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Ballauff M., Wolf B.A. — Polymer Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Adhesion, work of 96
Attraction constants 96
Biaxial deformation 64 66
box models 42
Branching process, theory of 52
Breakage model 13
Capillary forces 101
Capillary forces, number 120
Capillary forces, wicking 104
Cassie equation 101
Cohesion, work of 97
Coil overlap 10 24
Composite surface 101
Constraint release 45 52 60 66 73 75 8184
Contact angle, definition 90
Contact angle, dynamic 119
Contact angle, goniometer 92
Contact angle, hysteresis 100ff.
Contact angle, random fluctuations 106
Contact angle, theory 102
Contact angle, thermodynamics 91
Critical surface tension, definition 93
Critical surface tension, miscellaneous wetting liquids 94
Critical surface tension, surface chemical composition 94
Cycle rank 46 47
Deformation, biaxial 6466
Deformation, microscopic 45 57 74 79 83
Deformation, tensor 61
Deformation, uniaxial 54 61 62 64 78
Degradation, kinetics of 12
Degradation, limiting molecular weight 12 20 22 23
Degradation, random 2 7 12 18 20 26
Degradation, shear 1ff.
Degradation, ultrasonic 18
Depolymerization 12
Deuterium magnetic resonance 36
Dipole forces 96
Disjoining pressure 118
Dispersion forces 96
DPPH 19—21 27
Duplex films 108
Dynamic contact angle 119
Entanglements 10 28 29 37 44 49 51 57 82 83
Epoxy resins 52
Extensional flow 29
Flory — Huggins theory 77
Flow, extensional 29
Forced spreading 120ff.
Fourier’s law 5
Fractional polarity, geometric mean approximation 97
Fractional polarity, harmonic mean approximation 97
Fractional polarity, theory 96
Free energy 38 41 43 47
Front factor 67 69 83
Good/Girifalco interaction parameter 99
GPC 6 22
Graessley theory 9 10 25 29
Heat conductivity 4 5
Hydrogen bonding 96
hydrolysis 12
Interfacial tension 91
Kinetics of degradation 12
Langley — Graessley concept 53 72
Lubrication 112
Memory factor 67 79
Microscopic deformation 45 57 74 79 81 83
Microstructure factor 67 68 72
Model networks 37 39
Molecular weight distribution 2 6 7 16 18 22 25
Mooney — Rivlin equation 36 45 57 61 68 73 74 76
Natural rubber (NR) 61 62 64 70 73 77 83
Network defects 46 75
Newtonian fluid 3
No-slip condition 118
Nonuniformity 16
Phantom networks 3639 44 46 48 50 58 67 72 73 82 83
Phase separation 12
Plateau modulus 44 51 52 62 69 71
Poly(n-methacrylate)s 2 8 10 17 18
Polybutadiene (PB) 41 61 63 70 83
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) 36 37 41 52 61 67 69 70 77 82 83
| Polyethylene, reference for fractional polarity 98
Polyethyleneoxide 67
Polyisoprene 41 64
Polymer surfaces, wettability 89
Polymers, contact angles 94
Polymers, critical surface tension 95
Polymers, dispersion and polar components 97
Polymers, surface tension 97
Polymers, wettability 99
Polyoxypropylene 72
polystyrene 2 7 18 21
Polyurethane 52 72
Primitive path models 49 53
Radical scavenger 2 18 19 21
Replica method 38 54 58 60 75 78 80
Restricted junction fluctuations 37 49 69 80 82
Reynolds number 4
Roughness coefficient 101
Rouse relaxation time 9 10 11 17
Scaling relations 45 70 72 83
Scavenger, radical 2 18 19 21
Schulz distriburion 16 19
Scission, Gaussian 16 22
Scission, random 2 12 15
Sessile drop 90
Shear degradation, modulus 51 71
Slip-link models 42 53 56
Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) 36 64 73—76 79—82
Solid/liquid surface tension 85
Spontaneous primary film 110
Spontaneous primary film, secondary film 110
Spontaneous spreading 107
Spontaneous spreading, capillary flow 117
Spontaneous spreading, conversion coatings 112
Spontaneous spreading, Marangoni effect 109
Spontaneous spreading, meniscus profile 117
Spontaneous spreading, molten polymer droplets 113
Spontaneous spreading, surface roughness 112
Spontaneous spreading, surface tension gradient 109
Spontaneous spreading, theory, hydrodynamic 117
Spontaneous spreading, thermal gradients 111
Spreading 89
Spreading rate, polymer droplets 116
Spreading, coefficient 107
Spreading, definition 90
Spreading, final 108
Spreading, forced 90 120
Spreading, initial 108
Spreading, kinetics 109
Spreading, spontaneous 90 107
Stress-strain properties 36 42 45 49 61 63 83
Surface chemical heterogeneity 100
Surface chemical heterogeneity, energy 91
Surface chemical heterogeneity, roughness 100
Surface chemical heterogeneity, tension 91
Surfaces, wettability 89
Swelling 45 48 54 73—78 83
Taylor number 4
Tension, interfacial 91
Theta solvent 2 9
Theta solvent, temperature 7
Topological constraints 37 84
Topological constraints, invariants 40 41 54 82
Trapping factor 51 63 72
Tube dimensions 45
Tube dimensions, models 4284
Tung’s integral equation 6
Uniaxial deformation 54 61 62 64 78
Vapor-sorption investigations 75
viscosity 3 9 23 29
Viscosity, kinematic 4
Weber number 120
Wenzel equation 101
Wettability, adhesion 104
Wettability, polymer surfaces 89
Wetting of filaments 120
Wetting, definition 90
Wicking, capillary 104
Wilhelmy plate method 121
Young — Dupre equation 98
Young’s equation 90 91
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