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Zakharov V.D. — Gravitational waves in Einstein's theory |
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Polarization (parameters of) 86
Potential(s), advanced 102
Potential(s), expanded 16
Potential(s), Newtonian 5
Potential(s), retarded 3 4 102 104
Poynting vector 50
Poynting vector, electromagnetic 50
PRASAD, H. xix
Price, R. 140
Propagation trajectories see Trajectories of propagation
Pseudotensor 10
Pseudotensor, energy-momentum 6 11 139
Pseudotensor, Lifshits (energy) 138
Pulsars 12 138 142 143 144
Quadiupole moment 101 104 138 141 142
Quadrupole harmonic mass-detector 142
Quasars 12 138 141 148 149
Quasi - Maxwell equations 33
Radiation see Electromagnetic radiation; Gravitational radiation
Rainich - Wheeler algebraic conditions 67 95
Rashevskii, P.K. 74
Rays 26 29
Rays, electromagnetic 30
Rays, geodesic 107 108 109 111 112 113 114
Rays, geodesic, congruence of 110 114
Rays, gravitational 30 78 81 90
Rays, light 97
Rees, M.J. xx 144
Retarded time 97 99
Riemann tensor see Tensor Riemann
Riemann vector see Vector Riemann
Robinson - Trautman definition 79
Robinson - Trautman metric 46 81 82
Robinson - Trautman metric, Schwarzschild type of wave-zone term for 106
Robinson, I. xviii 45 79 81 83 85 95 105 122
Rosen, N. viii xix 9 86 108 120 123
ROTENBERG, M.A. xix 7 10 11
Roy, S. xvii 62
RUDENKO,V.N. xix 142
RUKMAN, G.I. xix
RUMER, Yu.B. xix
Sachs metric 105 107 108 111
Sachs peeling formula 113
Sachs peeling theorem 109 110 111 112
Sachs, R. xvii xviii xx 39 70 80 84 105 106 107 108 109 113
Scalar(s), fundamental 53
Scalar(s), potentials of the gravitational-inertial field 116
Schechter, M. 21 24
Scheffler, H. 149
Schild, A. 80 82 83
Schwarzschild field 6 8
Schwarzschild mass 10
Schwarzschild metric 7 8 10 16 82 130
Schwarzschild solution 7 139
Schwarzschild type of wave-zone term 106
Schwarzschild, K. 6 7 8 10 16
SCIAMA.D.W. xviii 144
Shadow (gravitational) 79 80 84 108
SHAMIR, H. xix 9
SIGNORE, M. xviii
SINGH,R.A. xvii
SINSKY, J. 142
Sobolev, S.L. 3
Solution of gravitational wave equation 104 120
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Einstein - Rosen 108
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Jordan- Ehlers 108
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Kerr - Schild 82
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Kompaneets 108
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Schwarzschild 7 139
Solution of gravitational wave equation, Takeno 121
sources see Systems of sources
Space(s), Einstein's 35 47 40 60 61 62 63 65 66 75 93 94 125 127
Space(s), Einstein's, types of 37
Space(s), empty 39 109 111
Space(s), empty, algebraically special 107
Space(s), empty, Cauchy problem in 23 24 32
Space(s), empty, equations in 18 24
Space(s), empty, equations in, Einstein's 24 26 45 81 119 120
Space(s), empty, plane gravitational waves in 85
Space(s), empty, tensor in 39
Space(s), flat 127
Space(s), flat, conformally 39
Space(s), Riemann 39
Space-time, background 2 12 13 15
Space-time, curvature 34
Space-time, curved 12 13 15 114
Space-time, empty 37 40 47 49 54 64 66 70 76 77 85 88 90 107
Space-time, empty, Kerr - Schild solution in 82
Space-time, empty, with Riemannian tensor 74 76 77
Space-time, flat 2 9 12 15 38 49 97 104 120
Space-time, metric xvii 12 127
Space-time, metric, flat 7 72
Space-time, Minkowski 84 85 114
Space-time, nonempty 11 77 81 85 86 95 96 113
Space-time, nonflat 2 15
Space-time, Riemannian 34 62 78
