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Synge J.L. — Relativity: The general theory |
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Pham Mau Quan 213 355 360 384
Phase-angle and function 372 420
Phase-angle, speed and wave 372ff 375ff 419
Photon 21 109ff
Photon and field theory 228 361
Photon in astronomy 118 290ff 324ff 391ff
Photon in astronomy, bouncing 123ff
Photon in conformally flat universe 322ff
Photon of high energy or frequency 109 225 373 378
Photon, energy of 114 118 122 325 392 418
Photon, gun 123 131
Physical optics 225
Physical optics quantities, numerical values of 421ff
pico 422
Pilot-values 194 223
Pirani, F. A. E. X XI 344
Planck’s constant 122 372 418 425
Plane gravitational wave 345ff 350ff
Planetary orbit 290ff
Plebanski, J. 192
Plumb line 147 149 2
Point invariant 48 77 411
Point tensor 49 59 82 242 2
Point-curve invariant 84
Poisson’s equation 181 189 225
Polar angle 267 420
Polar angle, Gaussian coordinates 266 270 272 276 288 420
Polar angle, space 260 263
Polarization factor 161
Polarized number of particles 161 162 164
Polarized, target 161
Ponderomotive force 359
Positive energy and mass (see Density energy mass)
Potential 357 420
Potential integral 206
Potential integral, Newtonian 2 148 149 181 183 191 208 209 419
Potential integral, retarded and advanced 193 200ff 211 353
Pound, R. V. 411
Precession of equinox 296
Pressure 164 419
Pressure and density 188 219 286
Pressure and gravitational pull 205ff
Pressure as eigenvalue 175
Pressure in earth 177
Pressure of atmosphere 205 426
Pressure, constant on stream-line 220
Pressure, isotropic 338
Pressure, positive 186 319 331 336 337
Principal direction (see Eigenvector)
Principal direction, function 28 29 419
Principle of equivalence IX 133
Principle of Fermat 380 386 389 418
Principle, variational 6 7 26 27 380ff 388ff
Product, scalar 112ff
Projectile 141
Projection formula 161
Projection formula, operator 172 397 419
Propagation of vector (see Transport)
Propagator, parallel 59 67 82 120 258 418
Propagator, parallel covariant derivatives of 64ff
Proper density 174 355 420
Proper density, mass 109 418
Proper density, time 105 283 288 289 290
Pseudo-distance 323
Pseudo-distance, sphere 34 160
Pseudo-distance, tensor of energy 252ff 419
Pulsating star 278ff
QC 77 419
Quadratic form (see Metric)
Quadripole 315
Quasi — Cartesian coordinates 76ff 81ff 347ff 419
Radial speed 120 419
Radiation from atom or particle 106 379
Radiation from atom or particle, Cerenkov 380 (see also Geometrical optics Null
Radio waves 111
Radius of curvature 138 424 425 426
Radius of earth and its orbit 425 426
Radius of moon 425 426
Radius of Riemannian curvature 424 425
Radius of sun 294 425 426
Rate-of-strain 171 172 178 182 195 414 420
Rational unit 356 366
Ray in geometrical optics 377ff 386ff
Ray in Hamiltonian theory 29ff
Ray in solar field 289ff 393
Ray, deflection of 297
Ray, gravitational 228
Ray, speed of 377 378 387 388 419
Ray, velocity 378 (see also Null geodesic photon)
Rayner, C. B. X 173
Realistic spirit 184 189 223 290
Rebka, G. A. 411
Reception, energy and frequency of 121 122 325
Recession, speed of 120 300 322
Red-shift 121 (see also Spectral shift)
Reference, frame of (see Frame of reference)
Refractive index 376 386 418
Relative electrical density 355
Relative electrical density, speed and velocity 120 189 289 306 307 419 426
Relative electrical density, tensor 247 357
Repeated suffixes 1 415
Rest and aberration 400 401
Rest and aberration, energy 169
Rest and aberration, frame 168 376
