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Alleyne L., Marzooqi A. — Interpol Handbook on DNA Data Exchange and Practice
Alleyne L., Marzooqi A. — Interpol Handbook on DNA Data Exchange and Practice

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Название: Interpol Handbook on DNA Data Exchange and Practice

Авторы: Alleyne L., Marzooqi A.


Globalization and advances in technology allow criminals to commit crimes across international borders with greater ease than ever before. With criminal methods and tactics changing continuously, the tools used to fight crime also need to keep pace. One area where cutting-edge developments have emerged is that of the use of DNA evidence, meaning that ethics and best practice of DNA profiling now need to be addressed on a global scale. At INTERPOL, we are doing just that; assisting the law enforcement and forensic community by supporting, facilitating, and promoting the use of DNA analysis on a national, regional and international level.
In order to meet the growing need for INTERPOL member countries to exchange and compare DNA profiles, we have developed several DNA data-sharing tools, known collectively as the INTERPOL DNA Gateway. These include an international DNA Database, an international search request form for bilateral exchange and a means for secure standardized electronic transfer. Since the introduction in 2003 of the INTERPOL DNA Database, over 50 member countries have contributed profiles for international searches and storage. This number is remarkable given that today no more than 54 member countries operate a national DNA Database. However, these tools cannot function in isolation, which is why we back up our high-tech data exchange systems with promotional workshops, DNA conferences and resources such as this publication.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 118

Добавлена в каталог: 26.03.2013

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