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Klauder J.R., Sudarshan E.C.G. — Fundamentals of Quantum Optics |
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Analytic signal 4—6 10 34 98 143 201
Approximations, far-field 14 44
Approximations, rotating wave 100 237
Brownian motion 57
Bunching of counts 21 38
Canonical commutation relations 93
Central limit theorem, classical 202
Central limit theorem, quantum 202—203
Chaotic field 162 202—226 247
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 58
Characteristic function 18
Characteristic functional 32
Coherence, classical theory of 4
Coherence, criteria 158
Coherence, definition 156
Coherence, degree 158
Coherence, first-order 159
Coherence, full 155 156 158
Coherence, higher-order 162
Coherence, index 167
Coherence, interference law for 8
Coherence, model of 3
Coherence, partial 3 4 16 155
Coherence, quantum theory of 6 147
Coherence, scalar theory of 4
Coherence, time 38
Coherent feature 156
Coherent feature, relative 156
Coherent states for infinitely many degrees of freedom 138
Coherent states for several degrees of freedom 132
Coherent states, annihilation operator eigenvectors 109
Coherent states, application to electromagnetic field 135
Coherent states, continuity and analyticity properties 113
Coherent states, diagonal matrix element theorem 128
Coherent states, eigensolutions of displaced harmonic oscillator 106
Coherent states, eigensolutions of driven harmonic oscillator 106
Coherent states, free radiation field 142
Coherent states, functional Hilbert space representation 119
Coherent states, ground state representative 144
Coherent states, minimum uncertainty conditions 108
Coherent states, physical significance 123
Coherent states, reproducing kernel 119
Correlation function, equations of motion 11
Correlation function, fourth-order 31
Correlation function, normally-ordered 151
Correlation volume 246 251
Counting correlation, spectral profile 247
Counting distribution 20
Counting distribution for chaotic fields 218
Counting distribution, characteristic function 10
Counting distribution, generating function 19
Counting distribution, Mandel’s formula 19
Counting distribution, quantum mechanical derivation 168
Counting distribution, semiclassical derivation 19 30
Counting distribution, thermal case 22
Counting rates, quantum 147
Counting, excess 38
Current conservation 88
Degree of coherence, complex 9
Degree of coherence, phase problem 10
Detector for density operator representation 173 175
Detector ideal laser for single degree of freedom 178
Detector ideal laser, relation to optical equivalence theorem 178
Detector ideal laser, signal-plus-noise model, weight for 232
Detector ideal laser, weight for 227
Detector, admittance tensor 176
Detector, application to counting distribution 173 175—178 191
Detector, convolution product 194
Detector, distributed 150 176
Detector, idealized 148
Detector, multiple 177
Detector, point 148 174
Diffusion approximation 60 241
Distribution, classical phase space 124
Distribution, conditional 56 69
Distribution, counting 18 19
distribution, cumulants 59
Distribution, equilibrium thermal 214
Distribution, Gaussian 32
Distribution, ideal laser 227
Distribution, intensity 28
Distribution, joint counting 254
Distribution, linked moments 59
Distribution, multiple 81 142
Distribution, normal 218
Distribution, phase-uncertain 46 254
Distribution, photon counting 168
Distribution, Poisson 18 76 81
Distribution, probability 19
Distribution, semi-invariants 59
Distribution, signal-plus-noise model 232
Distribution, stationary 46
Distribution, tempered 181
Distribution, thermal 29 78
Driving force 53
Electromagnetic field, coherent state representation 141
Electromagnetic field, configuration space formulation 100
Electromagnetic field, creation and annihilation operators 95 141
Electromagnetic field, equations of motion 85
Electromagnetic field, Helmholtz equation 101
Electromagnetic field, momentum space formulation 91
Electromagnetic field, polarization vectors 92
Electromagnetic field, quantum Hamiltonian 94
Electromagnetic field, spatial propagation 101
Electromagnetic field, temporal propagation 96
Ensemble linear functionals, description by 256
Ensemble of light fields 4
Ensemble, stationary 7 46
Ensemble, thermal 214
entropy 214
Entropy, maximum 215
Equation, Baker — Hausdorff 110
Equation, fluctuation 49
Equilibrium thermal distribution 214
Equilibrium thermal state 216
Ergodic processes 4
Factorial moments 20
Far-field approximation 14 44
Fluctuation equation 49
Function, autocorrelation 37
Function, characteristic 19
Function, correlation 31
Function, Dirac delta 10
Function, generating 19
Generating function, counting distribution 19 31
Generating function, normal-ordered operators 154
Green’s 12 103
Green’s function 12 102
Green’s Functional derivatives 53
Green’s Functional differential equation 55