Rest and aberration, relative 120
Retarded potential 193 200ff 211 353
Ricci tensor 17 419
Ricci tensor for axial symmetry 31
Ricci, G. 415
Riemann subtensor 38 419
Riemann tensor 15 16 419
Riemann tensor and change of signature 417
Riemann tensor and conservation laws 237ff
Riemann tensor and measurement of gravitational, field VIII IX X 109 132 137 144ff 156ff 183 408ff
Riemann tensor at discontinuity 39
Riemann tensor for conformal space-times 318
Riemann tensor for conformastat metric 341 342
Riemann tensor for curvature coordinates 272
Riemann tensor for Gaussian coordinates 38
Riemann tensor for Godel-type universe 332 333
Riemann tensor for gravitational wave 345 346
Riemann tensor for spherical symmetry 271 272
Riemann tensor for statical field 207 339
Riemann tensor in empty space-time 337
Riemann tensor, double dual of 18 19 239 240 419
Riemann tensor, eigentensor of 237
Riemann tensor, small 24 58 70 74 76 79 83 87 89 93 189 209 240 301 394 403
Riemann tensor, symmetrized 54 57 125 405 419
Riemannian curvature 17 75 126 149 412 418 424 425
Riemannian curvature, rigidity 114ff 173 179 188 219 401 414
Riemannian curvature, space-time 11ff 30ff 103ff
Robertson, H. P. 321 322
Robinson, I. 344
Rosen, N. 173 315 352
Rosen, N. and Fermi transport 14 131 173 407
Rosen, N. and Sagnac effect 407
Rosen, N. matrix, tensor, vector 171 172 182 420
Rosen, N. of continuum 171ff
Rosen, N. of earth 138ff 425 426
Rosen, N. of frame of reference 14 117 131 138ff 147ff 173 407
Rosen, N. of perihelion 293ff
Rosen, N., rotation of body 147ff 196ff 309
Rotational symmetry (see Axial symmetry)
Ruse, H. S. VIII 47
Sagnac effect 407
Salmon, G. 409
Salzman, G. 173
Satellite, artificial 132 142
Scalar product 112ff
Scheidegger, A. E. 192
| Schiffer, J. P. 411
Schiicking, E. 322
Schild, A. 1 18 38 42 247 252 357
Schouten, J. A. 42 47
Schrodinger, E. X 261 354
Schwarzschild field, complete 285ff
Schwarzschild field, exterior 274ff 296 315 342
Schwarzschild singularity 283
Schwarzschild, K. 275 288
Second and centimetre 138 423 425
Second and mass or energy 180 184 329 423 425
Second as unit of time 138 421 425 426
Second, physical quantities expressed in 421ff
Shift, red or spectral (see Spectral shift)
Shock wave 225ff 344
Shock wave, electromagnetic 361 362
Sign of G 44
Sign of T 44 186 316 331
signal 377 401
Signature 107 189 193 244 276 331 345 416 417
Signature, effect of changing 417
Singer, S. F. 142
Singularity of Schwarzschild 283
Sirius, companion of 301
Sitter, W. de 257 321 330
Slowness of wave 375
Small body 250 290
Small body, curvature 24 58 70 74 76 79 83 87 89 93 189 209 240 301 394 403
Small body, geodesic triangle 73ff
Small body, relative velocity 121 189 289 306 307
Smallness 58 62 70 74 132 177 250 290
Smithsonian Physical Tables 423
Solar field, metric for 290 304 342
Solar field, orbits and rays in 289ff 393
Solar field, spectral shift in 298ff 393
Solar field, world-function for 305
Solar system 185 223 393
Space-time VIII IX 105
Space-time from Euclidean standpoint 243ff
Space-time of constant curvature 17 80 256ff 281
Space-time of small curvature (see Small curvature)
Space-time with group of motions 234ff 275 299 309 337 352
Space-time, conformal 317ff 322ff
Space-time, diagram VIII IX 112
Space-time, flat 17 48 76 256 257 281 289
Space-time, Godel type 331ff
Space-time, Hamiltonian rays and waves in 30ff
Space-time, Riemannian 30ff 103ff
Spacelike curve 150ff
Spacelike curve, geodesic 154 156
Spacelike curve, target 161
Spacelike curve, vector 2 108 109
