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Reichenbach H. — Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics |
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-function, observational determination of the 92
-function, rule of the squared 7 84
Action by contact 29
Active interpretation of a transformation 56
Adjoint matrix 58
Anomaly, causal 26 28 43 160
Anomaly, principle of 33 44 117 129
Assumption 127
Asynthetic statements 153
Bargmann, V. 92
Basic functions of an expansion 45
Basic principles of quantum mechanical method 109 110
Binding force, rule of, in three-valued logic 153
Binding force, rule of, in two-valued logic 150
Bohr - Heisenberg interpretation 22 139
Bohr, N. 22 40 170 173
Boltzmann, L. 1
Born, M. 8 22 80 82
Born’s statistical interpretation of the waves 36
Broglie, L. de 6 8 21 32 66 80
Canonically conjugated parameters 77 100
Carnap, R. 136 141
Case analysis 150
Causal anomaly 26 28 43 160
Causal anomaly, eliminability of 34
Causal chain 117 122
Chain structure 123
Closed disjunction 161
Commutation rule 77
Commutative operators 76
Commutator 76
Complementarity, principle of 22
Complementary parameters 77
Complementary statements 157
Complete disjunction 161
Complete set of basic functions 45
Complex functions 45
Complex vectors 54
Concentrated distribution 96
Configuration space 65
Conservation of energy 89 165
Context of discovery or of justification 67
Context, physical 81
Continuous case of an expansion 49
Contradiction 150 153 155
Contraposition, rule of 156
Converse of a transformation 58
Corpuscle interpretation 21 25 118
Corpuscle language 146
Correlated systems 170
Correlation, inverse 10
Cross-section law 4 16
Data, observable 5
Davisson, C. J. 21
De Morgan, rules of 156
definite 97
Definition 1 118
Definition 2 120
Definition 3 130
Definition 4 140
Definition 5 141
Definition 6 144
Density function 51
Derivative relations of classical physics 111
Derivative relations of classical-statistical physics 112
Derivative relations of quantum mechanics 115
Descriptions, equivalent 19
Descriptive simplicity 20
Determinism 1
Diametrical disjunction 163
Dirac function 51 79
Dirac, P. A. M. 80
Discovery, context of 67
Disjunction, closed 161
Disjunction, complete 161
Disjunction, diametrical 163
Disjunction, exclusive 161
Dispersion, law of 69
Dissolution of equivalence 156
Dissolution of implication 156
Distribution, concentrated 96
Distribution, probability 5 91 111
Distributive rule 156
Disturbance by the means of observation 15 99 103 104
Dualism of waves and corpuscles 68
Duality of interpretations 33 71
Dynamic parameters 11
Eigen-functions 48 73
Eigen-functions (practical) 97
Eigen-values 73
Eigen-values, rule of 82
Einstein, A. 8 14 15 20 21 26 67 170
Eliminability of causal anomalies 34
Elimination, rule of 28 101
Enumeration, induction by 105
Equivalence, dissolution of 156
Equivalent descriptions 19
Excluded middle, principle of 145
Exclusive disjunction 161
Exhaustive interpretations 33 139
Exner, F. 1
Expansion of a function 45
Expansion, Fourier 7 48
Expectation formula 85
Feenberg, E. 92 131
Fourier expansion 7 48
Fourier functions 51
Fully synthetic statements 154
Function space 57
Functions, basic 45
functor 159
Fundamental tone 7
Gauss function 6
Germer, L. H. 21
Heisenberg, W. 3 12 40 66 80
Hermitean operators 74
Heterogeneous case (of an expansion) 49
Hilbert space 55
Holistic transformation 65
Homogeneous case (of an expansion) 49
Huygens, C. 6 21
Huygens, principle of 26
Identity, rule of 154
Implication, dissolution of 156
Implication, material 2 148
Implication, material, in three-valued logic 152 159
Implication, nomological 167
Implication, probability 2
In the wider sense 24
Indeterminacy, (truth value) 42 145 146
Indeterminacy, principle of 3 9 14 35 44 98
Induction by enumeration 105
Inductive simplicity 20
Inference, rule of 152
Inference, statistical 105
Inner product 52
Integrable, quadratically 46
Integral transformation 65
Interference experiment 24 162
Interference of probabilities 105
Interphenomena 21
Interpretation by a restricted meaning 141
Interpretation, active or passive, of a transformation 56
Interpretation, Bohr - Heisenberg 22 139
Interpretation, corpuscle 21 25 118
