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Weisman R. — Mechanical Trading Systems
Weisman R. — Mechanical Trading Systems

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Íàçâàíèå: Mechanical Trading Systems

Àâòîð: Weisman R.

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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 240

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.03.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Oscillators, percentage      32—39
Oscillators, rate of change      34—36
Oscillators, relative strength index      33—34
Oscillators, statistical      35 36
Oscillators, stochastics      32—33
Out-of-sample data analysis      157—158
Out-of-sample studies      148—150
Outliers      125—126
Parabolic      29—30
Paradigm shifts and discretion      185—186
Paradigm shifts in consciousness      197
Paradigm shifts in market dynamics      149—150
Paradigm shifts, definition of      185—186
Paradox      189
Parameter curve fitting      124—125
Parameter sets, choice of      127 148
Parameter sets, diversification of      177—180
Parameter sets, profit spike      148
Parameter sets, testing of      126—127
Pardo, Robert      121—122 125 148
Pascal, Blaise      187
patience      87
Peak-to-valley drawdowns      48 160 165
Per-position exposure and psychology of risk      174
Per-position exposure, limiting      167—168
Percent winners      50
Percentage changes in data history, point value vs.      47—48
Percentage oscillators      32—39
Percentage penetrations (moving averages)      21—23
Perfect trader syndrome      85 195
Performance forecasting      116
Performance history      159
periods      12
Personality types      41 see
Personality types and changes in trading systems      182
Personality types, traits sabotaging success      195—196
Philosophy statements, trading system      159—160
PMD      see "Profit to maximum drawdown"
Point-based back-adjusted data series charts      45 47—48
Portfolio results tables      48—50
Portfolios, backtested      48 118
Portfolios, composition of      43—44
Price risk management      163—175
Price risk management in philosophy statements      160
Price risk management, mechanical trading systems in implementation of      174—175
Price risk management, psychology of      173—174
Price risk management, schools of      165—166
Price risk management, stop-loss      165—168
Price risk management, stress testing      173
Price risk management, value at risk      169—172
Price risk management, volumetric      168—169
Price shock events      186
Price triggers as trend following indicators      30—31
Price triggers, psychological significance of      6—9
prices      10—11
Probability of loss      170
Profit spikes      148
Profit to maximum drawdown (PMD)      50 62 67 161
Profits, cutting      66—69
Programming code      121 see
Psychic trader syndrome, intuition vs.      194—195
Psychological significance of indicator-driven triggers      9 10
Psychological significance of price triggers      6—9
Psychology      see also "Trader psychology"
Psychology of diversification      182—183
Psychology of price risk management      173—174
Pullbacks      8
Quantification of risk/reward      116
Quick-mindedness      101
Random entry signals      164
Random walk theory      190
Rate of change (ROC)      34—36
Reality, nonlinear nature of      189
Refco      164
Relative strength index (RSI)      12—13 33—34
Relative strength index (RSI) with 100-hour moving average filters      96—97
Relative strength index (RSI) with 16.67-hour moving average filter      99—100
Relative strength index (RSI) with 200-day moving average filter      75—79
Relative strength index (RSI) with 200-hour moving average filter      93—94
Relative strength index (RSI) with 400-hour moving average filter      92
Relative strength index (RSI) with 50-hour moving average filter      99
Relative strength index (RSI), crossover      95—96
Relative strength index (RSI), crossover with stops and profit exits set to 1 percent      98
Reprogramming process      116
Resonance      196
Retracements      8
Reversals, countertrend      8—9
Reversals, seven-period      94—95
Reward, quantification of      116
Risk Management (Crouhy, Galai, and Mark)      164
Risk, liquidity      159 164 172
Risk, price risk management      163—175
Risk, quantification of      116
ROC      see "Rate of change"
Rothschild, Baron      73
RSI      see "Relative strength index"
Rule-following      192—193
Sabotage of success      195—196
Same-day profit target and stop loss      73—74
SAR      see "Stop and Reverse"