Spacelike curve, wave 375
Spatial measure, distance or length 3 108 112ff 290 327 418 421
Special parameter on geodesic 7 47 110 394ff
Special parameter on geodesic, universes 309ff
Spectral shift and Doppler effect 121 298 301 307 308
Spectral shift and energy 121
Spectral shift and frequency 122
Spectral shift and world-function 123 298ff 306ff 393 411ff
Spectral shift for companion of Sirius 301
Spectral shift in continuum 411ff
Spectral shift in solar or statical field 298ff 387
Spectral shift, cosmological 322ff
Spectrometer 391
Speed of group 378 388 419
Speed of light in vacuo 124 174 228 295 298 343 345 375 378 423 424 426
Speed of phase 372ff 419
Speed of ray 377 378 387 388 419
Speed of wave 372ff 388 419
Speed, fundamental 378
Speed, radial or of recession 120 300 322 419
Speed, relative 120 289 306 307 419 426
Sphere, celestial 393 397
Sphere, coordinates on 76 344
Sphere, fluid 285ff 316
Spherical gravitational wave 352 353
Spherical gravitational wave, space 260
Spherical symmetry 256ff 265ff 419
Spherical symmetry and axial symmetry 315
Spherical symmetry complete field with 278ff 285ff
Spherical symmetry exterior field with 274ff 290ff
Spherical symmetry, formulae for 270ff
Spherical symmetry, metric for 265ff
Spin matrix, tensor, vector 171 172 182 420
Spinning body 147ff 196ff 309
Spring-balance 144
Standard clock 105ff 421
Star, aberration of 393ff
Star, apparent direction of 396ff 418 419
Star, gravitational field of 278ff
Star, mass of 282 418
Star, operator 211 (see also Conjugate tensor dual)
Star, pulsating 278
Statical 205ff 276 304 338ff 367ff 386ff 393
Statical field and spherical symmetry 276
Statical field with embedded bodies 205ff
Statical field, conformastat 341 342 369
Statical field, electrovac 367ff
Statical field, metric and tensors for 338ff
Statical field, optics in 386ff 393
Statical field, world-function for 304 (see also Metric solar
Statical measurement of gravitational field 144ff
Statical, stationary 275 299 398 universe)
Stationary field 275 299 389 398
Stationary field, principle (see Variational principle)
Stationary field, time 390
Statistical equilibrium 169 176
Statistical equilibrium, model 159ff 165ff
Stellar aberration (see Aberration)
Stockum, W. J. van 309
Stokes, theorem of 41ff 230 239 364
Straight line 245 301
Strain, rate of 171 172 178 182 195 414
Strathdee, J. X 394
Stream-line 169
Stream-line, curvature of 176 178 195 197
Stream-line, geodesic 175
Stream-lines and rotation 173
Stream-lines and rotation, tube of 172 185
Stress and gravitational pull 205 210
Stress and gravitational pull in statistical model 164
Stress tensor 175 419
Stress tensor and eigenvalues of energy tensor 186
Stress tensor and junction conditions 187 (see also Energy tensor pressure)
Stress-density test 353
Subtensor 38 419
Successive approximation 191
Suffixes, capital, Greek, Latin 1 15 261 332 345 415
Suffixes, repeated 1 415
Suicide, ballistic 141
Summation convention 1 415
Sun, attraction of 205 426
Sun, density of 210 223
Sun, mass of 184 294 425 426
Sun, radius of 294 425 426
Surface, Hamiltonian 26
Surface, null 32 33 225 227 228 345 361
Symbols, list of 417ff
Symmetrized Riemann tensor 54 57 125 405 419
Symmetry in time 217
Symmetry of energy tensor and pseudo-tensor 164 173 253
Symmetry, axial 309ff 352
Symmetry, simplifications due to 191
Symmetry, spherical (see Spherical symmetry)
T-method 190 193 211 213
Tangent vector 417
TARGET 161ff 174
Taub, A. H. 173 337
Telescope 118 326 391 396
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