Interpretation, duality of 33 71
Interpretation, exhaustive 33 139
Interpretation, restrictive 33 40 139
Interpretation, wave 26 129
| Inverse correlation 10 11
Jordan, P. 80
Justification, context of 67
Kemble, E. C. 92
Kinematic parameters 11
Klein, F. 56
Kramers, H. A. 78 91
Land , A. 23 25
Laue, M. von 21
Law, cross-section 4 16
Laws, causal or statistical 1
Linear operators 74
Liouvillc, theorem of 113
Logic, multivalued 147
Logic, three-valued 42 147 150
Logic, two-valued 42 148
Lucasiewicz, J. 147
Macrocosmic analogy 39
Major operation 159
Material implication 148
Matrix 48
Matrix adjoint 58
Matrix mechanics 79
Matrix multiplication 59
Matrix, operator 78
Maximal measurement 100
Meaning, probability 121
Meaning, restricted 42 141
Meaning, truth 121
Meaning, verifiability theory of 29
Measurability, limitation of 4 13 169
Measurement, disturbance by the 99 103 104
Measurement, general definition of 95
Measurement, maximal 100
Measurement, quantum mechanical definition of 97
Metalanguage 141
Minimum system 33
Mixture (statistical assemblages) 106
Momentum 5
Monochromatic waves 7
Morris, C. W. 141
Multivalued logic 147
Needle radiation 21
Negation, rule of double 154 155
Negation, rule of triple 154
Neumann, J. von 14
Neutral language 146
Newton, I. 21
Nomological implication 167
Noncommutative operators 76
Nonconnectable statements 144
Normal system 19 20
Normalized functions 46 81
Object language 141
Observable data 5
Observation, disturbance by the 15 104
Observational language 136
Operator 56 72
Operator matrix 78
Operators, commutative 76
Operators, linear and Hermitean 74
Orthogonal coordinates on the sphere 34
Orthogonal straight-line coordinates 20
Orthogonality of basic functions 45
Orthogonality of transformations 52 53
overtones 7
Passive interpretation 56
Pauli, W. 23 100
Phenomena 21
Physical context 81
Physical situation 81 108
Pilot waves 32
Plain-synthetic statements 154
Planck relation 12
Planck, M. 8 21 67
Podolsky, B. 170
Point transformation 65
Post, E. L. 147 150
Potential barriers 165
Pragmatics 141
Predictability, limitation of 3 13
Principle of superposition 87 130
Principles (basic) of quantum mechanical method 109 110
Probability amplitudes 84
Probability chains 122
Probability distributions 5 81 111
Probability implication 2
Probability meaning 29 121
Probability waves 22
Probability, a posteriori determination of 105
Probability, a priori determination of 106
Probability, function (relative) 122
Probability, interference of 105
Probability, statistically inferred 105
Probability, theoretically introduced 106
Pseudo tertium non datur 155
Pure case (statistical assemblages) 106
Quadrangle of transformations 62
Quadratically integrable 46 81
Quanta, Planck’s theory of 21
Quantum mechanical language 136
Quantum mechanics, derivative relations of 115
Reductio ad absurdum 156
Reduction of the wave packet 172
Reference class 95 107
Reflexive (set of basic functions) 47
Relative probability function 122
Relativity, theory of 15 20
Restricted meaning 42
Restricted meaning, interpretation by 141
Restrictive interpretation 33 40 139
Reversed transformation 58
Rosen, N. 170
Scalar product 52
Schr dinger, E. 1 6 21 36 66 80 95 170
Schr dinger’s first equation (time-independent) 71 73
Schr dinger’s second equation (time-dependent) 31 70 85
Semantics 141
Semisynthetic statements 154
Simultaneity 29
Simultaneous values 3 119
Singularities in a system of coordinates 34
Situation, physical 81 108
Spectral decomposition, rule of 8 82
Spectrum 7
Standard deviation 12
Stationary case 87
Statistical inference 105
Statistical laws 1
Statistically complete 138
Strauss, M. 143
Superposition of stationary states 88
Superposition, principle of 87 130
Swarm of particles 133
Syntax 141
Synthetic statements 150 153
Synthetic statements, a priori 24
Synthetic statements, fully 154
Synthetic statements, plain 154
Synthetic statements, semi 154
Tarski, A. 147 164
Tautology 149 153
Tertium non datur, pseudo 155
Tertiumnon datur 142 145 149
Theory of relativity 15 20
Three-valued logic 42 147 150
Time, direction of 119
Transforming away of anomalies 34
Triangle of transformations 60
Truth meaning 121
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