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Peabody C.H. — Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine and other Heat-engines |
Предметный указатель |
Specific-heats, ratio of 59
Specific-pressure 56 82
Specific-volume 3
Specific-volume of gases 57
Specific-volume of liquids 84
Specific-volume of vapors 88 90
Starting devices 325
Steam turbines 472
Steam turbines, compound 486
Steam turbines, compounding velocity 487
Steam turbines, Curtis 513
Steam turbines, effect of friction 481 491
Steam turbines, friction of rotating disks 504
Steam turbines, general care 477
Steam turbines, impulse 473
Steam turbines, internal heat factor 529
Steam turbines, lead 502
Steam turbines, leakage and radiation 501
Steam turbines, noaxial thrust 480
Steam turbines, pressure 493
Steam turbines, pressure and velocity 506
Steam turbines, Rateau 503
Steam turbines, reaction 476 515 520
Steam turbines, temperature distribution 530
Steam-engine 128
Steam-engine, actual 142
Steam-engine, Carnot’s cycle 128
Steam-engine, compound 156
Steam-engine, designing 152 179
Steam-engine, economy 245
Steam-engine, efficiency 13
Steam-engine, Hirn’s analysis 205
Steam-engine, indicators 187
Steam-engine, influence of the cylinder walls 199
Steam-engine, leakage of valves 234
Steam-engine, variation of load 274
| Stirling’s hot-air engine 299
Stodola 441
Sulphur dioxide 117
Superheated vapors 110
Superheated vapors, characteristic equation 121
Superheated vapors, entropy 115
Superheated vapors, specific-heat 112
Superheated vapors, total heat 114
Temperature 3
Temperature, absolute scale 29
Temperature, standard 5 81
Temperature-entropy diagram 35 104 131 137
Temperature-entropy diagram, table 106 139
Testing steam-engines 183
Tests of steam-engines 237
Tests of steam-engines, examples of economy 238
Tests of steam-engines, marine engines 241 242
Tests of steam-engines, simple engines 250
Tests of steam-engines, steam-pumps 244
Tests of steam-engines, superheated steam 270 273
Thermal capacities 1 7
Thermal capacities of gases 61
Thermal capacities, relations of 9
Thermal lines 16
Thermal lines and their projections 19
Thermal unit 5
Thomas 112
Thurston 294
Total heat of steam 81
Total heat of superheated steam 114
Total heat of vapors 85
Triple-expansion engines 172
Tumlirz 111
Value of R 57
Waste-heat engine 357
Weirs 191
Zeuner’s equations 51
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