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Netzley P.D. — Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects
Netzley P.D. — Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects

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Название: Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects

Автор: Netzley P.D.


A unique resource detailing the developments and use of special effects in the American movie industry, this title is well indexed and illustrated with 366 entries. It covers Academy Award-winning special effects movies, groundbreaking techniques, equipment, and devices, special effects houses, and pivotal figures in mechanical and visual special effects, makeup, creature design, directing, and stunt work.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 291

Добавлена в каталог: 09.03.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Jerry Maguire      180
Jim Henson Studios      96—97
Jim Henson's Creature Shop      97
Jim Henson's Creature Shop, 101 Dalmations and      8
Jim Henson's Creature Shop, Lost in Space and      130 131
Jobs, Steve      49 168
Joey      79
Johnston, Joe      115 116
Journey to the Center of the Earth      1
Journey's End      236
Judge Dredd      115—116
Judge Dredd, bluescreen process in      31
Judge Dredd, props in      173
Julius Caesar      90
Jumanji      47 115 116—117 159 177 247
Jumanji, computer software for      11
Jumanji, computer-generated images and      85
Jurassic Park      118—120 159 227 239
Jurassic Park, animatronics and      12—13 111
Jurassic Park, computer animation and      11
Jurassic Park, computer graphics in      50
Jurassic Park, computer-generated images and      39 69 85
Jurassic Park, Digital Input Device and      64 203
Jurassic Park, dinosaur's eyes in      51
Jurassic Park, Go-Motion device used for      214
Jurassic Park, Godzilla and      91
Jurassic Park, hydraulics and      102
Jurassic Park, latex work and      127
Jurassic Park, maquettes and      138
Jurassic Park, Mark McCreery's sketches for      145
Jurassic Park, Michael Lantieri and      52 126
Jurassic Park, miniatures and models in      132
Jurassic Park, safety precautions for      3
Jurassic Park, scanning and      182
Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg and      189—189
Kalmus, Herbert T.      210
Katzenburg, Jeffrey      65 71 190
Keaton, Buster      121
Kerkorian, Kirk      150
Key Largo      87
Keystone      183
Keystone Cops      122
Kidnapped      78
Kill Me Again      175
Kinemacolor      187 227
Kinetograph      122
Kinetoscope      122—123
Kinetoscope, Robert W. Paul and      167
Kinetoscope, Thomas A. Edison and      75
King Dinosaur      92
King Kong      123—124 164 182
King Kong Versus Godzilla      99 223
King Kong, armatures and      17
King Kong, Ernest B.Schoedsack and      66
King Kong, Linwood Dunn      72
King Kong, Mighty Joe Young and      150
King Kong, Rick Baker's and      22
King Kong, stop-motion model animation and      61 206
King of the Circus      170
Kiss Me Kate      179
Kiss of the Vampire      17
Knoll, John      124 201
Koenekamp, Hans      124 161
Korda, Sir Alexander      78 124
Kramer, Joel      3
Kubrick, Stanley      37 125 222
Landscapes      see “Matte paintings” “Background “Props”
Lang, Fritz      126 150
Lantieri, Contact and      52
Lantieri, Hook and      101
Lantieri, Jurassic Park and      118
Lantieri, Michael      126—127
Lantieri, Mouse Hunt and      156
Lantieri, The Flintstones and      85
Lasseter, John      49 168
Last Fight of Noah's Ark      128
Latex in Creature from the Black Lagoon      137
Latex in The Lost World      133
Latex in The Nutty Professor      162
Latex in The Thing      137
Latex, animatronics and      13
Latex, foam      127
LaVigne, Emile      127 136
Le Voyage dans la Lune      147
Lee, Brandon      128
Lee, Bruce      127—128
Lee, Danny      128
Les Miserables      218
Lightstorm Entertainment      38 214
Lightwave previsualization software      171
Ling, Van      23
Little Big Man      161 187
Little Lord Fauntleroy      179 191
Little Women      90