Green’s Functional, characteristic 31—37 52
Green’s probability 31
Green’s quantum correlation 147
Green’s test 33 44 180
Green’s Theorem 12 102
Hilbert space, complete orthonormal basis 65
Hilbert space, density operator for 69
Hilbert space, functional representations 64
Hilbert space, impure state 70
Hilbert space, inner product 63
Hilbert space, norm 63
| Hilbert space, orthonormal eigenvectors 66
Hilbert space, pure state 68 69
Hilbert space, vectors 63
Huygen’s principle 14
Inequality, Schwarz 8
Inequality, triangle 63
Intensity interferometry, Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment 42
Intensity interferometry, independent source 253
Intensity interferometry, lowest order correlation 245
Intensity, analytic signal in terms of 6
Intensity, average 3
Intensity, correlations 20 37 40 248
Interference, destructive 1
Interference, double slit experiment 1
Interference, partial 3
Interference, pattern 1
Laguerre polynomials 25 233
Laplacian 11
Laplacian, canonical decomposition 67
Laplacian, eigenstates of 77
Laplacian, norm 65
Laplacian, normal-ordered 125
Laplacian, number 75 77
Laplacian, observable 68
Laplacian, pure state density 85
Laplacian, resolution of the identity 65 116 138
Laplacian, time evolution 87
Laplacian, time-ordering 87
Laplacian, trace-class 182
Laplacian, trace-class norm 68
Laplacian, traceable 67
Laplacian, unitary 65
Laser, coupled-system model 234
Laser, ideal model 227
Laser, phase diffusion model 228
Laser, phenomenological models 226
Laser, signal-plus-noise model 231
Light, laser 3 226
Light, monochromatic 8
Light, polarized 4
Light, thermal 3 202
Monochromatic light 8 71
Monochromatic light, polarization states 71
Monochromatic light, quasi-monochromatic light 8
Mutual coherence function 7 34
Mutual coherence function, van Cittert — Zernike theorem 13
Mutual coherence function, wave equation for 11
Noise, white 57 (see also Chaotic field Thermal)
Norm, Hilbert — Schmidt 186
Norm, operator 65
Norm, trace-class 68 183
Operator, adjoint 65
Operator, annihilation 73 125
Operator, bounded 65
Operator, creation 73 125
Operator, density 83
Operator, differential coherent-state representation 127
Operator, d’Alembertian 50
Operator, evolution 87
Operator, Hamiltonian 85
Operator, hermitian 66
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt 186
Operator, Hilbert — Schmidt norm 186
Operator, identity 64
Optical equivalence theorem 178 245
Oscillator, harmonic 73
Oscillator, radiation field 82
Phase 2
Photoelectric counts 16
Photoelectric counts, fluctuations of 19 30 168
Photoelectric counts, quantum theory 168—178
Photoelectric counts, semiclassical theory 30—46
Photoelectric detectors 16 147
Photon emission by c-number sources 142
Poisson distribution 17
Polar decomposition 67
Polarization 4 71 215
Polarization states 71
Polarization, circular 4 71
Polarization, degree of 28 73
Polarization, elliptic 4
Polarization, lack of 71
Polarization, linear 4 71
Polarization, partial 4
Probability theory, Markoff processes 85
Probability theory, stochastic equation 85
Propagation of mutual coherence function 11
Propagation, random 42 256
Quantum counting rates 147
Quantum mechanics, canonical commutation relation 73
Quantum mechanics, dependent probabilities 124
Quantum mechanics, formalism 62
Quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator 73
Quantum mechanics, Heisenberg picture 86
Quantum mechanics, perturbation theory 16 147
Quantum mechanics, Schrodinger picture 86
Quantum mechanics, stochastic description 124
Quasi-mono chromatic light 8
Radiation field, chaotic and thermal states of the 210
Radiation field, counting distributions 174
Radiation field, fully coherent state 157
Radiation field, stationary states of the 214 218
Random process 3
Random process, primary 48
Random process, stationary 4 35
Random walk problem 57
Random, intensities 19
Random, wave fields 30
Reservoir 49 237
Resolution of the identity 65 116 138
Rotating wave approximation 100
Sources, artificially synthesized thermal 20 248
Sources, thermal 1
Stochastic description, dependent probabilities 124
Stochastic equation 60
Stochastic force 56
Stochastic process 3
Stochastic process complex, Markoffian 55
Stochastic process complex, non — Markoffian 55
Stochastic process complex, random functions 31
Stochastic process complex, stationary, phase-uncertain Gaussian 35
Stokes parameters 72
Tensor, detector admittance 176
Test function 33 44 180
Theorem, central limit 202
Theorem, optical equivalence 178
Theorem, van Cittert — Zernike 13 104
Thermal, distribution 22
Thermal, radiation field 210
Thermal, reservoir 49
Transform, Fourier 5
Transform, Hilbert 6
Transform, Laplace 19
Truncated sequence 137
Van Cittert — Zernike theorem 13 104
Vectors, Hilbert space 63
Vectors, polarization 92
Visibility 1
Visibility, index 168
Wave equation, classical 3 47
White noise 57
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