Space-time, Riemannian, asymptotically flat 98 107 108 111
Spatial covariance 116
Stachel, J. 108 113
Star(s), binary 12 138 139 144 148
Star(s), binary neutron 139
Star(s), collapsed 12 138 139
Star(s), Crab Nebula 142
Star(s), neutron 12 138 139 140
Star(s), pulsars 12 138 142 143 144
Star(s), pulsating 139 140
Star(s), quasars 12 138 141 148 149
Star(s), supernovae 143
Sun 141 142
Superemissive state of matter 149
Supernovae 143
Surface, characteristic 27
Surface, of transitivity 96
SYNGE,J. xviii xix 100 122 137
Systems of sources, axially symmetric 103 104
Systems of sources, dipole moments 100 104
Systems of sources, gravitational emergence from 102
Systems of sources, harmonic coordinated 16 19 21
Systems of sources, isolated, xviii 10 12 16 105 106
Systems of sources, isolated, axially symmetric 10 11 16 97 101 112
Systems of sources, monopole moments 100 104
Systems of sources, multipole moments 100 104
Systems of sources, quadrupole 101 104
Szekeres, P. xviii xix 80 111
Takeno metric 92 121
Takeno solution 121
Takeno, H. xviii 45 67 86 92 95 120
TAUB.A. 80
Taylor converging series 7
Tensor(s), "curvature 2-form" 74
Tensor(s), axial 27
Tensor(s), barred 14
Tensor(s), Bel's (superenergy) 47 48 71
Tensor(s), bilinear (degenerate form) 55
Tensor(s), conformal (curvature) 38 60
| Tensor(s), conformal (curvature), Weyl's 38 60
Tensor(s), curvature 23 24 32 36 38 44 52 53 57 62 63 65 70 127 137 151
Tensor(s), curvature, conformal 38 60
Tensor(s), curvature, hyperbolic 64
Tensor(s), curvature, in an empty space 52 59
Tensor(s), curvature, invariants 52
Tensor(s), curvature, spatial 117
Tensor(s), curvature, Weyl's conformal 38 60
Tensor(s), Debever's 71
Tensor(s), Debever's, in empty-space 71
Tensor(s), Debever's, superenergy 71
Tensor(s), degenerate double form (Riemann) 56 57
Tensor(s), degenerate form (bilinear) 55
Tensor(s), discriminant 27
Tensor(s), Einstein (energy-momentum) 57
Tensor(s), electromagnetic field 34 74 131
Tensor(s), energy 47
Tensor(s), energy-momentum 1 6 27 29 42 44 47 48 50 67 87 95 126 130 133
Tensor(s), energy-momentum, Einstein's 57
Tensor(s), energy-momentum, of an ideal fluid 130
Tensor(s), energy-momentum, of dissipative systems 130
Tensor(s), energy-momentum, of the electromagnetic field 131
Tensor(s), field (electromagnetic) 34 74
Tensor(s), in empty space 39 52 59 71 102 111
Tensor(s), Matte 77
Tensor(s), Matte, symmetrical 75
Tensor(s), Maxwell's (stress) 27 43 53 55 56 61 81
Tensor(s), metric 140
Tensor(s), metric, spatial, chronometrically invariant 116
Tensor(s), multipole moment 4
Tensor(s), of absolute rotation 116
Tensor(s), of deformation velocities 117 121
Tensor(s), Ricci's 1 2 13 58 61 62 67 95
Tensor(s), Riemann - Christoffel 2
Tensor(s), Riemann's 13 25 29 33 34 36 37 38 40 42 44 47 53 54 56 58 61 62 63 65 74 75 90 91 96 101 104 105 107 108 111 112 113 117 118 120 125 133 135 136 137 142 145 151
Tensor(s), Riemann's, algebraic structure (general) 110
Tensor(s), Riemann's, degenerate double form of 56 57
Tensor(s), Riemann's, empty space- time with 74
Tensor(s), Riemann's, forming coefficient of singular double form 58
Tensor(s), Riemann's, in empty space 39 102 111
Tensor(s), Riemann's, peeling of 109
Tensor(s), Riemann's, principal vectors of 44
Tensor(s), Riemann's, tetrad components of 101 102 105 110
Tensor(s), Riemann's, world tensor 119 126
Tensor(s), spatial (metric) 116
Tensor(s), stress 126 129
Tensor(s), stress, Maxwell's 27 43 53 55 56 61 81
Tensor(s), superenergy 47 ff 70