Live and Let Die      22 32
Lloyd, Harold      129
Logan's Run      1 29 129—130
Lolita      125
Look magazine      125
Looker      49
Lost ln Space      5 31 40 130—131 240
Lucas, computer graphics and      49
Lucas, George      134—135 (see also “Industrial Light and Magic”)
Lucas, Stanley Kubrick and      125
Lucas, Star Wars and      197
Lumiere, August      58—59 155 167
Lumiere, Louis      58—59 135 167
Mack Sennett Comedies      183
Magazines, special effects      258
Makeup      136—138
Makeup in Alien Movies      5
Makeup in Blade Runner      29—30
Makeup in Cocoon      46
Makeup in Creature from the Black Lagoon      137
Makeup in Death Becomes Her      60
Makeup in Destination Moon      62
Makeup in Innerspace      111
Makeup in Planet of the Apes      169
Makeup in Portrait of Jennie      171
Makeup in Raiders of the Lost Ark      105
Makeup in The Nutty Professor      162
Makeup in The Seven Faces of Dr.Lao      184
Makeup in The Thing      137
Makeup in Total Recall      219
Makeup, Ben Nye Sr.and      163
Makeup, Bob Dawn and      58
Makeup, Bob Norin and      162
Makeup, Brian Westmore and      196 236
Makeup, Cecil Holland and      98
Makeup, Charles Schram and      182
Makeup, Chris Walas and      105
Makeup, Clay Campbell and      38
Makeup, Dick Smith and      136—37 186
Makeup, Emile LaVigne and      127
Makeup, Fred Blau and      30
Makeup, George Bau and      25—26
Makeup, Gustav Norin and      162
Makeup, Jack Dawn and      58
Makeup, Jack Pierce and      167—168
Makeup, John Chambers and      40—41 136 169
Makeup, Joseph Norin and      162
Makeup, Lon Chaney, Sr.and      41
Makeup, Max Factor and      80 136
Makeup, previsualization used for      172
Makeup, Rick Baker and      22 137
Makeup, Robert Schiffer and      182
Makeup, Roy Ashton and      17
Makeup, special effects companies for      260
Makeup, Stan Winston and      239—240
Makeup, William Tuttle and      136 223 243
Mann, Ned      138
Maquettes      138
Maquettes in 101 Dalmations      8
Maquettes in Men in Black      148
Maquettes in Starship Troopers      203
Marcus Wetby      189
Marionette software system      168
Marooned      139
Mars Attacks!      34 126 139—141 233
Mars Attacks!, computer animation in      11
Mars Attacks!, miniatures and models in      151
Mary Poppins      78 141 221 239
Mask (1985)      236
masks      see “Makeup”
Masters, Todd      196
Match-modeling      142 219
Match-mover      142 219
Matte      143—144
Matte in 2001: A Space Odyssey      225
Matte in Ben-Hur      27
Matte in Blade Runner      28
Matte in ET: The Extraterrestrial      79
Matte in Forbidden Planet      87
Matte in Samson and Delilah      181
Matte in The Dreams of a Rarebit Fiend      70
Matte in The Great Train Robberv      93
Matte in The Ten Commandments      211
Matte in torn thumb      218
Matte in Twister      225
Matte in War of the Worlds      232—233
Matte in What Dreams May Come      237
Matte in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?      239
Matte in-camera mattes and      37 143—144
Matte in-camera shots and      161
Matte paintings      144—145
Matte paintings in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea      225
Matte paintings in Batman movies      25
Matte paintings in Blade Runner      29
Matte paintings in Cliffhanger      44
Matte paintings in Close Encounters of the Third Kind      44—45
Matte paintings in Destination Moon      62
Matte paintings in Die Hard 2: Die Harder      110
Matte paintings in Dragonheart      69
Matte paintings in Earthquake      74
Matte paintings in ET: The Extraterrestrial      79
Matte paintings in Fantastic Voyage      81
Matte paintings in Forbidden Planet      87
Matte paintings in Hook      101
Matte paintings in Logans Run      129
Matte paintings in Missions of California      144
Matte paintings in Raiders of the Lost Ark      105
Matte paintings in Star Trek movies      192—197
Matte paintings in Star Wars      145
Matte paintings in The Empire Strikes Back      145
Matte paintings in The Fifth Element      82 144
Matte paintings in The Guns of Nuvarone      94
