equations 131 136
Szegedin — Sneddon method 207—208
Szegedin, C. M. 207 208
Szego, G. 230 244 273
Tait, R. J. 16 255
Temple, G. 78
Thomson, W. (see Kelvin)
Titchmarsh type equations 84 180
Titchmarsh, E. C. 29 74
Titehmarsh’s solution 86
Torsion of shafts 24
Trani er, C. J. 33 34 69 113
Tranter’s formulae 163
Tranter’s method 113—115 130
Tricomi's equation 25
Tricomi, F. G. 222 234 236
Trigonometric series 150—165
Trigonometrical kernels 98
Triple integral equations 179 180—190
Triple integral equations, series equations 180 190—198
Triple relations 178—198
Uflyand, Ya. S. 14 16 110
Uniform problems 1
Variational method 125—129 241—246
Watson, G. N. 26—40 144 205 266
Weber — Schaftheitlin integral 28 187
Weber, H. 28 63 72
Weber’s solution 63 201 207
Weierstrass elliptic function 206
Weight function of dual integral equations 82
Weinstein, A. 25
Weiss, H. J. 18
Welch, J. T. 16 255
Westmann, R. A. 129
Weyl fractional integral 47
Weyl, H. 47
Whittaker, E. T. 78 205
Whittaker’s solution 78
Williams, W. E. 44 87 118 155 225 255 269
Williams’ general solution 118 255
Williams’ procedure 44 255
Wynters, P. E. 276
Young, G. 8
Young, L. C. 47
Zaremba, S. 202
Zerna, W. 11 209
Zygmund, A. 47
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