Scenario analysis      173
Schwager on Futures: Technical Analysis (Jack Schwager)      123
Schwager, Jack      123 164
Self-fulfilling prophecy, technical, analysis as      9
Self-knowledge      192—193
Self-mastery      196
Self-worth      193—194
Serial independence assumption      171
Seven-period reversal      94—95
Shakespeare, William      105
Shantideva      197
Sharpe ratio      160 161
Short-term systems      87—101
Short-term systems and fading of losing systems      87
Short-term systems and liquidity/volatility      87—89
Short-term systems, 15-minute bar systems      99
Short-term systems, 5-minute bar systems      99 100
Short-term systems, backtested results      89—90
Short-term systems, labor-intensive nature of      100—101
Short-term systems, mean reversion systems with 30-minute bars      96—99
Short-term systems, mean reversion systems with 60-minute bars      93—94
Short-term systems, nondirectionally biased mean reversion systems      94—96
Short-term systems, psychological profile of traders in      100—101
Short-term systems, swing trading with 2-hour bars      90—93
Short-term traders      6
Short-to intermediate-term, nondirectionally biased mean reversion      110
Sideline regret/remorse syndrome      68
Simple moving averages      4 5 18
Single-mindedness      193—194
Slippage      88 117 172
Slow stochastics extremes with CCI filter and time exit      83—85 92—93
Slow stochastics extremes with commodity channel index      82—83
Software      xiv
Somatic practices      191
Spot-checking process      121
Standard deviation      35 160—161
Statistical oscillators      35 36
Stochastics      32—33
Stock market crash of 1987      9
Stop and reverse (SAE)      24 29—30
Stop losses      74 159—160
Stop-loss price risk management      165—168
Stress testing      166 173
Stridsman, Thomas      47—48
Success, personality traits, sabotaging      195—196
Sun Tzu      vii 15
Swing trading with 2—hour bars      90—93
Swing trading, mean reversion with trend-following filter      111
Swing trading, nondirectionally biased mean reversion      112
System development and analysis      115—161
System development and analysis and measurement of system, performance      160—161
System development and analysis and trading system philosophy statements      159—160
System development and analysis, benefits of mechanical trading systems      116
System development and analysis, data analysis process      151—158
System development and analysis, data integrity      116—120
System development and analysis, limitations of process      150—151
System development and analysis, optimization process      122—148
System development and analysis, out-of-sample studies      148—150
System development and analysis, pitfalls of mechanical trading systems      116—122
System development and analysis, system integrity      119 121—122
system integrity      119 121—122
System performance, measurement of      160—161
Technical analysis and irrationality of markets      1—2
Technical analysis as self-fulfilling prophecy      9
Technical analysis, basic precept in      4
Technical analysis, definition of      3—5
Technical analysis, goal of      3—4
Technical analysis, reasons for success of      6—10
Technical indicators, interpretive      4
Technical indicators, mathematical      4 6
Technical indicators, mean reversion      17—18 31—39
Technical indicators, trend-following      16—30
Technical indicators, types of      10—13
Tharp, Van      163—164
The Budda      87
The New Market Wizards (Jack Schwager)      164
Theory checking      122
Three moving average crossovers      23—26 53—55
Time frames      6 119 see
Time percentage      50
Time-driven confirmation patterns      19—22
Total net profit      49
Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom (Van Tharp)      163—164
Trader psychology      105—113 see
Trader psychology and success in trading      2
Trader psychology and use of trend following indicators      17
Trader psychology for entering trades      2
Trader psychology for exiting trades      2—3
Trader psychology for intermediate to long-term trend-following systems      107—108
Trader psychology for intermediate-term mean, reversion with trend-following filter      109—110
Trader psychology for intermediate-term trend following      108—109
Trader psychology for long-term trend-following systems      106—107
Trader psychology for market corrections      9
Trader psychology for mean reversion day trading with trend-following filter      112—113
Trader psychology for mean reversion swing trading with trend-following filter      111