Matte paintings in The Hindenburg      91
Matte paintings in The Mummy      158
Matte paintings in The Wizard of Oz      144 243
Matte paintings in War of the Worlds      232—253
Matte paintings in When Worlds Collide      237
Matte paintings Peter Ellenshaw's work in      78
Matte paintings, Albert Whitlock and      238
Matte paintings, computer graphics and      50
Matte paintings, optical printers and      165
Matte World Digital      145 188
Matte, bluescreen process and      30—31
Matte, D.W. Griffith's work with      94
Matte, Edwin Potter's work with      170
Matte, film editing and      76—77
Matte, Norman O. Dawn's work in      59
Mattey, Bob      223
Maverick      26
McCarthy, Robert      175
McCay, Winston      9
McClintock!      161
McClung, Patrick      57
McCreery, Mark      145
McQuarrie, Ralph      145
Mechanical effects      145—147
Mechanical effects in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea      223
Mechanical effects in Alien Movies      4—5
Mechanical effects in Congo      52 146
Mechanical effects in Jaws      146
Mechanical effects in Jumanji      116
Mechanical effects in King Kong      123
Mechanical effects in Mars Attacks      141
Mechanical effects in Moby Dick      145^16
Mechanical effects in Mouse Hunt      155 156
Mechanical effects in Noah's Ark      162
Mechanical effects in Superman      209
Mechanical effects in The Hindenburg      97
Mechanical effects in The Lost World      132
Mechanical effects in The Poseidon Adventure      146
Mechanical effects in The Wizard of Oz      243
Mechanical effects in Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo      212
Mechanical effects in Twister      224—225
Mechanical effects in Volcano      230
Mechanical effects in War of the Worlds      232
Mechanical effects, A.D. Flowers' work in      86
Mechanical effects, Arnold Gillespie's work in      90
Mechanical effects, Danny Lee's work in      128
Mechanical effects, hydraulics and      102
Mechanical effects, Richard Fleischer's work in      85
Mechanical effects, special effects companies for      260
Meddings, Derek      32
Melies, George      42 58 135 147 221
Men in Black      22 23 148—149 187
Men in Black, makeup in      137
Men in Black, special effects costs and      54
Men in Black, special effects shots in      184
Men In White Coats      131
Metro — Goldwyn — Mayer      149—150
Metrolight      219
Metropolis      126 150 184
Metropolitan Opera of the Movies      42
Midway      183
Mighty Joe Young      22 61 96 150—51 182 187
Mighty Joe Young, accident while making      4
Mighty Joe Young, Dream Quest Images effects in      70
Mighty Joe Young, latex work and      127
Miller, Al      72
Miller, Mark      139
Miniatures and models      151—153
Miniatures and models in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea      222—223
Miniatures and models in 2001: A Space Odyssey      225—226
Miniatures and models in Abyss      1—2
Miniatures and models in Alien Movies      5
Miniatures and models in Apollo 13      14—15
Miniatures and models in Armageddon      16
Miniatures and models in Back to the Future Pan II      22
Miniatures and models in Batman movies      25
Miniatures and models in Ben-Hur      27
Miniatures and models in Blade Runner      28—29
Miniatures and models in Cliffhanger      43—44
Miniatures and models in Close Encounters of the Third Kind      45
Miniatures and models in Cocoon      46
Miniatures and models in Congo      52
Miniatures and models in Contact      53
Miniatures and models in Dante's Peak      56—58
Miniatures and models in Death Becomes Her      60—61
Miniatures and models in Destination Moon      62
Miniatures and models in Dr.Doolittle      66
Miniatures and models in Dune      71—72
Miniatures and models in Earthquake      74
Miniatures and models in ET: The Extraterrestrial      79
Miniatures and models in First Men in the Moon      85
Miniatures and models in Forbidden Planet      87
Miniatures and models in fudge Dredd      115—16
Miniatures and models in Godzilla      91—92
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