Tensor(s), superenergy, Bel's 47 48 71
Tensor(s), superenergy, Debever's 71
Tensor(s), symmetrical (Matte's) 75
Tensor(s), three-dimensional 117
Tensor(s), Weyl's 38 39 40 59 60 77 102 107 111
Tensor(s), Weyl's , conformal curvature 38 60
Tensor(s), world (Riemann's) 119 126
Test particles 136 146
Theorem, Avez's 87
Theorem, Chevreton's 84 85
Theorem, Debever's 39 70
Theorem, Goldberg - Sachs 108
Theorem, Leray's 24 25
Theorem, Misra and Singh's 76
Theorem, peeling 107
Theorem, Petrov's fundamental 36
Theory, Einstein's general (of relativity) xvii xix 1 18 27 31 32 34 150
Theory, Einstein's special (of gravitation) xvii xix 60 101 140
Theory, of gravitation, linearized 16
Theory, of perturbations 147
Thompson, A. xix
Thorne, K.S. xx 12 138 139 140 142
Tolman, R.C. 33 34 62 74
Tonnelat, M.A. xix
TORRENCE, R.J. xviii xix 103
Trajectories, of light rays 96 97
Trajectories, of propagation 78 81 85 90 96 113 146
Trajectories, of the Killing vector field 106
Trajectories, of vector 110
Transformations, admissible coordinate 93 95
Transformations, chronometric invariance under 116
Transformations, of the Lie group, infinitesimal 15
Transformations, spatial covariance with respect to 116
Trautman, A. xvii xviii xx 22 29 45 79 80 81 84 105
TREDER, H. viii xix
TROLLOPE, R. xix 45 46
UNT, V. xix
Unti, T. xviii
Vaidya, P. xviii xix 92
VAN DER BURG, M. xviii 11 101 112
Vector(s), Debever 40 41 53 54 107 110 111
Vector(s), Debever, field 79 110
Vector(s), Debever, Petrov-type 40
Vector(s), field 39 54 79
Vector(s), gravitational-inertial force 116 121 122
Vector(s), isotropic 58 107
Vector(s), isotropic, field 39 54 79
Vector(s), isotropic, field, parallel 90
Vector(s), Killing 46 106 107
Vector(s), Killing, electromagnetic 50
Vector(s), Killing, field 106 107
Vector(s), potentials of the gravitational-inertial field 116
Vector(s), Poynting 43 50
Vector(s), Riemann 44
Vector(s), Riemann tensor, principal of the 44
viscosity 130
Viscosity, first 129
Viscosity, second 129
Vishveshwara, C.V. xix 103
Wave(s), analogy with electromagnetic waves 42 47 55
Wave(s), cylindrical 108 120 123
Wave(s), cylindrical, Einstein - Rosen 147
Wave(s), cylindrical, interacting 123
Wave(s), electromagnetic see Electromagnetic waves
Wave(s), equations see Equations wave
Wave(s), front 55 57 78 108 146
Wave(s), front, axially symmetric 104
Wave(s), front, condition of existence of 84
Wave(s), front, electromagnetic 68 96
Wave(s), front, gravitational 29 42 61 78 85 96
Wave(s), functions 127
Wave(s), gravitational see Gravitational waves
Wave(s), gravitational-inertial see Gravitational-inertial waves
Wave(s), of acceleration 135
Wave(s), of curvature 135
Wave(s), of deformation 135
Wave(s), of rotation 135
Wave(s), operator, d'Alembert 119
Wave(s), operator, generalized 62
Wave(s), plane xviii
Wave(s), plane, Bondi 147
Wave(s), plane, solutions 84
Wave(s), solutions 95 (see also Solution of gravitational wave equation)
Wave(s), solutions, approximate xix
Wave(s), solutions, nonanalytical 20
Wave(s), solutions, of linearized theory 16
Wave(s), spherical xviii
Wave(s), zone 16
Wavelike gravitational fields, distinguishing criteria 34
Weber's experiments xvii
Weber, J. xviii xix xx 12 62 108 135 138 142 143 144 146 150
Weinberg, S. xx
Weyl mass 105
Weyl type of wave- zone term 106
Weyl's metric 100
Weyl's metric, axially symmetric 109
Weyl's tensor 38 39 40 59 60 77 102 107 111
Weyl's tensor, conformal curvature 38 60
Weyl.H. 38
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