Trader psychology for mean reversion traders      85—87
Trader psychology for nondirectionally biased mean, reversion day trading      113
Trader psychology for nondirectionally biased mean, reversion swing trading      112
Trader psychology for short- to intermediate-term, nondirectionally biased mean, reversion      110
Trader psychology for short-term traders      100—101
Trader psychology for trend-following swing trading      110—111
Trader psychology for trend-following traders      16 69—71
Trader psychology, transformational      see "Transformational psychology"
Trader school of price risk, management      166
Traders, short-, long-, and intermediate-term      6
Trading philosophy      159
Trading system philosophy, statements      159—160
Trading systems      42—50 see
Trading systems, backtested portfolio results      48
Trading systems, composition of portfolios      43—44
Trading systems, data integrity      44—48
Trading systems, entry and exit level questions      42—43
Trading systems, equalized continuation price series, charts      45—47
Trading systems, expected performance results for      123
Trading systems, integrity of      119 121—122
Trading systems, nearest futures charts      44 45
Trading systems, personality and changes in      182
Trading systems, point value vs. percentage changes in data history      47—48
Trading systems, portfolio results tables      48—50
Transformational psychology      189—197
Transformational psychology and process of transformation      196—197
Transformational psychology, discipline      189—191
Transformational psychology, flexibility      189—192
Transformational psychology, intuition vs. psychic trader syndrome      194—195
Transformational psychology, personality traits sabotaging success      195—196
Transformational psychology, self-knowledge      192—193
Transformational psychology, single-mindedness      193—194
Transparency      117
Trend-following indicators      16—30
Trend-following indicators, 200-day simple moving average as      11—13
Trend-following indicators, average directional movement, index      28—29
Trend-following indicators, directional movement indicator      27—28
Trend-following indicators, Donchain's channel breakout      30—31
Trend-following indicators, moving average, convergence/divergence      26—27
Trend-following indicators, moving averages      18—26
Trend-following indicators, price-triggered      30—31
Trend-following indicators, Wilder's parabolic (stop and reverse)      29—30
Trend-following mean reversion, systems      74—81
Trend-following swing trading      110—111
Trend-following systems      41—42 50—71
Trend-following systems, Bollinger bands      60—61
Trend-following systems, channel breakout      59—60
Trend-following systems, comparisons of indicators      61—62
Trend-following systems, cutting losses      65—66
Trend-following systems, cutting profits      66—69
Trend-following systems, DMI      56—57
Trend-following systems, DMI with ADX      57 58
Trend-following systems, filters      63
Trend-following systems, Ichimoku three moving average crossover      54—55
Trend-following systems, Ichimoku two moving average crossover      52
Trend-following systems, MACD      55—56
Trend-following systems, psychological profile of traders in      69—71
Trend-following systems, results of mean reversion systems vs.      73
Trend-following systems, swing trading with 2-hour bars      90—91
Trend-following systems, three moving average crossover      53—54
Trend-following systems, trader psychology for      106—109
Trend-following systems, trending asset classes      63—64
Trend-following systems, two moving average crossover      50—51
Trending asset classes      63—64
trends      10—11
Triggers, indicator-driven      9 10 18—26
Triggers, price      6—9 30—31
Two moving average crossovers      23—26 50—51
Two moving average crossovers, Ichimoku      52
Two moving average crossovers, optimization study of      127—148
Value at Risk (VaR)      166 169—172
Volatility and discretion      186—187
Volatility in short-term systems      87—89
Volatility, analyzing increases in      158
Volume-adjusted moving averages      18
Volumetric price risk management      168—169
Walk-forward studies      see "Out-of-sample studies"
Weighted moving averages      18 19
Whipsaws      19
Wilder's parabolic      29—30
Wilder, Welles      12 27 57
Worst peak-to-valley drawdowns      48 160 165
Year-by-year in-sample data analysis      152—157
Zen Buddhism      189
1 2
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